Lazy Loading
You can enable the SFM delivery in Lightning Theme to lazy load child lines. When there are a large number of SFM lines, this helps prevent the page being locked till all the SFM lines are loaded. This enables you to gain quicker accessibility to the delivery UI with the load of first batch of SFM lines. You can perform all actions on the UI while the remaining lines are being loaded in batches in the background.
To enable lazy loading of SFM lines, set the SET005 global setting (Module: SFM Transaction Manager, Submodule: SFM Transaction Delivery Engine) to a value that is your desired batch size for lazy loading (as multiples of 10s or 50s). The default value is zero, which means that lazy loading is not enabled by default. ServiceMax recommends that you set the batch size for lazy loading fairly large (such as 50), as the smaller batch size results in longer time to load all the batches of SFM lines.
Lazy loading is applicable to the debriefing SFM processes (Edit SFM processes).
User actions during lazy loading
The following are the user actions performed during lazy loading:
You can perform actions such as adding, editing, deleting, and saving lines, and updating fields while SFM lines are being lazy loaded in the background.
Usual line features such as sorting, keyword search, and filter criteria are available even when lazy loading is in progress.
New lines will have Grey background until they are saved. This helps you to identify any new lines that are added while lazy loading is in progress.
You can save lines during lazy loading of SFM lines. However, lazy loading stops when you hit Save as it results in exiting the delivery UI.
You can quick save lines during lazy loading of SFM lines. Lazy loading pauses and resumes as hitting Quick Save reloads the delivery UI.
The following are the behavior of Lazy Loading:
Whenever SFM has the following actions configured, detail lines will be loaded in batches but delivery UI will not be available for user interaction until all lines are loaded:
Page event of type ‘On load’
Detail line page event ‘After Add Record’
Whenever the SFM has a formula configured, detail lines will be loaded in batches only if the formula property is not set to On Load. This means that the loading behavior will be driven by the execution property in the formula.
If you use any custom button during lazy loading, the action will be performed only after all the SFM lines are loaded.
Whenever SFM has following events configured , Save/Quick Save will wait for all SFM lines to load before initiating the actions:
‘Before Save’ event type
‘After Save’ event type
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