Release Notes > Digital Performance Management 1.1 Release Notes
Digital Performance Management 1.1 Release Notes
The following feature enhancements, known issues and limitations, and database schema changes are part of the Digital Performance Management (DPM) 1.1 release:
Production Dashboard Enhancements
Loss events now include the ability to designate the Event Category which is the loss category for the event on the pacemaker, as well as the Loss Category and Loss Reason for the event on the Work Unit Causing Event, when the work unit that caused the event is not the pacemaker. For example, there could be 10 minutes of unplanned downtime on the pacemaker that resulted from a scrap event on an upstream work unit. For more information, see Editing Loss Events.
The pacemaker for the work center now appears at the top of the Add Loss Event, Edit Loss Event, Time Loss Accounting, Historical Scrap Event, and Split Automated Event windows.
The Production (materials) block now displays the Good, Scrap, and Expected counts on the Add Loss Event, Edit Loss Event, Time Loss Accounting, Historical Scrap Event, and Split Automated Event windows.
When using manual data entry, the good count and scrap count are now user-entered values, and the total production count is calculated by adding the good count and scrap count together. Previously, the total production count and scrap count were user-entered values, and the good count was calculated by subtracting the scrap count from the total production count.
When a scrap loss event is added in the Production Dashboard, the good count is not changed unless the Reallocate From Good checkbox is selected. When the checkbox is selected, the amount entered for the scrap event is also removed from the good count. Previously, when entering a scrap loss event in Production Dashboard, the scrap count for the event was automatically subtracted from the good count for the production block, unless the Add to Production Count checkbox was selected. When the Add to Production Count checkbox was selected, the scrap count for the event was added to both the scrap count and the total production count, leaving the good count unchanged.
The fields on the bottom right of the Time Loss Accounting window, which show the status of the time loss accounting, have been updated: Production Block Length, Effective Production Time, Total Logged Losses, and Time Loss Unaccounted For.
For more information, see Production Dashboard.
Performance Analysis Enhancements
The data displayed in the waterfall and Pareto charts includes events for all work units in a work center. Previously, only data for the current pacemaker in a work center was included.
Use the Show Average Week toggle in Performance Analysis to see what data on waterfall and Pareto charts looks like when normalized for an average 168-hour week. For more information, see Showing Data for an Average Week.
The blue bars in the waterfall chart display the loss categories that are set as the Event Category on loss events entered in the Production Dashboard.
The blue bars in the top-level Pareto chart (Pareto 1) show the loss categories for events which have the Event Category that was selected in the waterfall chart. The blue bars in subsequent Pareto charts show the loss category and the loss reasons. For events where the Work Unit Causing Event is the pacemaker, the loss category is the same as the event category. For events where the Work Unit Causing Event is not the pacemaker, the loss category can be different from the event category.
For more information, see Performance Analysis.
Action Tracker Enhancements
Actions against a work center now collect and show data from all work units on the work center. Previously, actions against a work center showed data only from the designated pacemaker work unit for the work center.
Both the Time Loss Trend chart on an individual action and the Total Loss Hours chart on the main Action Tracker page show data from loss events which match the loss category and loss event for the individual action or the applied Loss Category filter, respectively. The event category for those loss events is not considered for these charts.
When an action is against a work center, each dot on the Time Loss Trend chart represents the sum of all events on that day, with the selected loss reason, which were caused by any work unit in the work center. When an action is against a work unit, each dot in the chart represents the sum of all events on that day, with the selected loss reason, which were caused by the selected work unit.
The Baseline OEE and Current OEE values that are shown on an action are calculated for the work center. When the action is against a work unit, these values are calculated for the work center to which the work unit belongs.
For more information, see Action Tracker.
Data Automation Enhancements
The production and scrap rollover counters for automated equipment reset to 0 when the rollover value is reached. Previously, the counters also reset when the job order changed on the pacemaker work unit Thing.
When the reallocateFromGoodCount checkbox is selected (TRUE) for a scrap property, the scrap count received for the property is reallocated from the good count which has already been recorded.
For more information, see Setting Up Data Automation.
Administration—Best Demonstrated Speed and Ideal Cycle Time Enhancements for Materials on a Work Center
In Administration, there is now a section for reviewing the historical best demonstrated speed information.
The Ideal Cycle Time for a material can be manually edited or you can select a value to use from the Historical Cycle Time list. This list displays the actual cycle times for job orders completed for that material on the work center in the past six months that are faster than the current ideal cycle time.
The Best Demonstrated Speed for the material is the fastest actual cycle time that appears in the Historical Cycle Time list. If there is an actual cycle time in the list that you do not want to be considered for the Best Demonstrated Speed, it can be hidden from the list.
Administration—Pacemaker Change Enhancements
The pacemaker for a work center can now be changed from the Material Settings tab for the work center in Administration > Equipment List. Previously the pacemaker was changed using a service in ThingWorx Composer.
For more information, including the impacts throughout DPM when a pacemaker is changed, see Changing a Pacemaker.
Administration—Material Configuration Enhancements
Materials can now be created and edited from the Material Configuration page under Administration. For more information, see Creating a Material and Editing a Material.
Materials can be disabled and enabled. For more information, including the impacts of disabling a material, see Enabling and Disabling Materials.
Administration—Reason Trees Enhancements
Reason trees can now be created and edited from the Reason Trees page under Administration. For more information, see Creating a Reason Tree and Editing a Reason Tree.
Within a reason tree, reason codes can be created and edited. For more information, see Creating a Reason Code and Editing a Reason Code.
Both reason trees and individual reason codes within a reason tree can be disabled and enabled. For more information, including the impacts of disabling a reason tree or reason code, see Enabling and Disabling Reason Trees and Enabling and Disabling Reason Codes.
Administration—Shifts & Calendars Enhancements
Calendars can now be created and edited from the Calendars tab of the Shifts & Calendars page under Administration. Within a calendar, individual calendar days can be added and removed from the end of the calendar. Shift schedules can be assigned to calendar days. For more information, see Calendars.
Shift schedules can now be created and edited from the Shift Schedules tab of the Shifts & Calendars page under Administration. Within a shift schedule, shifts can be created and edited. For more information, see Shift Schedules.
For information on how and when shift instances are created to be used in production, see Understanding Shift Instances.
Administration—Job Orders Enhancements
The Good Quantity column in the job orders list displays the good count of material produced for the job order. Previously, this column was named Quantity Completed and showed the total quantity completed for the job order, both good and scrap count. This column update appears on both the main Job Orders page and the Job Orders tab for areas and work centers.
For more information, see Job Orders and Job Orders Tab.
Screen Resolution Updates
Starting with release 1.1, the supported minimum screen resolution for DPM is 1280x1024.
Building Block Enhancements
In addition to services updates, the following building blocks enhancements have been made in DPM 1.1:
The mashups topics for the Production Dashboard, Performance Analysis, and the Action Tracker building blocks have been updated to reflect user interface changes made in DPM 1.1. For more information, see Mashups in Production Dashboard, Mashups in Performance Analysis, and Mashups in Action Tracker.
Default values can now be specified on Data Shape fields in the DPM data model. For more information, see Adding Custom Properties to Data Model Entities and Adding Custom Entities to the Data Model.
Administration Building Block—
A new HistoricalLookbackConfiguration configuration table has been added. For more information, see Configurations (Administration Building Block).
Database Connection Building Block—
When DPM is deployed, the comprehensive logging of historical data is disabled. This limits the logging of historical data to only those actions that are required by other functionality. You can configure the set of limited actions that are logged when comprehensive logging is disabled. For more information, see Configuring What Historical Data is Logged.
The list of logical operators that can be used in a filters key has been updated. The filters key also supports isCaseSensitive. For more information, see Using JSON Filters in Query Services.
Job Order Building Block—
New fields have been added to the PTC.JobOrder.JobOrderExecutionResponse Data Shape: actualCycleTime and enabled. For more information, see Database Schema (Job Order Building Block).
Material Master Building Block—
A new enable field has been added to the PTC.MaterialMaster.MaterialMaster Data Shape. For more information, see Database Schema (Material Master Building Block).
Operation KPI Building Block—
New properties have been documented: jobOrderLookBackRange and minEventAgeInDays on the PTC.OperationKPIImpl.DatabaseUtility_TT Thing Template, and PTCLastAutomationProcessedValues on the PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventsModelLogic_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Key Properties (Operation KPI Building Block).
New eventCategoryUid and eventTypeUidfields have been added to the PTC.OperationKPI.ProductionEvent, PTC.OperationKPI.AvailabilityEvent, and PTC.OperationKPI.LossEvent Data Shapes.
For more information, see Database Schema (Operation KPI Building Block).
Reason Code Building Block—
A new Invalid reason type and reason category have been added. For more information, see Default Reason Types, Reason Categories, and Reason Trees.
A new enable field has been added to the PTC.ReasonCode.ReasonTreeNode Data Shape. For more information, see Database Schema (Reason Code Building Block).
For more information on updates to the database schema, see Database Schema Changes in this topic.
Known Issues and Limitations
The following known issues and limitations are present in the DPM 1.1 release:
Known Issue
Users should not directly modify the database.
Changes to the database schema must be performed through the supported services provided by the PTC.DBConnection.Database_TS Thing Shape and the PTC.DBConnection.Manager_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Database Connection Building Block.
Changes to stored procedures and functions that are provided by PTC are not supported. Stored procedures and functions can be overridden on upgrade, so any changes would be lost.
After updating the ideal cycle time for a material, existing job orders for the material are not updated with the new ideal cycle time.
Workaround: If you want job orders that have not yet started production (in the Pending or Dispatched states) to use the updated ideal cycle time, cancel the existing job orders and create new ones. The new job orders will reflect the updated ideal cycle time for the material.
Job orders that have already completed or are in production (in the Running or Held states) correctly use the previous ideal cycle time.
When production on a job order is started outside of a scheduled shift, the Actual Cycle Time for the job order is updated each time production count is added. When production on a job order is started inside of a scheduled shift, the Actual Cycle Time for the job order is updated at the end of each production block.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
If a user clicks the Change button on the Change Pacemaker window when the Select Pacemaker value is showing in the Pacemaker drop-down list, a success message appears even though no pacemaker has been set.
This issue only occurs when there is no pacemaker set on the work center. When there is a pacemaker set on the work center, the current pacemaker is selected by default in the Pacemaker drop-down list, and the Select Pacemaker value is not available for selection.
Workaround: Select a work unit from the Pacemaker drop-down list, and click Change. The selected work unit is set as the pacemaker for the work center.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
For more information, see Changing a Pacemaker.
Shifts for a work unit are not included in the Planned Production bar of the waterfall chart in Performance Analysis.
This issue occurs when there is a calendar directly assigned to a work unit which is different from the calendar assigned to the work center. A work unit should have the same calendar assignment as the work center to which it belongs.
Workaround: Instead of assigning a calendar directly to a work unit, allow the work units within a work center to inherit the calendar that is assigned to the work center, or which the work center inherits.
For more information, see Assigning a Calendar to Equipment and Shifts Tab.
Very small scrap values (less than 0.1) appear as a blank in the Edit Loss Event window. The values appear as expected in the Event Log.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
The Equipment List intermittently does not display if Administration is selected from the navigation menu more than once in a row.
Workaround: To view the Equipment List, select another item from the menu, or another page within Administration, then select Administration or Equipment List again.
When editing an action, the Baseline Date Range can be edited so that the end date is in the future.
The selected date range for the Baseline Date Range field must fall entirely before today’s date.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
If a user is entering a value in the Enter Quantity field on the Time Loss Accounting window, and an automated event is received before that quantity is saved, the quantity is cleared.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
When data automation is configured, if the ThingWorx server time is behind the time on the server where Kepware is installed, automated events coming from Kepware are ignored.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
The Confirm Disable window does not appear when disabling a reason tree from the reason tree details page or disabling a material from the material details page.
Workaround: To view the Confirm Disable window, perform the Disable action from the main Reason Trees page or main Material Configuration page.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
Some error messages in Administration are not fully externalized. Portions of these messages display in English even when the user interface is viewed in another language.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
When a reason code is being disabled, the Confirm Disable window lists only the machine code assignments for that specific reason code, even when the reason code has children which are themselves assigned to machine codes. The child reason codes of a disabled parent reason code are also disabled.
When a reason tree is being disabled, the Confirm Disable window shows the complete reason tree, including all of its reason codes and their machine code assignments.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
On a PTC Cloud deployment, AzureSQL database maintenance for the DPM database and Azure PostgreSQL database maintenance for the ThingWorx database can force a database shutdown, resulting in a potential loss of data.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
The baseline date range for an action in Action Tracker is selected on the Set Baseline window. The Save button for this window does not enable if the start and end dates for the date range are selected in separate actions. This prevents the baseline date range from being set.
Workaround: When selecting the date range from the Set Baseline window, select both the start and end dates in a single action. This enables the Save button, allowing the baseline date range to be set.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
In Administration, when the Equipment List is initially viewed, there is an intermittent issue where users cannot expand and navigate the equipment hierarchy. Reloading the page does not resolve the issue.
This issue is specific to DPM 1.1 on ThingWorx 9.3.3.
Workaround: Navigate to another page in the Administration navigation menu, such as Job Orders or Reason Trees, and then return to the Equipment List. The equipment hierarchy can now be expanded.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
Database Schema Changes
The following database schema changes have been made in DPM 1.1:
Data Shape
New fields added: actualCycleTime and enabled.
New field added: enable.
New field added: enable.
New fields added: eventCategoryUid and eventTypeUid.
New fields added: eventCategoryUid and eventTypeUid.
New fields added: eventCategoryUid and eventTypeUid.
On the following database tables, the reasonTypeUid and reasonCategoryUid columns have been renamed to eventTypeUid and eventCategoryUid:
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