Building Blocks > Solution-Specific Building Blocks > Operation KPI Building Block > Database Schema (Operation KPI Building Block)
Database Schema (Operation KPI Building Block)
The operation KPI building block leverages the PTC.DBConnection building block to implement the database. All database configurations and rules can be found by examining the GetDBInfo service on the PTC.OperationKPIImpl.Manager_TT Thing.
The following diagram shows the schema for the operation KPI database objects:
Database schema diagram for the operation KPI building block.
The following Data Shapes in the PTC.OperationKPI project define the objects in the database schema:
PTC.OperationKPI.ProductionBlock—Contains the properties for a production block.
PTC.OperationKPI.ProductionEvent—Contains the properties for a production event.
PTC.OperationKPI.AvailabilityEvent—Contains the properties for an availability event.
PTC.OperationKPI.LossEvent—Contains the properties for a loss event.
Events Aggregation
To enhance the performance of waterfall value calculations and historical events such as availability, loss, and production events, these events are aggregated daily by the PTC.OperationKPIImpl.EventsAggregationScheduler scheduler into the AggregatedAvailabilityEvent, AggregatedLossEvent and AggregatedProductionEvent database tables. These are back-end database tables that do not have Data Shapes in ThingWorx.
An event is considered historical if it is at least 14 days old, which is the default setting of the PTC.OperationKPIImpl.DatabaseUtility.minEventAgeInDays property.
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