Assembly Design
Assembly Overview
Using Assembly
About Assembly Functionality
Creating Assemblies
About Creating an Assembly
Tip: Set Up or Use a Default Template
Configuring Creo Parametric for using Assembly
About Assembly Configuration Options
Configuration Options for Assembly
Retrieving Assemblies
About Retrieving Assemblies
To Retrieve an Assembly
About Customizing Assembly Retrieval
About the Retrieval Customization Component Chooser User Interface
Selecting Components for Custom Retrieval
Setting Default Values for Selecting Components
To Select Components Using a Frame
To Select Components by Removing Internal or External Components
To Select Parts by Relative Size
To Customize the Retrieval of an Assembly in Basic View
To Customize the Retrieval of an Assembly in Advanced View
Retrieving Simplified Representations
To Retrieve an Assembly in Automatic Representation
To Retrieve a Simplified Representation of an Assembly
Retrieving Assemblies Modified in Creo Direct
About Retrieving Assemblies Modified in Creo Direct
To Retrieve an Assembly Modified in Creo Direct
To Find Children of Modified Components
To Restore Parametric Behavior to Frozen Components or Features
Creating Components
Creating Subassemblies
About Creating a Subassembly in an Assembly
To Create a Subassembly by Copying an Assembly
To Create an Empty Subassembly
About Empty Components in an Assembly
To Create a Subassembly and Set Default Datums
Locate Datums Methods
Creating Solid Parts
About Creating Solid Parts in an Assembly
To Create a Solid Part and Its Features
To Create a Solid Part and Set Default Datums
To Create a Solid Part by Copying From an Existing Part
Copying Parts with Notebooks or External References
To Create an Empty Part
Creating Bulk Items
About Bulk Items
To Create Bulk Items in an Assembly
To Create a Bulk Item Template
To Assemble an Existing Bulk Item
About Defining Bulk Item Parameters
To Create a Length Measurement Parameter
To Create a Distance Measurement Parameter
To Create a Diameter Measurement Parameter
To Create an Area Measurement Parameter
To Create an Angle Measurement Parameter
Bulk Item Workflows
To Create Bulk Items Containing Paint
To Define Bulk Model Properties
To Set Up Parameter Relations
To Set Up Parameters for Different Color Instances
To View Bulk Items in the BOM
Placing Components
About the Component Placement User Interface
About Placing Components
To Display Constraint Sets in the Model Tree
To Place a Component
To Place a Component Multiple Times
Constraint Orientation Assumptions
About Editing Placement References
Tip: Entering an Exact Offset Dimension
About Using the PTC_CONSTRAINT_SET Parameter to Place Components
About Assembling a Component Modified in Creo Direct
To View Changes to Components Assembled After Modification in Creo Direct
About Assembling a Layout
To Assemble a Layout
User-Defined Sets
About Using Placement Constraints
About Using the Coincident Constraint Mate and Align
About Showing Mate and Align for the Coincident and Distance Constraints
Example: Flipping the Orientation of a Component
Example: Flipping the Orientation of a Tangent Constraint
Tip: Using Extra Constraints
To Create Datum Planes for Constraints
Assembling a Component to a Datum Plane (Translate and Rotate)
Predefined Sets
About Predefined Constraint Sets
About Rigid Bodies
To Define a Rigid Body as Ground
Tip: Creating Ground Bodies
Example: Flipping Connections
About the Mechanism Design Model Tree in Assembly
About Motion Axes in Predefined Constraint Sets
To Set Zero Position References
Zero Positions
To Set the Motion Axis Regeneration Value
Regeneration Values
To Set Motion Limits
To Set Motion Axis Dynamic Properties
Using Motion Axis Parameters and Dimensions in Family Table Instances
To Convert User-Defined Constraint Sets to Predefined Constraint Sets
About Editing Springs and Dampers in Assembly
To Display Connections in the Graphics Window
Packaged Components
About Packaged or Partially Constrained Components and Mechanisms
Configuration File Options for Moving Packaged Components
To Package a New Component in an Assembly
Moving Packaged Components
To Fix the Location of a Packaged Component
To Finalize Packaged Components
Unplaced Components
About Unplaced Components
To Create an Unplaced Component
To Place an Unplaced Component
To Include an Unplaced Component
Assembling Components to a Pattern
About Assembling Components to a Pattern
Example: Assembling a Component to a Pattern
To Assemble Components to a Reference Pattern
Assembling Components to a Reference Pattern
Example: Assembling to Group Patterns
About Dimension Patterns
To Assemble Components to a Dimension Pattern
Example: Assembling a Component to a Dimension Pattern
About Assembling Components to a Table Pattern
To Assemble Components to a Table Pattern
Assembly Intersections in Table Patterns
To Replace All Pattern Members Using Family Tables
To Replace Individual Pattern Members Using Family Tables
About Replacing Pattern Members by a Family Table Instance
Manipulating Components
About Kinematic Movement of Components
Moving Components Being Placed
About Moving Components
To Move Components Using the Dragger
To Move Components Using Keyboard Shortcuts
To Move Components Using Orient Mode
To Move Components Using Translate or Rotate
To Move Components Using Adjust
About Assembling Components by Proximity Snapping
To Set Proximity Tolerance Allowances
To Set Drag Preferences for Placing Components
Dragging Assembly Entities and Taking Snapshots
About Dragging and Taking Snapshots
To Drag Assembly Entities: Points and Rigid Bodies
To Apply Constraints During a Dragging Operation
To Specify the Position of a Motion Axis While Dragging
To Copy Constraints from One Snapshot to Another
To Orient Planes and Surfaces During a Dragging Operation
To Lock a Rigid Body Prior to a Dragging Operation
To Capture a Snapshot
To Make Snapshots Available as Exploded Views in Drawings
Snapshots in Drawings
To Use Snapshot Construction
To Edit a Snapshot
To Remove a Snapshot
To Exclude a Flexible Component from a Dragging Operation
About Excluding Components from Dragging Operations
To Exclude or Include a Component During Dragging Operations
Collision Detection
About Collision Detection Settings
To Set Collision Detection Settings
Using Component Interfaces
About Automatic Placement of Components
About Component Interfaces
To Define a Component Interface
To Define a Component Interface Template
To Edit a Component Interface
To Place a Component Using Interface Matching
To Redefine Component Placement Using Interfaces
To Save a Component Interface When Placing a Component
About Setting Rules for a Component Interface
To Set Rules for Assembly Conditions
About Placement Preferences
To Edit Placement References
Placement Preference Configuration Options
About Placing a Component Using Temporary Interfaces
To Activate Temporary Interface Placement
Nested Interfaces
About Nested Interfaces
To Define a Nested Interface
About Placing a Component with a Nested Interface
Regenerating Parts and Assemblies
About Regenerating Assemblies and Parts Modified in Assembly
To Regenerate Assembly Features and Component Locations
Using Performance Reporting
To Customize Regeneration
Resolving Retrieval or Regeneration Failures
About Resolving Assembly Retrieval Failures
About Children of Failed Components and Features
To Resolve a Missing Component Problem
To Recover a Failed Assembly with a Renamed Component
To Resolve a Component Placement Retrieval Failure
To Resolve a Failure to Retrieve an Assembly Feature
Working with Assembly Components
About Working with Assembly Components
Selecting Multiple Components in an Assembly
To Create a Group of Components and Features
To Place an Assembly User-Defined Feature
To Select a Parent Assembly or Subassembly from the Graphics Window
To Delete a Component from an Assembly
To Delete Pattern Member Components
To Insert a Component in the Regeneration List
To Reorder Components in an Assembly
To Edit Placement References
About Suppressed Components
About Handling Children of Suppressed or Deleted Components
To Suppress Components and Assembly Features
To Handle Children of Suppressed or Deleted Components
To Back Up Placement References
To Resume Components and Assembly Features
Displaying Component Annotations
About the Accessory Window
About the Model Tree and Layer Tree for Accessory Windows
Accessory Tree Configuration Options
Redefining Component Placement Constraints
About Redefining Placement Constraint Sets
To Redefine Component Constraint Sets
Assembly Operations
Working with Assembly Features
About Assembly Features
Creating Intent Surfaces in an Assembly
To Create an Assembly Feature
To Edit an Assembly Feature
About Copying Assembly Features
To Copy and Paste an Assembly Feature
About Skeleton Model Geometry and Assembly Features
Using Intersected Components
About Intersected Components
About the Intersection Tab User Interface
About Intersection Visibility
To Add an Intersected Component
Example: Selecting Parts to Intersect
To Display Intersected Components
To Specify Feature Visibility Levels
To Retrieve and Reintersect Assemblies Created before Pro/ENGINEER 2001
To Remove Intersected Components
About Assembly Features in Part
Modifying Assemblies
About Activating a Component in an Assembly
To Activate a Component
To Edit Dimensions in an Assembly
To Display Default Dimensional Tolerances
To Edit Default Dimensional Tolerances
About Assembly and Component Default Dimensional Tolerances
About Modifying Accuracy Settings in Assembly
To Set Accuracy in an Assembly
To Edit a Part Feature
To Edit a Skeleton Model
Restructuring Components
About Restructuring Assembly Components
Guidelines for Restructuring Components
To Restructure a Component
To Move Components to a New Subassembly
Restrictions when Restructuring Components
Replacing Components in an Assembly
About Replacing Assembly Components
To Replace a Component with a Family Table Member
To Replace a Component with a Shrinkwrap Model
To Replace a Component with an Interchange Assembly Component
To Replace a Component with a Module or Module Variant
To Replace a Component Using a Notebook
Using Notebooks to Replace Components
To Replace a Component with an Unrelated Component
To Replace a Component with a New Copy
To Replace a Component with an Existing Copy
Rules and Restrictions for Copied Replacement Components
Allowing Multiple Skeleton Replacement Copies
To Replace a Flexible Component with a New Copy
To Add or Remove Components from the Component Replace List
To Replace Additional Components
Tip: Successful Component Replacement
About Component Replacement and Legacy Designs
To Replace a Component with an Assembly Containing the Component
About Replacing Unrelated Components with Reference Pairing
To Replace an Unrelated Component Using Reference Pairing
Using Evaluation Rules to Replace Components
Interchange Assemblies
About Interchange Assemblies
To Create an Interchange Assembly
To Insert a Functional Component in an Interchange Assembly
To Create Reference Tags
About Reference Pairing in an Interchange Assembly
To Pair Reference Tags
To Pair Reference Tags Automatically
Using Evaluation Rules in Interchange Assemblies
To Insert a Simplify Component in an Interchange Assembly
To Create a Simplify Part in an Interchange Assembly
To Set Mass Properties for a Simplify Component
To Substitute a Simplify Component in a Simplified Representation
About Displaying and Removing Interchange Components
To Remove Interchange Components
Example: Substituting Interchangeable Components in a Simplified Representation
Copying Components
About Copying and Pasting in Assembly
About Copying Components
To Copy a Component
Copying Parts with Notebooks or External References
To Paste a Dependent Copy of a Component
To Paste a Moved or Rotated Copy of a Component
To Paste a Component and Change Placement References
Example: Copying a Component
Mirroring Components Inside an Assembly
About Mirroring Components inside an Assembly
To Create a Mirrored Copy of a Part inside an Assembly
Example: Creating a Mirrored Copy of a Part Inside an Assembly
About Opening Mirrored Parts in Part Mode
About Mirrored Copies of Subassemblies
To Create a Mirrored Copy of a Subassembly
Rules for Mirrored Subassemblies
Using Intersections to Create Parts
To Create a Part from an Intersection
Parts Created from an Intersection
Using Flexible Components
About Flexible Components
To Place a Flexible Component
To Define a Flexible Component in an Assembly
To Predefine a Flexible Component in an Assembly
Using Varied Items for Flexible Components
About Varied Items for Flexible Components
To Define a Flexible Component in a Subassembly
To Define Varied Features for Flexibility
To Define Varied Dimensions for Flexibility
To Exclude a Flexible Component During Dragging Operations
To Define Dimension Boundaries for Flexibility
To Define Varied Geometric Tolerances for Flexibility
To Define Varied Parameters for Flexibility
To Define Varied Material for Flexibility
To Create an Associated Parameter
To Redefine a Flexible Component
To Remove the Flexible Definition from a Component
To Convert a Component to Flexible Using Predefined Flexibility
Propagating Flexible Components
About Propagating Flexible Components
To Propagate a Flexible Component
Searching for Assembly Items
About Searching for Assembly Items
To Search and Select Assembly Items
Managing Views
Layer States
About Layer States
To Define a Layer State
Exploded Views
About Exploded Views
About the Explode Tool User Interface
To Open the Explode Tool Tab
To Create and Save a New Exploded View
To Set the Exploded Position of Components
To Set the Exploded Status of Components
Explode Motion References
To Explode or Unexplode an Assembly View
About Offset Lines in Exploded Views
To Create Cosmetic Offset Lines
To Add or Modify Jogs to Offset Lines
To Modify an Offset Line Style
To Change the Default Offset Line Style
To Delete an Offset Line
To Set the Explode Transition Animation Option
Cross Sections
About Assembly Cross Sections
Assembly Zones
About Assembly Zones
To Create a Zone Using a Distance from an Element
To Create a Zone Using Closed Surfaces
To Create a Zone Using Datum Planes
To Create a Zone Using Offset Distance from a Coordinate System
Multiple References for Assembly Zones
To Clip a Zone
To Delete a Zone from an Assembly
To List All Zones in an Assembly
To Redefine a Reference in a Zone
To Remove a Reference from a Zone
To View a Zone
To Rename a Zone
Assembly Display Style
About Display Style for an Assembly
To Create a Display Style
To Edit a Display Style
To Redefine a Display Style from the Model Tree
Display Styles for Components
Assembly Orientation
About Assembly Orientation
To Save an Assembly Orientation
Appearance States
About Appearance States
To Create a New Appearance State
Combined Views
About Combined Views
To Create a Combined View
To Redefine a Combined View
Using the Combined Views Bar
References and Dependencies
Reference Views
About the Reference Viewer User Interface
About Reference Investigation in Assembly
About Reference Types
About Viewing Parent and Child References
To Investigate References
To Set Reference Filters
To View Solid Model and Component References
Tip: Displaying Only External References
To Find a Reference Path
To Save a Reference Path
To Export All References
To Investigate Circular References
To View a Reference Path
To Filter the Model Tree
To Export a Model Tree to a Text File
To Toggle the Display of Parents and Children in the Reference Viewer
To Delete References
Deleting References to Resolve Regeneration Failures
Assembly Operations That Create Dependencies
To Investigate Dependencies
About Breaking Dependencies
To Break Object Dependencies
Object-Specific Reference Control
About Object-Specific References
To Define Object-Specific Reference Settings
Tip: View Object-Specific Settings from the Model Tree
Reference Control
About References
To Set Reference Creation and Backup Control Options
About Reference Backup
To Display Reference Backups in the Model Tree
Example: The Scope Settings of Subassembly and None
To Channel All External References Through Skeleton Models
To Specify Default Scope Settings
To Replace or Prevent Missing Locally Copied References
To Convert a Reference Backup to a Copy Geometry Feature
Working with Assemblies
Using Start Components and Default Templates
About Renaming Assemblies and Components
To Rename an Assembly or Component
About the Rename Component Chooser User Interface
About Saving a Copy of an Assembly
About the Save As Component Chooser User Interface
To Save a Copy of an Assembly
About Mirroring Assemblies
About the Mirror Assembly Component Chooser User Interface
To Mirror an Assembly
Using the Assembly Model Tree
About Assembly Model Tree Columns
To Add Columns to the Model Tree
To Control the Visibility of a Part Layer at the Assembly Level
Controlling the Visibility of Part Layers at the Assembly Level
About Creating Reference Dimensions
About Displaying Assembly Information
To Display Assembly Information
About Viewing Changes to an Assembly
About the View Changes User Interface
To View Changes to an Assembly
About Using an Assembly Bill of Materials (BOM)
To Check Clearance
To Review Assembly Instructions for a Component
Setting Advanced Clearance Checking
About Entering Relations in Assembly
About Showing Dimensions in Part and Assembly
Assembly Family Tables
About Assembly Family Tables
About Working with Assembly Family Instances
To Create a Family of Assemblies
Example: An Assembly Family Table
Using Part Family Members in an Assembly
To Substitute a Component with an Instance from its Family Table in a Simplified Representation
To Replace a Reference Model of a Merge or Inheritance Feature With a Family Instance
To Replace a Component with an Instance from its Family Table
To Replace Assembly Components in the Assembly Instance
To Automatically Update References to Assembly Instances
Example: Automatically Updating References to Assembly Instances
To Assemble an Instance Automatically Using Notebook
Example: Family of Assemblies
To Configure Components of an Assembly Instance
Controlling Assembly Family Table Instance Retrieval
Top Down Design
Skeleton Models
About Skeleton Models in Top-Down Design
About Skeleton Models
About Standard Skeleton Models
To Create a Standard Skeleton Model
About Motion Skeleton Models
To Create a Motion Skeleton Model
About Creating Geometry for a Motion Skeleton Model
To Create a Design Skeleton
To Create a Body Skeleton
Tip: Specify a Default Layer Name for Skeleton Models
To Create a Display Color for Skeleton Models
Display Colors for a Skeleton Model
Data Sharing
Shrinkwrap Features
About Shrinkwrap Features
About the Shrinkwrap Component Chooser User Interface
To Create a Shrinkwrap Feature
To Define a Component Subset
Shrinkwrap Associativity
To Update a Shrinkwrap Feature
Updating a Shrinkwrap Feature
To Create an External Shrinkwrap Feature
External Shrinkwrap Features
To Redefine Shrinkwrap References
To Preview Current References
To Break Shrinkwrap Dependency
Boolean Operations
About Preferences for Boolean Operations
About Boolean Operations
To Create a Boolean Feature
To Edit a Boolean Feature
Merge and Inheritance Features
Merge Features
About Merging Components
Example: Removing Geometry Using Merge
Example: Creating a Merged Part
To Merge Two Parts in an Assembly
Merge Restrictions
To Create an External Merge Feature
To Edit the Merge Feature Definitions
Inheritance Features
About Inheritance Features
To Create an Inheritance Feature
Inheritance Features Capabilities
To Define Varied Dimensions in an Inheritance Feature
To Define Dimension Boundaries in an Inheritance Feature
To Define Varied Features in an Inheritance Feature
To Define Varied References in Inheritance or External Inheritance Features
Varied References
To Define Varied Parameters in an Inheritance Feature
To Define Varied Annotations for Geometry Tolerances
Variable Annotations in Inheritance Features
To Define Varied Annotations for a Note
To Define Varied Annotations for a Symbol
To Define Varied Annotations for a Surface Finish
To Create an External Inheritance Feature
External Inheritance Features
To Convert an Inheritance Feature to External
To Edit the Properties of a Feature in Inheritance Features
To Save a Copy of an Inheritance Feature
To Update an Inheritance Feature
Copy and Publish Geometry Features
About Copy and Publish Geometry Features
Regenerating Copy and Publish Geometry Features
Publish Geometry Features
About Publish Geometry Features
To Create a Publish Geometry Feature
To Define a Publish Geometry Reference in a Copy Geometry Feature
Copy Geometry Features
About Copy Geometry Features
To Create a Copy Geometry Feature
Including Properties in the Copy Geometry Feature
Copy Geometry References
Copying Geometry in Top-Down Design Methodology
About External Copy Geometry
To Redefine a Copy Geometry as an External Copy Geometry Feature
Redefining Copy Geometry Features
External Dependency of Copy Geometry Features
To Reroute Copy Geometry Features to Another Publish Geometry Feature
Tip: Freezing Copied Geometry to Prevent Failure
Explicitly and Implicitly Copied Geometry
Layout Features
About Copying Layout Geometry to an Assembly
About Layout Features
About the Layout Feature User Interface
About Controlling Layout Feature Updates
To Create a Layout Feature in an Assembly
To Manually Update a Layout Feature
To Set Layout Display Settings
Updating Data Sharing Features
About Updating Layout and Data Sharing Features
To Set Options for Data Sharing Features and Update Control
About Showing Differences
To Show Differences
To Change Colors of Geometry to Show Differences
Annotation Propagation
About Propagating Annotation Elements into Data Sharing Features
About Propagating Annotation Element Display Status Through Data Sharing Features
To Propagate Annotation Elements to Data Sharing Features
Deleting Propagated Annotation Element Parameters
Preparing Notebooks
About Notebooks
To Create a Notebook
To Create a Reference Datum Plane for a Notebook
To Create a Reference Datum Axis for a Notebook
To Create a Reference Datum Point for a Notebook
To Create a Reference Datum Coordinate System for a Notebook
About Reference Datums in Notebook Mode
Example: A Notebook Reference Datum Plane and Axis
To Delete Reference Datum Entities from a Notebook
To Work with Multiple Sheets
To Import a Drawing into a Notebook
Global Dimensions and Relations in a Notebook
About Global Parameters
To Create Parameters in Notebook Mode
To Create a Global Dimension
To Modify Global Dimension Properties
To Create a Table of Parameters
To Obtain Global Parameter Information
To Write Relations for Global Dimensions
About Parameter Tables
To Create a Parameter Table
Example: A Parameter Table
Annotating Notebooks
About Annotating Notebooks
To Add Notes to a Notebook
To Include Parameter Values in Notes
Declaring Notebooks
About Declaring Notebooks
About Notebook Hierarchy
To Declare a Notebook to Another Notebook
To Declare a Model to a Notebook
To Create Relations From a Notebook
Rules for Skeleton Models and Notebooks
To Undeclare a Model from a Notebook
Tip: Remove Global References to Undeclare a Notebook
Declaring Datums in a Notebook
About Declaring Datums
To Declare an Axis, Planar Surface, or Datum Plane Explicitly
About Declaring Datums by Table
To Declare Datums by Table
To Undeclare Datums
About Automatic Assembly Using Notebooks
Example: Automatic Assembly Using Declared Datums
Notebook Case Studies
About Case Studies
To Create a Case Study
To Retrieve a Case Study
To Copy Undimensioned Geometry into a Case Study
To Create Dimensions in a Case Study
About Case Study Relations
To Add Case Study Relations
To Modify Case Study Relations
To Declare Case Study Dimensions
Managing Large Assemblies
Simplified Representations
About Simplified Representations
Types of Simplified Representations
Using Automatic Representations
About Creating Simplified Representations
About the Component Chooser User Interface
To Create a Simplified Representation
About Descriptions in Simplified Representations
To Create a Simplified Representation from Selected Components
To Create Simplified Representations Using Definition Rules
To Create a Default Envelope Simplified Representation
To Work With Simplified Representations
Tip: Retrieve Components Before Saving a Simplified Representation
Example: Excluding a Component from a Simplified Representation
To Substitute a Simplified Representation for a Subassembly or Part
About Placing a Component in a Simplified Representation
To Retrieve Placement References
Simplified Representations in Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design
Updating Mass Properties of Simplified Representations
On-Demand Simplified Representations
About On-Demand Simplified Representations
To Define On-Demand Simplified Representations Settings
To Erase Unused On-Demand Representations
Legacy Representations
About Legacy Representations
Light Graphics Representations
About Light Graphics Representations
To Save a Light Graphics Viewable of an Assembly
To Expand 3D Thumbnails
Symbolic Simplified Representations
About Symbolic Representations
About Placing Components in Symbolic Representations
To Assemble a Symbolic Representation of a Component
External Simplified Representations
About External Simplified Representations
About the External Simplified Representation User Interface
To Create an External Simplified Representation Using View Manager
To Create an External Simplified Representation Using the New Dialog Box
To Set the Purpose of an External Simplified Representation Component
To Redefine an External Simplified Representation
To Update an External Simplified Representation
To Make an External Simplified Representation Dependent
Shrinkwrap Models
About Shrinkwrap Models
Types of Shrinkwrap Models
To Create a Surface Subset Exported Shrinkwrap Model
Setting Quality Levels for Shrinkwrap Models
To Create a Faceted Solid Exported Shrinkwrap Model
Lightweight Faceted Solid Shrinkwrap Parts
To Create a Merged Solid Exported Shrinkwrap Model
Display Styles
About Display Styles
To Create a Display Style
To Change the Display Style of a Component
About Envelopes
About the Envelope Definition Component Chooser
To Create an Envelope
To Create a Default Envelope
To Include an Envelope in an Assembly
To Substitute an Envelope in a Simplified Representation
To Modify an Envelope
To Delete an Envelope
To Display Envelopes in the Model Tree
Inseparable Assemblies and Embedded Components
About Inseparable Assemblies and Embedded Components
Embedding and Extracting Assembly Components
Making an Assembly Inseparable or Making it Separate
References and Data Sharing Features for Embedded Components
Working with Embedded Components
Working with Inseparable Assemblies
Mirror Operations of Inseparable Assemblies and Embedded Components
Creating an Embedded Component in an Assembly
Assembling an Embedded Component
Embedded Components and Simplified Representations
Workflows for Embedded Components
Configurable Products
Creating Configurable Products
About Configurable Products
To Create a New Configurable Product
To Create a Configurable Product from an Existing Assembly
To Create a Configurable Subassembly in a Configurable Product or Module
About Rerouting References to Affected Children
To Set the Rerouting of References to Affected Children
Creating Configurable Modules
About Configurable Modules
To Create a New Configurable Module
To Create a Configurable Module from an Existing Assembly
To Create a New Configurable Module in a Configurable Product
To Add a Module Variant to a Configurable Module
To Set a Module Member as Representative
To Set a Module Variant as the Current Module Variant
To Transfer a Component into a Configurable Module
About Reference Pairing in a Configurable Module
To Tag the Module Variant References in a Configurable Module
To Automatically Tag References in a Configurable Module
About Saving an Interchange Assembly as a Configurable Module
About the Save as Module Assembly User Interface
To Create a Configurable Module from an Interchange Assembly
To Replace a Component with a Configurable Module Variant
About Skeleton Models in Configurable Modules
Assigning Options and Choices
About Setting Options and Choices
About the Assign Choices Dialog Box User Interface
To Assign Choices for Product Configurations
Example: Setting Choices for Options
To View Assignments in the Model Tree
To Assign Choices to Module Members
Building Assembly Variants
About Building Assembly Variants
About the Variant Builder User Interface
To Define a New Variant Specification
To Apply a Variant Specification
To Reroute References to all Current Module Variants
Working with Configurable Products
About Simplified Representations in Configurable Products
About Simplified Representations in Configurable Modules
About Retrieving Configurable Products
Configuring Assemblies with Pro/PROGRAM
About Pro/Program
Glossary for Assembly
Creo Intelligent Fastener
About Working with Creo Intelligent Fastener (IFX)
Using Creo Intelligent Fastener
Working with Screw Connections
About Screw Fasteners
About Selecting References for Screws
About the Screw Fastener Definition Dialog Box
To Assemble a Screw Fastener
To Check Screw Fasteners for Screw or Thread Length
Working with Dowel Pin Fasteners
About Dowel Pin Fasteners
About Selecting References for Dowel Pins
About the Dowel Pin Fastener Definition Dialog Box
To Assemble a Dowel Pin Fastener
Working with Fasteners
About the Additional Options Dialog Box
To Reassemble a Fastener
To Redefine a Fastener
To Delete a Fastener
To Update Holes
To Change the Display Mode
To Create Library Components
Allowable Model Parameters
Converting Fastener Library
About Converting the Fastener Library
To Convert the Fastener Library
Configuring Creo Intelligent Fastener
About Configuration Options
About Configuration Files
Customizing Creo Intelligent Fastener
About Customizing the Fastener Library
To Add a New Size Instance for a Fastener
To Add a New Fastener Type
To Add a Legacy Fastener
To Modify Fasteners
To Add a New Catalog
To Modify Catalogs
To Add Catalog Groups
About Windchill and Creo Intelligent Fastener
To Create and Upload Fasteners to Windchill
To Upload Library Files
To Download and Update Library Files
Fastener Types
About Fastener Types
Screw Types
Screw Types Overview
Washer Types
Washer Types Overview
Nut Types
Nut Types Overview
Insert Types
Insert Types Overview
Dowel Pin Types
Dowel Pin Types Overview
Configuration Options
General Configuration Options
Screw Configuration Options
Dowel Pin Configuration Options
Windchill Configuration Options
Configuration Files
The ifx_screw_data.cfg Configuration File
The ifx_pin_data.cfg Configuration File
The ifx_start_mdl.cfg Configuration file
File Structure
About Creo Intelligent Fastener File Structure
File Types
About File Types for Creo Intelligent Fastener
Catalog Files
Catalog Icons
Catalog Group Icons
Fastener Data Files
Fastener Icons
Library Translation Files
Relation Files
Template Parts
Assembly Process Planning
Assembly Process Planning Overview
Assembly Process Planning Configuration Options
About Assembly Process Planning Configuration Options
Configuration Options for Assembly Process Planning
About Using a Configuration Option to Set Component Color and Line Fonts
Assembly Process Planning Basics
About Assembly Process Planning
About Process Plans
To Create a New Assembly Process Plan
To Display Process Status in the Model Tree
To Display Process Steps in the Model Tree
About Process Assembly Interaction with Other Modules
To Set the Display of Process Components
To Change the View of a Process Model
About 3D Notes
Creating Process Steps
About Assembly Process Steps
About Working with Process Steps
To Create a New Step
To Create and Modify Step Parameters
To Change the Active Model
To Display Step Information
To Redefine or Reposition a Component
To Play Process Steps
About the Assemble Step Type
To Create an Assemble Step
About the General Step Type
To Create a General Step
About the Reposition Step Type
To Create a Reposition Step
About the Disassemble Step Type
To Create a Disassemble Step
About the Reassemble Step Type
To Create a Reassemble Step
Creating SimpReps, UDFs and BOMs
Guidelines for Working with a Large Design Assembly
About Simplified Representations in Process Assemblies
To Create a Simplified Representation
About Process User-Defined Features
To Use a Step Library
To Generate a BOM or a Parts List
Creating Fabrication Units
About Fabrication Units
To Create a Fabrication Unit
Creating Views, Drawings and Reports
About Process Drawings
To Create a Drawing for a Process Step
To Change Drawing Options
To Set Component Display by Process Status
To Set Line Style and Color
To Place a Drawing View of a Process Step
About Object Parameters in Drawings
About Modifying Exploded Views
To Modify an Exploded View
To Modify Explode Positions in a Drawing
About Modifying Explode Positions
Example: Creating a Report
Info and File Export
About Obtaining Process Information
About Exporting Process Plans
Instrumented Assemblies
Product Insight Overview
Configuring Product Insight
About Insight Configuration Options
Configuration Options for Product Insight
Settings for Sensors and Instrumented Assembly
Using Sensors
About Sensors
To Define a Sensor
XML File Format for Sensor Parameters
To Insert a Sensor
To View and Edit Sensor Data
Viewing Sensor Data
To Load Sensor Data
To Connect a Sensor to a ThingWorx Server
Minimum Requirements for the Configuration Properties File
Using Instrumented Assemblies
About Instrumented Assemblies
About the Instrumented Assembly Component Chooser
To Create an Instrumented Assembly
To Edit the Instrumented Source Model
Using Flexibility-on-the-Fly
About Flexibility on the Fly and Instrumented Assemblies
Using Creo Product Insight for ThingWorx Extension
About Creo Product Insight for ThingWorx Extension
Using ThingWorx Analytics with Creo
Using Creo as a Service for Analysis
About Creo as a Service for Analysis (CaaS)
Configuring Creo As a Service (CaaS)
Troubleshooting the Analysis Agent Process
Assembly Design
Troubleshooting the Analysis Agent Process