Instrumented Assemblies > Using Sensors > To View and Edit Sensor Data
To View and Edit Sensor Data
Use the Sensor Info and Setup dialog box to view all sensors in the model, edit sensor parameters, change the unique name of a sensor, and include a sensor in the model. When a sensor is not included in the model, it does not send or receive parameter values. When you modify sensor parameter values in this dialog box, the related dimensions and relations in the assembly change as well.
A sensor’s Unique Name is used to connect to the ThingWorx server. The Unique Name must follow the ThingWorx naming conventions. These are generally stricter than the Creo Parametric naming conventions.
1. Click Sensor Info and Setup in the Sensor group. The Sensor Info and Setup dialog box opens. All sensors added to the model, physical and virtual, are listed.
2. To view sensor data, use the options on the View menu or click the arrow before the sensor name to view parameters for a specific sensor.
3. Click the Include check box to include the sensor or parameter in analysis.
4. Use the File menu to perform the following operations:
Publish Sensors—Publish the model and sensor names to the ThingWorx server to create a matching ThingWorx model on the server. This is the first step in building the link between the CAD model and a ThingWorx Thing.
Create template file—Opens the Create template file for View Data Tool .csv file for you to save the current sensor information as a CSV template file for the Sensor Data View tool.
Export Data—Export the data in the table to a CSV or TXT file.
Save configuration—Opens the Sensor Data UI configuration dialog box to save the sensor data configuration as a sensor_data_config.xml file.
Load Configuration—Opens the Open dialog box to select a sensor_data_config.xml file to load.
5. Use the Edit menu to cut, copy, and paste parameter values and to undo and redo operations.
6. To view information for a sensor, select it and click Tools > Info. The sensor information opens in the embedded browser.
7. To view and edit the values for a series parameter, click Series in the Value column. The Parameter Properties dialog box opens.
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