Assembly Design > Using Assembly > Working with Assembly Components > Assembly Operations > Using Intersected Components > To Retrieve and Reintersect Assemblies Created before Pro/ENGINEER 2001
To Retrieve and Reintersect Assemblies Created before Pro/ENGINEER 2001
Assemblies with intersected components created before Pro/ENGINEER 2001 may require updates when retrieved.
1. Set the configuration file option allow_redo_intersections to yes.
2. Click Operations > Feature Operations > ReIntersect. The RE INTR menu opens.
3. Choose one of the following options:
All—Updates intersections of all assembly features in the assembly.
Sel Part—Updates intersections of all assembly features intersecting selected parts.
Info—Displays an information window listing all assembly features in the assembly.
4. Choose All or Sel Part to update the assembly.
5. Select the assembly or a component.
Before reintersecting assemblies, the system warns you that children not in session will fail regeneration. It prompts you to retrieve all models that reference the geometry created by the assembly feature into session.
6. If all children are not in session, choose Cancel from the CONFIRMATION menu, retrieve the children that are not in session, and return to Step 1. If all children are in session, choose Confirm. All intersections are updated.
If remnants of assembly feature intersections exist, the system displays another information window, advising that they exist. The message describes possible causes and lists the particular assemblies that have intersection remnants. If you choose Cancel, the system does not remove remnants. Some of the intersections may not be updated to the current style. Choose Confirm to remove the remnants.
7. Once the intersections have been updated, save the assembly.
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