Configuration Options for Assembly
docked*, undocked
Docked—Displays a component in an accessory window embedded in the graphics window.
Undocked—Displays a component in a stand alone accessory window.
no*, yes
Adds offset dimensions, during dragging operations, to Distance or Angle Offset constraints initially created without offsets.
no*, yes
Controls the scope of available options in the Intersect tab of feature tabs that remove material in an assembly.
no—Enables basic functionality.
yes—Allows setting display level for individual components and selecting Family Table instances to intersect.
Allow a part with external references to be mirrored copy. Note that any features of the original component that are dependent become independent.
Allows referencing a layout file through the layout feature. For full update control, it is recommended to reference the copied layout geometry and not the layout file.
no*, yes
Allows freezing failed assembly components.
yes, no*
Allows you to open a manufacturing model in assembly mode.
yes—Adds the Open in Assembly mode option to the list in the File Open dialog box when you click the arrow next to Open.
all*, feature, none
Sets allowances of features to reference packaged components. After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
all—Allows both feature and component placement references
feature—Allows only geometric feature references
none—Disables both feature and component placement references
yes, no*
yes—Displays the ReIntersect command in the ASSY FEAT menu.
all*, environment, model
Defines the accessibility of reference control settings at the application level and model level.
Application level—On the Assembly page of the Creo Parametric Options dialog box, set the External Reference Control options.
Model level—Open the Reference Creation Control dialog box. Click
File > Prepare > Model Properties. Click change in the Reference and Backup line.
all—Reference control settings are accessible in all places.
environment—Reference control settings can only be changed at the application level.
model—Reference control settings can only be changed at the model level.
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
no*, yes
Allows the option to save a copy of the active model as a family table instance.
yes*, no
Yes—The transition between explode states is animated.
no*, yes
yes—Enables an automatic update of model units when placing a model whose unit settings are different from the assembly unit settings. The unit settings of the placed model update to those of the assembly.
no—Disables automatic unit update.
Representative Module Variant*, specified representation
Sets the default representation of a module when it is assembled in a configurable assembly.
Specified representation—Set one of the following options:
Last Stored
Current Configuration
Master Rep
Graphics Rep
Geometry Rep
Light Graphics Rep
yes*, no
Controls automatic assembly.
yes—Enables automatic assembly.
no—Disables automatic assembly.
yes, no*, never
Controls whether the Automatic constraint creates offsets.
yes—Automatic constraint always creates an offset, Distance constraint.
no—Automatic constraint snaps Coincident Align or Mate if surfaces are within tolerance.
never—Use Coincident as the default constraint type.
Sets the tolerance for creating an offset dimension. When the distance is less than the tolerance multiplied by the component size, the offset is set as coincident.
Provides or prevents the automatic evaluation of the Current Configuration simplified representation and any other simplified representation containing a rule with the NOT_IN_CUR_CONF condition. The evaluation occurs when the configurable product is retrieved or regenerated.
Creo Parametric does not evaluate simplified representation rules by default unless they contain the condition NOT_IN_CUR_CONF.
Sets the default for the Number of positions displayed in Auto Place dialog box in the Assembly page of the Creo Parametric Options dialog box. Type a different number in the box.
yes, no*
yes—Newly created simplified representations defined by filters are updated each time you retrieve or regenerate a model.
yes*, no
Assembling components with an interface automatically places the component at the first position satisfying the interface definitions.
yes*, no
Update the Boolean feature according to the placement of the modifying component in Boolean operations.
yes, no*
Copy datum planes from the modifying component to the modified model as part of the Boolean operation.
yes*, no
Copy quilts from the modifying component to the modified model as part of the Boolean operation.
model_type*, add_bodies, merge, cut, intersect
Sets the default Boolean operation.
model_type—Determines the default feature by the type of model. In Assembly sets the default to merge, in Part sets the default to add_bodies.
add_bodies—Sets the default Boolean feature to Add Bodies.
merge—Sets the default Boolean feature to Merge.
cut—Sets the default Boolean feature to Cut.
intersect—Sets the default Boolean feature to Intersect.
yes, no*
Delete the modifying components after a Boolean operation.
auto*, manual, no_dependency
Determines updates to the Boolean feature when the original models change.
auto—New Boolean features are created with automatic update settings.
manual—New Boolean features are created with manual update settings.
no_dependency—New Boolean features are created with no dependency settings.
yes, no*
Transfer all references from the modifying components to the resulting Boolean feature.
yes*, no
Enables snapping to missing references while using the drag-and-drop operation for component placement.
yes, no*
Determines if Check Interface Criteria is selected by default in the Placement Preferences dialog box.
yes—The option is selected by default.
no—The option is not selected.
yes*, no
Determine whether to permit different names for different part occurrences or not in the mirror subassembly user interface.
notify, manual, auto*
Sets the default update state for a feature referencing geometry from the layout feature.
notify—Displays an icon next to the feature icon to notify that the source layout is updated and is in session.
manual—Allows manual update of the feature.
auto—Automatically updates the feature when the source layout is updated and in session.
Sets the default size for the Component Chooser size filter as a percentage of the assembly size.
all, pg, tagged*, none
Sets the specified shared geometry reference control conditions to the newly added components in a configurable module.
all—all components
pg—publish geometry
tagged—tagged components
none—Allows assembling a new module to CSA.
all*, pg, tagged, none
Sets the specified shared geometry reference control conditions to newly created configurable modules if template models were not used.
all—all components
pg—publish geometry
tagged—tagged components
none—Allows creating a new module without a template.
all, tagged *, interfaces, none
Sets the specified shared placement reference control conditions to newly created configurable module if template models were not used.
all—all components
tagged—tagged components
interfaces—components with interfaces
none—Allows creating a new module without a template.
yes*, no
yes—Combined views can be ordered, included, or excluded on the Combined Views bar. A saved thumbnail preview image is available when the pointer hovers over the combined view tab, and the configuration of the Combined Views bar is saved to the model.
no—The Combined Views bar cannot be customized and the combined views are not saved to the model.
Specifies the angle epsilon when the selected surface is equal or greater than the epsilon (in degrees). An angle offset constraint is created.
default*, constrain_in_window, package, move_then_place
Adjusts the position of a component during placement.
default—Displays the component being placed outside the assembly.
constrain_in_window—Displays the component being assembled in a separate window.
package—Attaches the component being assembled to the pointer. Move the component to the required location, click, and open the Placement tab to place the component.
move_then_place—Attaches the component being assembled to the pointer. Move the component to the required location, click, and select references to place the component.
default_multi*, default_single, from_list, none
Options for placing a component with configured interfaces.
default_multi—You can automatically place multiple instances of the component using a configured interface.
default_single—You can automatically place a single instance of a the component using a configured interface.
from_list—The Select Interface dialog box opens before the Component tab opens. Select the interface for component placement from the list and then specify multiple or single placement.
none—Place components without using interfaces.
Specifies the angle epsilon. When the angle between the selected surfaces is equal or less than epsilon (in degrees), a normal constraint is created. The expected value should be positive or zero. A negative value is stored as an absolute value.
Sets the default number of decimal places (0-10) to display in the offset column of component placement.
yes*, no
Sets the default for Allow Assumptions in the Placement tab during component placement.
yesAllow Assumptions is selected by default.
noAllow Assumptions is not selected.
yes*, no
Shows the legacy Move tab in the Component Placement tab.
yes—The Move tab is displayed.
no—The Move tab is not displayed.
1*, integer from 1 through 10
Controls the resolution of components selected for a shrinkwrap feature or for external or outer component selection.
The resolution is controlled by the density of angle increments. 1 gives a 90° increment, 2 gives a 45° increment and so on until 10 which gives a 1° degree increment. In most instances a value of 1 is sufficient. A higher value selects more components that are not completely external.
yes*, no
Controls whether the system rolls back the assembly when you redefine a component.
0-90, 30*
Specify the angle tolerance for snapping while freeform dragging components being assembled.
Specify the distance tolerance for snapping while freeform dragging components being assembled. Relative to the size of the component being assembled.
keep_constrait_type*, reset_constraint_type
Defines the behavior when choosing a new reference for an existing constraint during component placement.
keep_constrait_type—Adjusts the component’s position to keep the same constraint type.
reset_constraint_type—Automatically changes the constraint type to keep the position of the component.
no*, yes
Updates legacy designs to use Wildfire 3 Replace functionality.
auto*, manual, notify, no_dependency
Sets the update state for newly created geometry backups for feature references.
auto—Automatically updates the geometry backups for features when the reference model is updated and in session.
manual—Allows manual update the geometry backups for features when the reference model is in session.
notify—Displays an icon next to the feature geometry backup icon to notify that the reference model is updated and is in session.
no_dependency—Sets the geometry backups for features to no dependency.
auto*, manual, notify, no_dependency
Sets the default for newly created copy feature placement references.
auto—Automatically updates the feature placement reference when the reference model is updated and in session.
manual—Allows manual update of the feature placement reference when the reference model is updated and in session.
notify—Displays an icon next to the feature placement reference icon to notify that the reference model is updated and is in session.
no_dependency—Sets the feature placement reference to no dependency.
yes—Flags independent copy geom features in a pre-2000i model as modified when retrieved into Creo Parametric. This enables you to save the model immediately to update the model’s copy geom dependency information. This information has changed in Release 2000i for improved interpretation of references in Pro/PDM and Pro/INTRALINK.
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes, no*
Allow creation of temporary component interfaces based on previous assembly instructions.
copy*, prohibit
Sets the default for newly created components to allow or disallow referencing entities forbidden by reference control settings.
Sets the number of components or features selected before a confirmation message appears when you create or delete backups.
non_permitted*, all, other_models, none
Sets the default to control the level of feature references backup for newly created models.
non_permitted—Backup only references created despite restrictions to referencing external components.
all—Backup all references.
other_models—Backup all references to other models.
none—Backup no references.
non_permitted*, all, other_models, none
Sets the default to control placement references backup for newly created models.
non_permitted—Backup only references created despite restrictions to referencing external components.
all—Backup all references.
other_models—Backup all references to other models.
none—Backup no references.
copy*, prohibit
Sets the default for newly created models to allow or disallow referencing entities forbidden by reference control settings.
all*, pg, none
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions to newly added components.
tagged*. all, pg, none
Sets the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions to modules being added to a configurable structure.
all*, none, subassemblies, skeleton_model
Set the specified accessible reference control conditions to newly added components.
all*, pg, none
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions to newly added Skeleton components.
all*, none, subassemblies, skeleton_model
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions to newly added Skeleton components.
all*, none, skeleton, subassembly
Set default scope for externally referenced models.
all—Create references to any component.
none—Cannot create references to other models.
skeleton—Create references only to skeleton and layout models of the high-level subassembly.
subassembly—Create references to components inside the same subassembly.
all*, pg_if_exists, pg_only
Sets the default value for geometry available for external reference selection by other models.
all—Allow external references to any geometry.
pg_if_exists—Allow external references to only published geometry if it exists in a model (if it does not exist, allow external references to any geometry.
pg_only—Allow external references to only published geometry.
all*, interfaces, none
Set the specified Shared Placement reference control conditions to newly created models if template models were not used.
all*, tagged, interfaces, none
Sets the specified Shared Placement reference control conditions when creating new modules for configurable structures when template models were not used.
all*, tagged, pg, none
Sets the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions when creating new configurable modules without a template.
all*, pg, none
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control conditions to newly created models if template models were not used.
all*, none, skeletons, subassemblies
Selects the default condition for reference control in a new object.
all—Reference any model. This is the way the system works today. The user may freely create external references to any component in an assembly.
none—Reference no other models. This will not allow any models other than the model being created, and those that exist below it on its branch, to be externally referenced.
skeletons—A new component may reference the Skeleton model of the assembly that the component belongs to. If a Skeleton model is being created, it may reference the skeleton model of the Assembly above the one that it belongs to.
subassembly—Allow external references to the model being created, the models which will exist below it, any peer models that the model being created might have, and models below them.
all*, intrf_if_exists, intrf_only
Default value for Component Placement Reference filter.
all—Allow all geometry to be used as component constraints.
intrf_if_exits—Allow only component interfaces to be used for component constraints, if they exist. If not, any geometry is allowed.
intrf_only—Allow only component interfaces to be used for component constraints.
yes*, no
Allow references only to the current module variant.
shaded_only*, always, never
Sets the display of inactive components in an assembly.
shaded_only—Inactive shaded components display in the default appearance and phantom transparency. Assigned colors are ignored and non-shaded components are ignored.
always—Inactive components display in the default color in all display styles. Shaded components in the default appearance, non-shaded components display in the default geometry color.
never—There is no change in the display of inactive components.
notify*, manual, auto
Sets the default update for a feature directly referencing the layout model through a layout feature.
notify—Displays an icon next to the feature icon to notify that the source layout is updated and is in session.
manual—Allows manual update of the feature.
auto—Automatically updates the feature when the source layout is updated and in session.
yes*, no
Displays the names of components in symbolic representations.
yes, no*
Filter out relations and parameters when viewing parent/child information in the Reference Viewer.
yes, no*
Enables using advanced collision detection.
yes*, no
Accuracy modification for assembly objects.
all and confirm*, all, reorder
Enables drag and drop operations for components and features in the Model Tree.
all and confirm—Displays a message window to confirm the restructure operation.
all—Allows you to reorder and restructure features and components using drag and drop in the Model Tree.
reorder—Allows you to only reorder features and components in the Model Tree using drag and drop. Restructure is not allowed.
yes*, no
Allow underconstrained components as mechanism connections.
yes*, no
Exposes all inseparable assembly operations, make inseparable, embed, extract, make separable, and creating an embedded component.
yes, no*
Controls the objects displayed in the Reference Viewer.
yes—Displays only objects with external references.
no—Displays all objects.
yes, no*
Execute Program for models during assembly retrieval.
1.0*, positive real value
Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of an explode animation.
yes*, no
When using a copied geom feature or a backed-up external reference with the Design Manager, and the reference is missing in the original, then the copied geom feature will:
no—freeze and not update
Toggles fast highlight and standard highlight of selected assembly components during spin, pan, and zoom operations. Applies for models in the Wireframe, Hidden Line, No Hidden Line, and Shaded modes.
yes (default)—Fast highlight. Selected components, annotation features, datum curves, and cables associated with the selected components are highlighted and displayed during spin, pan, and zoom operations. Datum planes of selected components are not automatically highlighted unless specifically selected.
no—Standard highlight. Datum planes of selected components are automatically highlighted.
non_permitted*, other_models, none
Sets the backup of newly created feature references.
non_permitted—Backup feature references created despite an initial restriction.
other_models—Backup feature references to other components.
none—Do not backup feature references.
References to geometric bodies are not backed up.
yes, no*
Sets remnant removal ability for the ReIntersect command in the ASSY FEAT menu.
yes—You can remove remnants.
no—You cannot remove remnants.
use_stored*, yes, no
Toggles the update of top-level assembly mass properties on regeneration according to simplified representation definitions.
use_stored—Mass properties are calculated or not calculated according to the following situations:
Mass properties are calculated for the subassembly on regeneration when all components on the same level have accessible mass property data.
Mass properties are not calculated for the subassembly on regeneration when not all the components on the same level have accessible mass property data.
yes—Mass properties for all components is recalculated and stored.
no—Mass properties are recalculated for subassemblies with components modified in simplified representations, but not stored.
The regeneration status is always green.
yes, no*
Controls automatic generation of Creo View MCAD .pvz files when you save a model.
references*, dependencies
Sets the default view of the Reference Viewer dialog box.
maintain_master*, yes, no
Controls the availability of legacy simplified representations in the user interface.
maintain_master—Use Master, Exclude, Automatic, Default Envelope, and User Defined simplified representations.
When excluded components are retrieved on demand, they are retrieved in Automatic representation.
yes—Use Automatic, Default Envelope, and User Defined simplified representations.
no—Use Master, Exclude, Automatic, Geometry, Assembly, Graphics, Symbolic, Light Graphics, Boundary Box, Default Envelope, and User Defined simplified representations.
Use this value to retain on demand behavior for excluded components.
yes, no*
Controls whether object-specific reference scope settings are ignored or not. Environment scope settings are still enforced.
yes, no*
Ignore export geometry settings.
yes*, no
Allows update control for individual children of a layout feature when the layout feature updates.
<install_Dir>....\Common Files\F000\text\prodview\export_LWG.rcp
Sets the Creo View MCAD recipe file for export to PVS format. You can use a recipe file (*.rcp) for Windchill 9.0 and later releases. For more information on recipe files, search the Creo View MCAD Help.
yes, no*
Controls whether a model is displayed in the main window when its accessory window is open.
yes*, no
Disables moving a Publish Geometry feature outside the Footer folder.
yes—Publish geometry feature cannot be moved outside of the footer.
no—Publish geometry feature can be moved outside of the footer.
by_request*, automatic, report_outdateness_only, check_upon_save
Sets when to calculate mass properties.
by_request—Calculates mass properties only on user request.
automatic—Calculates mass properties on regeneration.
report_outdateness_only—Shows a notification when mass properties are outdated.
check_upon_save—Prompts on save if mass properties are not calculated.
yes*, no
Change the scope settings of components.
yes*, no
Displays the generic name as an extension of the instance name in the Model Tree and other model name lists.
yes, no*
Allows modifying the offset dimension of component constraints when moving a component being placed.
yes, no*
Allows references between module variants in a module.
assembly_only*, all_models
Specifies the level of mass properties calculations for assemblies and parts.
assembly_only—Calculates mass properties for the assembly and reports them along with the summary of assembly components.
all_models—Calculates mass properties of all models in the assembly and reports them along with the summary of assembly components, details of assembly components, and the summary of bodies included. When the report is longer than 2,000 characters, it is not shown on screen, a *.m_p file is written to your working directory. Models with no calculated mass properties (quilts, no geometry, or zero density) are not included in the report.
no, yes*
Allows or restricts multiple skeletons.
notify, manual, auto*
Sets the update, relative to the source model, for newly created copy geometry features.
notify—Displays an icon next to the copy geometry feature icon to notify that the source model is updated and is in session.
manual—Allows manual update of the copy geometry feature.
auto—Automatically updates the copy geometry feature when the source model is updated and in session.
notify*, manual, auto
Sets the update relative to the source layout for newly created layout features.
notify—Displays an icon next to the layout feature icon to notify that the source layout is updated and is in session.
manual—Allows manual update of the layout feature.
auto—Automatically updates the layout feature when the source layout is updated and in session.
yes*, no
Choose the new or old method to create and edit simplified representations.
The new method is a Component Chooser where you preview the simplified representation as you select its components from the Chooser Model Tree. In the old method, you select components from the Graphics Window or main Model Tree. No preview is available in the old method.
yes—Displays the new method.
no—Displays the old method.
yes*, no
Provides notification when a feature with automatic or manual update control has a missing reference model.
yes, no*, specified representation name
Determines the representation to retrieve when you retrieve models.
yes—Open the Open Rep dialog box when you retrieve a model.
no—Retrieves the master representation. When the default representation is not the same as the master representation, the assembly is retrieved in the default representation.
Specific name of a representation type—Retrieves the model in the specified representation. When the specified representation does not exist, the default representation is retrieved.
update*, freeze, disallow
Controls the behavior of partially constrained components. You cannot build children from them.
update—updates components if assembly changes
freeze—does not move components if assembly changes
disallow—does not allow packaged components in the assembly
yes, no*
Controls whether the system displays a confirmation prompt whenever you select a placement reference to a packaged component.
yes, no*
Controls the display of Mate and Align for a Coincident constraint where applicable.
non_permitted*, all, other_models, none
Controls the level of newly created placement backups in session.
non_permitted—Only placement reference created despite an initial restriction will be backed up.
all—All placement references to other models are backed up.
other_models—Placement references to other components will be backed up.
none—Do not backup placement references.
Sets the simplified representation to be retrieved when assembling a component. By default, the simplified representation specified in the open_simplified_rep_by_default configuration option is retrieved. You can enter a user-defined simplified representation name or one of the default representations. The specified simplified representation is retrieved when the component is assembled.
yes, no*
Defines the color of the component during placement.
yes—The component retains its color during placement.
no—The component displays in yellow preview color until fully constrained.
yes*, no
Allows references not permitted when the default_ext_ref_scope configuration option is set to none.
[0–255], [0–255], [0–255]
Specifies the default color used to display out-of-scope references that are allowed as local copies. The three decimal values in the range from 0 through 255 specify the level of red, green, and blue (in this order) in the resulting color. The models that are out-of-scope and available for copying are displayed in the user-specified color when geometry items are selected for reference.
yes*, no
Enable or disable changing the color of prohibited external references that are allowed for backup. When set to yes, the color of out-of-scope prohibited references will change to the user-specified color during reference selection.
yes, no*
Disable or enable selection of external references not allowed for backup in the External Reference Control dialog box.
yes*, no
Disable selection of external references that were prohibited in the External Reference Control dialog box.
[0-100], [0-100], [0-100]
Set the default color of prohibited external references by providing three RGB values. The three decimal values in the range from 0 through 100 specify the level of red, green, and blue (in this order) in the resulting color.
yes*, no
Enable changing color of prohibited external references during selection.
yes*, no
Defines whether reference models of data sharing features are regenerated.
yes, no*
To specify if models that are intersected by assembly features are regenerated during assembly retrieval.
yes*, no
Notebook is automatically regenerated when the assembly is regenerated. After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes, no*
Regenerates component placement definition when retrieving an assembly simplified representation.
yes—Model regeneration is available upon retrieval.
no—Model regeneration is not available upon retrieval.
When set to yes, this configuration option impacts retrieval performance.
yes*, no
yes—Preserves the dependency to the current outgoing component when you replace a component with an unrelated or interchange component. Allows you to break the dependency between the assembly and the interchange assembly in the Reference Viewer.
no—Removes the dependency to the current outgoing component. The option to break the dependency between the assembly and the interchange assembly in the Reference Viewer becomes unavailable.
transfer*, remove, preserve
Sets the naming convention used when replacing components.
Evaluation Rule Order and Configuration Options
The following five configuration options set the default order for evaluation rules when you replace unrelated components and use a reference pairing table for interchange assemblies. Set the order of one rule relative to other evaluation rules with an number from 1-5. The default value for all options is disable.
Uses a predefined matching interface in the replacement operation.
Uses a component with the same name in the replacement operation.
Uses history evaluation in the replacement operation.
Uses the same parameters in the replacement operation.
Uses the same ID in the replacement operation.
disable*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sets the order for reference tagging of the History evaluation rule. Use this option when creating a reference pairing table for an interchange assembly or for replacing unrelated components.
disable—Deactivates the evaluation rule.
1-5—Sets the order of the History evaluation rule relative to other evaluation rules.
disable*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sets the order for reference tagging of the Interface evaluation rule. Use this option when creating a reference pairing table for an interchange assembly or for replacing unrelated components.
disable—Deactivates the evaluation rule.
1-5—Sets the order of the Interface evaluation rule relative to other evaluation rules.
disable*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sets the order for reference tagging of the Same ID evaluation rule. Use this option when creating a reference pairing table for an interchange assembly or for replacing unrelated components.
disable—Deactivates the evaluation rule.
1-5—Sets the order of the Same ID evaluation rule relative to other evaluation rules.
disable*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sets the order for reference tagging of the Same Name evaluation rule. Use this option when creating a reference pairing table for an interchange assembly or for replacing unrelated components.
disable—Deactivates the evaluation rule.
1-5—Sets the order of the Same Name evaluation rule relative to other evaluation rules.
disable*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sets the order for reference tagging of the Same Parameter evaluation rule. Use this option when creating a reference pairing table for an interchange assembly or for replacing unrelated components.
disable—Deactivates the evaluation rule.
1-5—Sets the order of the Same Parameter evaluation rule relative to other evaluation rules.
no*, yes
Controls automatic population of the reference pairing table in replacement of unrelated components.
no—Deactivates automatic population of the reference pairing table.
yes—Activates automatic population of the reference pairing table. When the dialog box opens, the reference pairing table is automatically populated according to the settings for the configuration options for the evaluation rule order.
selective*, auto, none
Determines how children are rerouted after an update of the current design solution.
selective—Allows selecting the children to exclude from the update. These children are not rerouted to the current design solution.
auto—Updates all affected children. All children are rerouted to the current design solution.
none—Sets current, but does not allow rerouting or regeneration. Turns on reference control restrictions for the selected modules.
no*, yes, ignore_missing
Retrieves the referenced parts for dependent features with shared data, such as Inheritance, External Copy Geometry, External Shrinkwrap, and External Merge.
no—Ignores referenced parts in the retrieval.
yes—Automatically retrieves to session reference models for data sharing features when feature update is set to automatic or manual update with notification.
ignore_missing—Skips any missing referenced part, sends a message to that effect, and continues the retrieval process.
instance_req_generic*, instance_deps_only, instance_and_generic_deps
Determines the set of objects to be loaded into session when retrieving Family Table instances.
instance_req_generic (default)—Retrieves the Family Table instance, the generic model, and the generic model dependencies that are required for regeneration. Generic dependencies, such as components excluded from the instance, are not retrieved.
instance_deps_only—Retrieves only the selected instance and its dependencies. Additional models included in the generic assembly are not retrieved.
instance_and_generic_deps—Retrieves the instance and all the generic models, regardless of the instance definition.
When retrieving nested instances, intermediate generics are not retrieved.
Any change in the configuration option values takes effect only when a new session is started.
yes, no*, ignore_missing
Automatically retrieve referenced parts for dependent merge.
no—Retrieval continues even when reference models are not found in memory.
yes—Automatically retrieves reference models in the default search path. When the models are found, they are retrieved. When the models are not found, you are prompted to locate and retrieve the models. You can locate the models or abort retrieval.
ignore_missing—Retrieves referenced models found in the search path. Missing referenced parts are skipped, a message to that effect is sent, and the retrieval process continues.
no*, yes
Retrieves the model referenced by relations.
no—Ignores the model referenced in the retrieval.
yes—Automatically retrieves the reference model for relations into session.
yes*, no
Controls the storage location of sub-model layer display status.
yes—The display status of sub-model layers is stored in the sub models.
no—The display status of sub-model layers is stored at the top-level assembly.
yes, no*
Determines the instance of a retrieved component.
yes—If the component used in the assembly instances are generics, then you are prompted to choose an instance when each component is retrieved.
no—The generic model of the component is retrieved automatically.
yes*, no
Controls the display of the Affected Children dialog box.
no*, yes
Displays a column for a Description in all tabs of the View Manager.
no*, yes
Displays the legacy Model Tree Status column. The status reflects the current state of the feature.
yes*, no
Display an alert the first time the Shrinkwrap quality level is increased.
icons and names*, names only, icons only
Specifies the format of the simplified representation Model Tree column.
yes, no, specified representation
Retrieves the configurable product in the specified representation.
yes—Opens the Open Representation dialog box. Choose the representation to open.
no—Retrieves the Master representation.
Specified representation—Set one of the following options:
Last Stored* (default)
Default Envelope Rep
Automatic Rep
Current Configuration
Master Rep
exclude*, master, graphics, geometry, light graphics rep, automatic
Determines the default status of components when defining a new simplified representation.
yes*, no
Enables on-demand retrieval of the Master representation of an activated assembly component. When an assembly is activated, the Assembly Only representation is retrieved.
disable, restore*, restore_and_erase
Determines whether a retrieved on-demand simplified representation is removed or erased when an operation is complete.
disable—The on-demand simplified representation is not removed and remains in the assembly.
restore—The on-demand simplified representation is removed.
restore_and_erase—The on-demand simplified representation is removed and erased from memory.
automatic*, master, master_and_ancestors, disabled
Enables on-demand retrieval of edited assembly components and their parent references.
automatic—Retrieves the lowest level representation required to perform the operation.
master—Retrieves the Master representation of the edited component.
master_and_ancestors—Retrieves the Master representation of the edited component and its ancestors.
disabled—Disables on-demand retrieval of edited components.
automatic*, master, disabled
Enables on-demand retrieval of required models during regeneration.
automatic—Retrieves the lowest level representation required to perform the operation.
master—Retrieves the Master representation of the regenerated component.
disabled—Disables on-demand retrieval of regenerated components.
When enabled, this configuration option can affect regeneration performance.
automatic*, master, disabled
Sets the simplified representation type to retrieve when a reference is selected.
automatic—Retrieves the lowest level representation required to perform the operation.
master—Retrieves the Master representation of the selected component.
disabled—Disables on-demand retrieval of selected components.
prompt, never_prompt*, disabled
Sets on-demand simplified representation retrieval behavior.
prompt—Asks for confirmation before retrieving on-demand representations.
never_prompt (default)—Retrieves models on-demand automatically with no confirmation.
disabled—On-demand simplified representation mode is disabled.
[0-100,0-100,0-100]*, [0, 75, 100]
Specifies the color used to display new skeleton models. The three decimal values in the range from 0 through 100 specify the percentages of red, green, and blue (in this order) in the resulting color. For example, 0 0 49 specifies a medium blue color.
yes*, no
Controls the Snap to single constraint checkbox in the Drag Preferences dialog box.
yes—The checkbox is selected
no—The checkbox is cleared
yes*, no
Controls whether datum planes, axes, and coordinate systems move with the components when you are placing or package moving components using the mouse.
Specify a complete path to the directory where start parts and assemblies are stored. Then, when you browse the directory structure to select a start component to copy from, the File Open dialog box will look in this directory by default.
Sets the level of transparency for components in the Transparent display style.
Specifies the default configurable product template file. Use the full path for best results.
yes*, no
yes—The location of copied geometry is when component placement is changed, even if some components are excluded or are in a graphics simplified representation.
yes*, no
Updates to top assembly simplified representations for replacements during regeneration and replacement.
yes, no*
Determines the retrieval of the master representation when there is no graphics representation display data.
yes—Retrieves the master representation when the graphics representation has no display data.
no—Does not retrieve the master representation when the graphics representation has no display data.
Empty models and models with only curves, such as skeleton models, are considered as models with no graphics display data.
yes*, no
Controls use of temporary interfaces for multiple placement of components when pasting copies of a component.
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