Assembly Design > Top Down Design > Data Sharing > Merge and Inheritance Features > Inheritance Features > To Define Dimension Boundaries in an Inheritance Feature
To Define Dimension Boundaries in an Inheritance Feature
1. Retrieve an assembly, select a part in it, right-click, and choose Activate.
2. Select a second part in the assembly as the reference model from which geometry will be copied and click Get Data > Merge/Inheritance. The Merge/Inheritance tab opens with the reference model selected by default. You can select a different part as the reference model from the Model Tree or in the graphics window.
3. Make sure that Inheritance is selected from the Type options.
5. Click . The Varied Dimension Table Column Setup dialog box opens.
6. Select New Dim Bound from the Not Displayed list and then click . New Dim Bound moves to the Displayed section.
7. Click OK. The Varied Dimension Table Column Setup dialog box closes.
8. Select a dimension from the Varied Items list, then click in the New Dim Bound cell and select one of the following value limits from list:
Upper—Sets the dimension value to its maximum (generates geometry based on a nominal dimension value plus the tolerance).
Middle—Sets the dimension value to the nominal value plus the mean of the upper and lower tolerance values.
Lower—Sets the dimension value to its minimum (generates geometry based on a nominal dimension value minus the tolerance).
Nominal—Sets the dimension value to nominal (generates geometry based on exact ideal dimensions).
9. Click OK.
To redefine the varied dimension boundaries, right-click the Inheritance feature in the Model Tree, and select Varied Items from the shortcut menu. The Varied Items dialog box opens.
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