Using Performance Reporting
You can analyze a part or assembly and understand which sub-models and features require the most regeneration time. General statistics on the model are available as well.
When there are read only models in a linked session, nothing is regenerated, and all models are reported with zero regeneration time.
In standalone Creo Parametric, read-only features are not regenerated. Read-only components are not regenerated, but underlying models and features of these components that are not read-only are regenerated.
To view the performance report, follow these steps:
1. In an open model, click Tools > Investigate > Performance Report. The Performance Report dialog box opens showing the Regeneration tab on the By Structure table of components. Note that the regeneration time for all components and features is zero.
2. To view the regeneration times, click Compute. The Full Regeneration Confirmation message opens.
3. Click OK. The regeneration times (in seconds) for each component and feature appear in the table. Regeneration times are listed for all features in a part and for all components, component placement, and features of an assembly. Click the arrow to the left of a part to see the features of the part.
After a regeneration the components and features are sorted by the regeneration time.
Suppressed components are not included in the regeneration. Excluded components are not included in regeneration time.
4. To view a flat list of components and features, click Flat List. You can show the top-level components and features or all levels of components and features.
5. To view the assembly component information, click Statistics. A list of the different types of components in the assembly displays with the number of components for each type.
Suppressed and excluded components are not included in the statistics.
6. To export the performance report as a flat list with all levels to a .csv file, follow the steps below:
a. Select the Regeneration tab.
b. Click Flat List.
c. Click show all levels to show all levels of the flat list.
d. Click Export. The Save dialog box opens.
7. You can browse to a different location to save the file.
8. Accept the file name or type a new name.
9. Click OK.
Note how information is updated in the Performance Report dialog box:
The regeneration time shown for the top assembly is always the real measured time of the assembly regeneration.
Regeneration Preparation represents the time it takes to prepare for regeneration in the entire structure. This includes Family Table instances, relations, flexible components preparation, etc.
After you click Compute, the regeneration time values remain in the Performance Report table until the next time you click Compute and perform the entire compute operation. This is true even if you closed the Performance Report dialog box and then opened it again.
When you stop the compute operation in the process, the regeneration time values in the Performance Report table may not be correct. Some of the values may be from the current compute operation and some may be missing or outdated.
Known Limitations
Below is a list of known limitations:
Currently regeneration preparation and actual regeneration times per feature are reported and summed up to parts and assemblies. Other related efforts, mainly post regeneration propagation for various type of Family Table instances is not yet included.
Regeneration times are system dependent and will vary depending on other running processes.
Multiple occurrences of the same component are all added to the respective assembly total. This can give an inaccurate result for the regeneration time of that assembly.
Simplified representations are not supported.
Postprocessing of flexible components and assembly cuts is not yet reflected in the features’ regeneration time.
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