Assembly Design > Using Assembly > References and Dependencies > Reference Control > To Set Reference Creation and Backup Control Options
To Set Reference Creation and Backup Control Options
1. Click File > Options. The Creo Parametric Options dialog box opens.
2. Click Assembly.
3. Set the following options in the Reference creation and backup control area to specify global settings for scope, reference handling, reference selection, and color feedback during selection of references.
External components permitted for reference creation (default_ext_ref_scope reference_scope)—Sets the default scope for referencing external models from newly created model features.
All components—Allows referencing any model in the top-level assembly.
Inside Subassembly—Allows referencing only components in the parent assembly.
Skeleton and Layout models—Allows referencing any component in the model’s subassembly and skeletons and layout models higher up on the model’s assembly branch.
None—Allows referencing only inside the current model and its children. Click the Allow exceptions with confirmation check box to confirm referencing external models as an exception.
Placement references to backup (placement_references_to_backup)—Sets the backup of placement references.
All references—Backup all placement references.
References to other models—Backup placement references to other components.
References to non-permitted components—Backup placement references created despite restrictions set by the External components permitted for reference creation setting. (When you click the Allow exceptions with confirmation check box.)
None—Do not backup placement references.
Feature references to backup (feat_references_to_backup)—Sets the backup for feature references.
References to other models—Backup feature references to other components.
References to non-permitted components—Backup feature references created despite the restriction to referencing components set by the External components permitted for reference creation setting. (When you click the Allow exceptions with confirmation check box.)
None—Do not backup feature references.
References to geometric bodies are not backed up.
Geometry available for external reference selection by other models (default_geom_scope)—This area determines which geometry is allowed for external reference selection by other models.
All geometry—Allow external references to any geometry.
Published Geometry if exists in a model—Allow external references to only published geometry if it exists in a model. If not, allow external references to any geometry.
Published Geometry only—Allow external references to only published geometry.
Allowed references when placing this model (default_placement_scope)—Allow component placement constraints including interfaces to be referenced.
All references—When assembling the model, allow all geometry to be used as component constraints.
Interfaces if exist in a model—Allow only component interfaces to be used for component constraints, if they exist. If not, any geometry is allowed.
Interfaces only—Allow only component interfaces to be used for component constraining placement.
Allow references between module variants in Configurable Module (module_variant_cross_refs)—Allow references between module variants in a Configurable Module.
Allow references to current module variant only (default_ref_current_module_vrnt)—Allow references only to the current module variant.
Allow direct references to layout files through layout feature (allow_direct_ref_to_layout_file)—Allow direct references to a layout file. Direct reference are not recommended, it is recommended to reference the copied geometry for full update control capabilities.
Exclude from selection references forbidden by current settings (ref_scope_no_pick_to_prohibit)—Disables the selection of references forbidden by reference control settings. These settings apply during reference selection and also during other kinds of selection such as Pick, Query Sel, and Search Tool.
Selection settings do not apply for the following exceptions:
Selecting reference parts for merge or cut out functionality using Component > Component Operations > Merge or Cutout commands
Using multiple models; that is, using the same part in several assemblies and trying to modify one of the parts or assemblies
Use different color for references forbidden by current settings (ref_scope_prohibit_color)—Selecting this check box causes the color of out-of-scope prohibited references to change to the user-specified color during reference selection. Click the arrow next to the color button to set a color. The models that are out of scope and available for copying are highlighted in a user-specified color while you are selecting geometry items for referencing.
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