Activity Information Page
Activities are used to organize a plan and track the progress of a project or program. The following activities are available:
For more information on each, see Plan Activities.
An activity information page is a collection point for information related to the activity. To access this page, click the information icon next to the activity in the Schedule.
From the information page, you can perform actions on an object, as well as view the object attributes and any related information. For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Pages.
Information pages provide a selection of applicable actions in the Actions menu, which is found on the left side of the page directly below the object name. Activities include several actions that are frequently available. For more information on those actions, see Common Actions.
If the plan is in auto-execution mode, the availability of several actions depends on the plan or activity state. For more information, see Auto-Execution State and Available Actions.
The availability of actions also depends on the status of the plan object as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Understanding Data Accessibility and Object Status.
In addition to common actions, the following actions are available from the plan object information page:
Edit the activity.
Delete the activity.
Deleting a summary activity also deletes any child activities
Deleting an activity in an executing summary activity does not change the actual start date of the summary activity
The last remaining plan activity, subplan activity, or summary activity cannot be deleted in an executing summary activity
Opens the Track Work window, where you can enter the amount of work completed in terms of hours or percentage.
Create a new deliverable to associate with the activity. The availability of this action depends on the activity type and whether the Link deliverables with project activities option is selected when the project is created.
Assign one or more resources to the activity.
Resources track work associated with the activity.
Create an activity to be inserted above the selected activity.
Create an activity to be inserted below the selected activity.
Create a child activity for the selected activity. The selected activity is updated to indicate that it is a summary activity, reflecting the work, cost, and status information of the child activities.
For more information about summary activities, see Summary Activity Calculation.
Paste an activity above the selected activity.
Paste an activity below the selected activity.
Paste an activity as a child activity for the selected activity. The selected activity is updated to indicate that it is a summary activity, reflecting the work, cost, and status information of the child activities.
For more information about summary activities, see Summary Activity Calculation.
View the activity in the Gantt chart viewing tool.
If the plan is in automatic execution mode, this action pauses the activity. No tasks can be completed and delivery of subsequent tasks is prevented until planning or resource issues are resolved.
If the plan is in automatic execution mode, this action manually starts the activity before its scheduled start date.
This sets the Actual Start date and moves the milestone to the In Process state. Any predecessor relationships that have been set are removed.
Once manually started, a milestone does not automatically complete. You must manually complete the milestone when finished.
If the plan is in automatic execution mode, this action completes the selected activity.
The % Work Complete is automatically set to 100 and the Actual Work field is updated to reflect all work hours have been completed.
You cannot increase indent or insert activities or subplans in an executing or a completed plan activity.
Tabs and Tables
You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. When you create a new tab, the Customize menu appears, allowing you to view any additional information tables that might not appear on the default tabs. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators can modify the tabs that appear.
The attributes associated with each activity. For a list of attributes commonly available in Windchill, see Object Attributes.
For a description of attributes unique to activities, see the attributes section below.
Related Objects
Resources — Provides information about resource assignment tasks associated with the activity.
This table includes the following actions:
Edit —Edit the resource assignment task.
Track Work —Provide a status for the assignment and track how many work hours have been completed.
Complete —Complete the resource assignment task.
Reassign assignment—Associate the assignment with another user.
Predecessors—Lists any predecessors associated with the activity. A predecessor is an activity that must start or finish before another activity can start.
View baselined versions of the activity. For more information, see Viewing Plan Baseline Information.
If the activity is a deliverable activity, this table displays any subject objects associated with the activity.
For other activity types, this table displays any standalone deliverables associated with the activity.
For more information, see Associated Deliverables Table.
The following tables are available from the Customize menu:
Change History
The Change History table provides details about actions taken on the plan object and the user who completed that action. This includes changes to the start and finish dates, changes to the activity state, and tracking updates to work associated with the object.
The Details tab displays the activity attributes.
For a list of attributes commonly available in Windchill, see Object Attributes.
Identifies the probability that the activity can be completed by the due date. Possible values are Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low, and Unavailable.
Risk Description
A brief explanation of the risk setting.
The team member who is responsible for the successful completion of the activity. Owners can track activity work and edit activity attributes.
The activity owner can also be assigned as a resource.
Your site might have customized access rules that control which users can track activity work. Depending on the needs of your site, this might mean that other users can track work or owners are prevented from tracking work.
Is Deliverable Activity
If true, the deliverable can be linked to one or more objects.
These objects are listed under the Deliverables tab.
Tracking Policy
This attribute only applies to deliverable activities.
Fixed Revision—Links to the latest iteration of the current revision. Use this policy if you are including objects created in a project or program context.
Latest Revision—Links to the latest version of the object.
Fixed Subject—Links to a specific revision and iteration of a version-controlled objects. This policy also links to non-revision objects, with the exception of change objects. Use this policy if you are including a managed baseline or lot baseline.
Green—Indicates that there are no risks or obstacles; ready to proceed.
Yellow—Indicates caution; check before proceeding.
Red—Indicates an alert of high risk; do not proceed.
Unavailable—The status is not set.
Completed—Completed on or before the deadline. This indicator also appears when no deadline is set.
Completed—Completed after the deadline.
Canceled—Canceled. This indicator appears when an incomplete activity has been canceled due to a change in plan or project state. This indicator only appears in automatic execution plans. For more information, see Automatic Execution.
For more information, see Project Status.
Status Description
A brief explanation of the status setting.
% Work Complete
The percentage of activity work that has been completed. For example, if an activity requires 10 hours of work and 5 hours have been completed, the percent complete is 50%.
When a milestone is associated to one or more deliverables in a linked project, the % Work Complete calculation is derived from the data entered for associated deliverables. In this case, you cannot directly update the % Work Complete for a milestone. For more information on deliverable dependencies, see Linking Deliverables with Activities.
Estimated Start
The date on which the activity work is scheduled to begin.
Estimated Finish
The date on which the activity work is scheduled to be completed.
Constraint Type
The scheduling constraint for the activity.
As Soon As Possible—The activity can be started or completed at any date. The start date is set to the start date of the plan. The estimated finish date is calculated based on the activity duration.
As Late As Possible—The activity should be started as late as possible. The finish date is set to the finish date of the plan. The estimated start date is calculated based on the activity duration.
Start No Earlier Than—The activity cannot be started before the specified constraint date. The estimated finish date is calculated based on the activity duration.
Must Finish On—The activity must be completed on the specified constraint date. The estimated start date is calculated based on the activity duration.
Constraint Date
If the constraint type is Start No Earlier Than, then this is the earliest date that the activity can start.
If the constraint type is Must Finish On, then this is the date by which the activity must be completed.
The amount of time allotted to the activity.
The date after which the activity is considered overdue.
Administrators can optionally customize the deadline so that it is automatically calculated. When customized, you cannot manually set the deadline.
Actual Start
The actual date on which the first activity begins. This can be set when a user starts an activity or changes the % Work Complete attribute to a value greater than 0.
Actual Finish
The actual finish date is set when a user changes the % Work Complete attribute to 100, completes the activity, or completes all resource assignment tasks associated with the activity.
Fixed Cost
Any unique cost associated with the activity that do not include resource costs.
The total cost of the work involved in completing the activity. The cost for a summary activity is calculated based on the cost of all immediate child activities.
The total number of work hours scheduled for all plan activities.
Actual Work
The amount of work time entered using the Track Work action.
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