Edit a Resource Assignment
When you edit a resource assignment task, you can change the resource units associated with the assignment as well as update the assignment to reflect current status information. Unlike tracking work, you cannot enter the amount of actual work completed for the assignment or complete the task.
If the plan is in auto-execution mode, the availability of this action depends on the plan and activity state. For more information, see Auto-Execution State and Available Actions.
Depending on the task type and preferences set, changing the Units, Work, and Estimated Finish values might affect the scheduling attributes of the associated activity. For more information, see Activity Schedule Calculation and Task Types and Effort Driven.
1. Perform one of the following actions:
From the Tasks or My Tasks table, select Edit from the right-click actions menu of a resource assignment.
From the resource assignment information page, select Actions > Edit.
From the activity information page, open the Related Objects tab. From the Resources table, select Edit from the right-click actions menu of a resource assignment.
2. From the Edit Assignment window, modify the following attributes:
The units assigned to the resource for this task. Resource units are the percentage of workday hours that the resource can devote to the activity. For example, assigning 50 units to a resource who works a standard 8-hour workday means that the resource can spend 4 hours per day working on the activity, or 20 hours per week (in a 5 day work week).
The number of work hours required to complete this task. Modifying the work for the task also changes the work associated with the plan activity, potentially affecting the plan schedule.
Estimated Finish
The date and time when the associated activity is scheduled to be completed. Modifying the date also changes the estimated finish date of the activity, potentially affecting the plan schedule.
Select one of the following:
Green—Indicates that there are no risks or obstacles; ready to proceed.
Yellow—Indicates caution; check before proceeding.
Red—Indicates an alert of high risk; do not proceed.
If the associated activity type is configured to automatically calculate the status, you cannot edit this field. The default behavior is to allow manual calculation. In this case, the status you set for the resource assignment determines the status of the associated activity. For more information, see Project Status.
Status Description
A description providing a reason for the status designation.
The approximate probability that the task might not be completed by the due date.
Risk Description
A description providing a reason for the risk designation.
3. Click OK to save your changes.
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