Discussion Tables
From the Discussions and My Discussions tables, you can create, view, and manage discussion topics and comments.
My Discussions Table
The My Discussions table only displays discussion topics that you have either created or have been added to as a participant. Context members or users with appropriate access can view the associated discussion, but only participants see the topic listed in their My Discussions table.
The topic creator adds participants, but you can manage your topic participation using the Remove Me or Add me actions available from the right-click actions menu. You can also edit the discussion topic to add or remove participants.
To access this table, navigate to your Home page and select Customize > Discussions. If new comments have been posted to a topic, an unread message indicator appears next to a topic. Click a topic name to open a new page where you can view and create comments associated with that topic.
To create a new topic or view all discussion topics for a particular object or context, you must navigate to the Discussions table.
Discussions Table
The Discussions table is found at either the context level or the object level:
Context Discussions
Contexts such as projects, products, libraries, and programs each have their own discussion forum. Any users who are added as members to the context can view these discussion topics.
To access this table, open the Navigator and select Discussions from under a Product , Project , Program , or Library .
Object Discussions
Many object types have their own discussion forums available. Only users who have access to the object can view topics associated with it.
To access this table, navigate to the object information page and select Customize > Collaboration > Discussions. Use this table to create discussion topics specific to the selected object.
If a user has already posted a discussion comment for an object, the discussion icon appears in the Folder Contents table next to that object. Click this icon to view the Discussions table associated with that object.
Changing the Table View
The Discussions table has two default views:
The Tree View displays comments in a nested hierarchy within discussion topics. From this view, you can click a topic name to open that topic in a new window, sort by topic, and perform all available actions.
The Table View does not display topic names, but provides a more readable view of existing comment content. Because topics are not displayed, some actions (such as the ability to close topic threads) are not available.
In the Table View, comments are sorted by default according to topic and then by date. Therefore, a reply to a comment might not appear directly beneath its parent comment.
The information and actions available in the Discussions table vary depending on the view to which it is set. If you cannot find an action or a comment, try changing the table view.
For more information about customizing views, see Personalizing Tables and Table Views.
If there are existing filters for the Participants column on the My Discussions table and the Discussions table, update the filter criteria with asterisks around the criteria (for example, update the filter from Participants = abc* to Participants = *abc*). This allows information to display correctly in both tables.
Actions are available from the table toolbar and table rows.
You can click a topic name to open the topic in a new window. Most actions described below are also available from this window.
You can export the Discussions table to a file that can be accessed offline in programs such as Microsoft Excel. The file can be exported in PDF, XLS, or XLSX format.
Several actions are only available from the Discussions table when it is set to the Tree View.
The availability of some actions might depend on your individual user access.
Create a new discussion topic.
Create a new comment or reply to a comment.
Delete a topic or a comment.
Close a discussion topic. Comments remain visible but users cannot post new content.
Edit and post a saved comment draft.
Change the topic name and add or remove participants.
Receive email notifications for a discussion, topic, or comment.
Unsubscribe from the discussion, topic, or comment.
Remove Me
Remove yourself as a discussion participant.
Add me
Add yourself to a topic as a discussion participant. New comments appear in your My Discussions table.
Expand All
Expand and view all comments.
Collapse All
Collapse and hide all comments.
Open URL Link
Navigate to the attached web address.
Open File
View or download the attached file.
Open Object Link
Navigate to the attached object information page.
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