Reschedule Plan
Use the Reschedule Plan action in the following situations:
An administrator has made changes to the Windchill system calendar that affect the plan.
You are using custom deadline algorithms, the following property is set, and project members have made changes that affect As Late As Possible (ALAP) activity deadlines. If applicable, the Reschedule Plan action updates the plan deadline to reflect these changes.
You are using custom status algorithms, the following property is set, and project members have made changes that affect individual activity status. If applicable, the Reschedule Plan action updates the plan status and summary activity status to reflect these changes.
For more information, see Project Status.
For more information, see Configuring Automatic Status Calculation.
This action is available from the following locations:
Right-click actions menu in the Plans
Right-click action menu from the top node of the Schedule
Actions menu on the plan information page
Calendar Changes
If you make changes to the Windchill system calendar that affect a project plan, you must manually refresh the plan to reflect these changes.
Windchill system calendar changes are not reflected in newly created project plans until you restart the method server or perform the Reschedule Plan action at least once.
For more information, see Plan Calendar.
Automatic Deadline Calculation
Administrators can use the Type and Attribute Management utility to create custom activity types. When creating a custom activity type, you can set the Deadline Mode attribute to one of the following:
Manual Calculation—This is the default behavior. Users can define a deadline when creating or editing a plan.
Automatic Calculation—Users cannot manually set a deadline. Instead, the deadline is automatically calculated based on custom algorithms implemented by an administrator.
There are two forms of automatic deadline calculation:
Individual activity deadline
Administrators can customize how the deadline of each individual activity type is calculated.
For example, your site has a custom “Engineering Activity” and a custom “Documentation Activity.” Both types have their Deadline Mode set to Automatic Calculation.
The Engineering Activity has an automatic deadline that is triggered 5 days after the estimated start date of the activity. If the estimated start date changes, the deadline is automatically updated to reflect the new date. However, the Documentation Activity has a Windchill document as its deliverable subject. The Windchill document has a custom “Release Date” attribute. All work on the primary content of the file must be completed 2 weeks before the release date. Therefore, the deadline for the Documentation Activity is automatically calculated from the release date set on its deliverable subject.
Currently, automatic deadlines for individual activities can only be configured for deliverable activities. If you create an activity using an activity type with automatic deadline calculation enabled, but do not select the Mark activity as deliverable checkbox, then you can continue to manually set the deadline for that activity. If you later edit the activity to make it a deliverable activity, your ability to manually set the deadline is removed. For more information, see Deliverable Activities.
As a workaround, you can select the Mark activity as deliverable checkbox for whatever type of activity you are creating (including milestones and summary activities). Simply leave the Deliverables table empty.
Roll-up deadline for summary activities
A summary activity is an activity that has one or more child activities. For more information, see Summary Activities.
Unlike many other attributes, summary activity deadlines are not rolled up from its child activities. You can set a deadline on a summary activity that is separate from its child activities.
However, an administrator can change customize this behavior. For example, your site has a custom “Development Phase” activity. When used as a summary activity, its deadline is calculated as 1 day after the latest deadline
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