Create a Deliverable
Deliverable behavior changes when plans are configured to link deliverables with activities. For more information, see Deliverables.
Unless permission is otherwise granted, only project managers can create deliverables.
You can create a new deliverable from several locations:
From the Tasks table, select Actions > New Deliverable.
If working in a project or program, navigate to the information page of a Windchill object and select Customize > Related Objects > Deliverables. Click the new deliverable icon on the Deliverables table toolbar. The new deliverable is automatically associated with the specified object.
Navigate to the Schedule table and select New Deliverable from the right-click actions menu of an activity or milestone. The new deliverable is automatically associated with the plan object.
Navigate to the information page of a plan activity. Select Actions > New Deliverable or click the new deliverable icon on the Associated Deliverables table. The new deliverable is automatically associated with the plan object.
1. From the New Deliverable window, complete the following fields under the Set Attributes step:
Deliverable Name
A unique identifier for the deliverable.
A brief description of the deliverable. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
Identify a Windchill object that contains the primary data associated with the deliverable output. For example, if the deliverable represents a sales proposal that is saved in Windchill as a document.
Begin entering the name or number of the object into the field. A list of suggested objects appears below as you type.
Otherwise, click the find icon to search for objects.
Specify the team member who is responsible for the successful completion of the deliverable. This team member is given permission to edit the deliverable as needed.
Begin entering a username into the field. A list of suggested users appears below as you type.
Otherwise, click the find icon to search for users.
If you assign the deliverable to a user who is not a member of the project team, the deliverable does not appear in their My Tasks table and they cannot access the deliverable information.
% Complete
The approximate percentage of work associated with the deliverable that has been completed.
The actual or expected date on which the deliverable work begins.
The actual or expected date on which the deliverable work is completed.
The date after which the deliverable is considered overdue. Click the calendar icon to select a specific date and use the drop-down menus to specify time.
Notification Before
Select Notification Before to create a subscription that notifies you if the deliverable has not been completed by a certain date. Enter how much notice you would like in the Day(s) Before Deadline field.
For example, if the deadline for the deliverable is July 15 and you enter 5 into this field, then you would receive an email notification on July 10 if the deliverable work has not yet been completed.
Notification After
Select Notification After to create a subscription that notifies you that the deadline has passed but the deliverable work has not been completed. Specify how much time should have passed into the Day(s) After Deadline field.
For example, if the deadline for the deliverable is July 15 and you enter 5 into this field, then you receive an email notification on July 20 if the deliverable work has still not been completed.
Selection of subtypes or user-defined soft attributes of a Delivery is not supported in this action.
2. Under the Select Activity step, identify an activity or milestone associated with the deliverable effort. Click the add activity icon to search for activities.
3. Click Finish to create the deliverable and close the window.
Click Apply to create the deliverable and then create another.
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