Create a Resource Assignment
You create a resource assignment when you assign a resource to an activity.
You can assign one or more resources to a plan activity, thereby factoring resource costs into the overall plan budget and automatically assigning tasks to team members. For more information, see Resource Assignments.
You cannot assign resources to summary activities or deliverables. If the Link deliverables with project activities option is selected when the project or program is created, you cannot assign resources to a milestone.
If the plan is in auto-execution mode, you cannot assign a resource to activities in the In Process or Completed states. For more information, see Auto-Execution State and Available Actions.
When using the Assign Resources action, the resource units are automatically calculated from the value of the Max Units property. For more information, see Resource Attributes and Activity Schedule Calculation.
1. There are several ways to assign a resource to a plan activity:
When creating or editing an activity, use the options available under the Resources field.
From the Schedule table, select Assign Resources from the right-click actions menu of a plan activity.
From the Tasks table, select Assign Resources from the right-click actions menu of a plan activity.
From the activity information page, select Actions > Assign Resources.
From the activity information page, open the Related Objects tab. From the Resources table, select Actions > Assign Resources.
2. Under Resources, select a resource using one of the following methods:
Begin entering a resource name into the Search by Name field. An auto-populated list appears below as you type. You must enter at least three characters.
Click Search or the add icon to open a new window from which you can select from all project resources filtered by type.
Copy multiple resources from the project Resources table and select Actions > Paste.
To remove a resource, select the resource and click the remove icon .
3. In the Assignment Type field, select one of the following:
If the resource is a Windchill User or Other type, then this field is set to Single and cannot be changed.
If the resource is a Windchill Group or Windchill Team Role type, then you can select from the following options:
Pool—Work is initially assigned to all users included in the group or role. When one user accepts the work, the corresponding assignment is removed from the assigned tasks of the other users.
Bulk—Work is split evenly between all members of the resource group or role. A distinct assignment is created for each user.
Shared—Work is assigned to all members of the resource group or role. Members complete work as they are able, and their work is added towards the overall completion status. One or more assignees can complete work; however, not all assignees are required to complete a task.
You can later edit these fields by modifying the resource assignment task or by editing the activity.
To automatically create a resource assignment task when a new activity is created, set the Project Planning > Default Resource Assignments preference to Yes.
If a resource is not assigned to the activity, then a default resource assignment is created for the activity owner. If no owner is assigned to the activity, then the activity creator is assigned as a resource. For more information, see Preference Management.
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