Object Status
A Status attribute appears on the Details tab on object information pages:
Checked in—Work is not currently being performed on the object and you are viewing its latest iteration.
Checked out—A user has locked the object for editing.
If an object is checked out to you, the status also indicates which working version you are viewing:
original version—The original version hides iterative changes (actions that require a checkout operation) until the object is checked back in.
working copy—Iterative changes are performed using the working copy. This version is displayed by default.
Only the user who has checked out the object can see the Working copy version; all other users see the previous version until the object is checked in.
For example, editing object attributes is an iterative change. Therefore, if you want to modify the Description field for a part, you must first perform a checkout action. As long as the part remains checked out to you, the new description is visible under the Details tab when you are viewing the Working copy version. To view the description as it appeared before your changes, click the Go to Original Version link. If another user visits the information page, the new description is not visible until you check the part back in.
However, contributing to a discussion on an object information page is not an iterative change. Therefore, if you add a new comment to the Discussions table for the part, the comment is visible in both the working and original versions. Because you do not need to check out an object to add to its discussion topics, the action is not tied to the Working copy version. As a result, other users can see your comment regardless of the object status.
In addition to the Status attribute, the following indicators might appear on information pages next to the object name or in table rows to indicate specific actions:
Checked out to you
Indicates you have an iteration of the object checked out; that is, you are making modifications with the intent of checking in an updated iteration of the object.
Iteration is checked out by another user
Indicates that someone else has an iteration of the object checked out.
Another iteration is checked out to you
Indicates that while you have one iteration of the object checked out, you also have a different iteration of the same object checked out.
Checked out to a project
Indicates that the object has been checked out to a project from PDM, resulting in the creation of a project-specific version of the object. Objects checked out to a project can still be modified in PDM. For more information, see Exchanging Data Between Contexts.
Checked out from PDM
Indicates that the object has been checked out from PDM to the project, such as during the Add to Project operation. Objects checked out from PDM are locked in their original location, and a project-specific version of the object is created in the project. For more information, see Exchanging Data Between Contexts.
Shared from PDM
Indicates that the object is being shared from PDM. Shared objects are readable in the project and are viewable by members of that project. For more information, see Exchanging Data Between Contexts.
Shared to project
Indicates that the object is being shared with a project. When an object is shared to a project, the owner of that object can still modify it within PDM. For more information, see Exchanging Data Between Contexts.
Superseded part
Indicates that the part has been superseded by another part. For more information, see Superseding Parts Overview.
Associated to a change
Indicates that the object is associated to a change.
Pending change
Indicates that a modification has been proposed to a released version of the object. The pending change indicator provides advanced warning, so that proper planning can take place.
Resulting change
Indicates that a resulting object of a change notice is in a certain state.
Hover over a change status indicator to display a message to describe the change status conditions.
Click the change status indicator to display the information page of the object.
Unincorporated change (for Windchill Aerospace & Defense only)
Indicates that changes have been approved for a specific version of the object that have not been incorporated into the data or associated content. Hovering over a change status indicator displays a message to describe the change status conditions. Clicking the change status indicator displays the information page of the object.
Approved variance
Indicates that there is an approved variance against a specific version of the object.
Hover over a change status indicator to display a message to describe the change status conditions.
Click the change status indicator to display the information page of the object.
Active discussion
Indicates that a user has added a topic to the Discussions table for that object.
Deleted participant (user, group, or organization)
Indicates that a participant (user, group, or organization) has been removed from Windchill. This status can appear on information pages for users, groups, or organizations, or in other places where a participant appears in Windchill. For example, if the user who created a part has been removed from Windchill, the Created By attribute on the part information page will list the name of the deleted user as well as this status icon to indicate that the user has been deleted.
Disconnected from directory service
Indicates that a participant (user, group, or organization) has been disconnected from the corresponding directory service entry. This status can appear on information pages for users, groups, or organizations, or in other places where a participant appears in Windchill. For example, if the user who created a part has been disconnected from Windchill, the Created By attribute on the part information page will list the name of the disconnected user as well as this status icon to indicate that the user has been disconnected.
Pending user
Indicates that a user has not been activated in Windchill. This status can appear on information pages for users, groups, or organizations, or in other places where a participant appears in Windchill. For example, a user may be added to a context team via email. The user has a status of pending until an action is taken to activate the user.
Replicated user
Indicates that a user has been imported into Windchill using context replication. This status can appear on information pages for users, groups, or organizations, or in other places where a participant appears in Windchill. Often this user status is seen in connection with an object that also has been imported into Windchill.
Security label applies
Indicates that the object has one or more security label values applied. Security labels restrict access to only authorized participants. For more information, see About Security Labels.
Locked by <administrative lock>
Indicates that the object is locked by an administrative lock. The value of the administrative lock is listed in the tooltip. For example, if an object was imported from another Windchill system as part of a package delivery, the Product Design Package administrative lock is applied. For more information, see Access Control Permissions.
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