Release Notes > Release Notes for ThingWorx Platform 9.6 > What's New in ThingWorx Platform 9.6.0
What's New in ThingWorx Platform 9.6.0
File Transfer Subsystem Improvements
A new configuration setting, File Transfer Cleanup Frequency (sec), is available under File Transfer subsystem. This configuration controls the frequency of background task that cleans up the File Transfer related tables and caches. This periodic cleanup is required for system to release file transfer related resources.
For more information, see Configuration section File Transfer Subsystem.
Removed the fixed upper limit on the Total Max Edge-Controlled File Transfers Allowed configuration. This parameter controls the maximum active concurrent file transfers allowed for ThingWorx. For more information, see Configuration section File Transfer Subsystem.
Added new parameter MaxConcurrentFileTransfersEdgeCtrl to platform-settings.json file. For more information, see platform-settings.json Configuration Details.
Added new metrics to track and monitor activities related to file transfer. For more information, see File Transfer Monitoring.
For more information on file transfer in ThingWorx Platform and other devices, see File Transfers.
Logging Improvements
Deprecated the EnableSystemLogging parameter.
To overcome exceptions and errors when logging in Application Log , Script Log, or both, JavaScript Execution Logging is implemented. For more information, see JavaScript Execution Logging.
Added new configuration settings Repetitive Log Filter Settings and Log Level Auto Reset Settings. For more information, see Logging Subsystem.
Tomcat logs are configurable. For more information, see Tomcat Log Location Configuration.
Generic services are introduced in Logging subsystem. For more information, see Administrator Services.
New setting, EnableConsoleOutput, is introduced to enable or disable stdout and stderr logs on console. For more information, see Tomcat Console Logs Configuration.
Added support for OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry is an observability framework and toolkit designed to create and manage telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. For more information on OpenTelemetry support in ThingWorx, see OpenTelemetry for ThingWorx Platform logging.
Added a way to control the maximum amount of direct memory allocated for ordered subscription states storage and enforce memory size limits for thisSub.JSONState of a single subscription and the overall memory storage of all subscription states. For more information on configuring these limits, see the SubscriptionSettings section on platform-settings.json Configuration Details. The subscription memory state size metrics were added to the Utilization Subsytem, allowing you to monitor individual subscription state memory usage. For more information on monitoring subscriptions, see Subscription Performance.
Alert Processing Subsystem
Added a new configuration setting Do Not Log Active Alerts After Restart. For more information, see Alert Processing Subsystem.
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
From 9.6, ThingWorx supports full spectrum TLS 1.3 support (TLS 1.2 and later ) on single server and HA environments for the following paths:
Axeda Edge → eMessage Connector → ThingWorx
User browser communicating with ThingWorx
ThingWorx → PostgreSQL and Azure PostgreSQL Flex
ThingWorx → MS SQL
ThingWorx → CASs
All components will continue to support TLS 1.2 as we do today. For more information, see TLS Configuration.
Content Security Policy (CSP)
Added Content Security Policy to support the security posture of ThingWorx customers.
For more information, see Content Security Policy.
Mashup Builder
Mashup Migration
Added support for migrating the legacy Collection and Repeater widgets to the themed Collection widget.
Moved the legacy Collection widget to the Legacy category on the Widgets panel.
Mashup Editing
Added a Mashup Preview tab to mashups, masters, mashup templates, and gadgets. You can use this tab to preview mashup designs without leaving Composer.
Added support for viewing mashup configurations such as layouts, bindings, and widget properties in a read-only mode. This enhancement improves user experience by allowing multiple users to review mashup designs simultaneously without making edits.
For more information, see Viewing Mashups in Read-Only Mode.
Mashup Connection Settings
WebSocket connections within mashups that are running in a background browser tab or window will now automatically disconnect after 5 minutes. This enhancement reduces network load and improves server performance by reducing unnecessary connections.
Added a configuration setting that enables you always to maintain connections, similar to previous versions of ThingWorx:
For standard deployments, added the MashupWebsocketConnectionAliveAfterTimeout configuration setting to the platform-settings.json file. For more information, see platform-settings.json Configuration Details.
For Docker images, added the MASHUP_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_ALIVE_AFTER_TIMEOUT variable. For more information, see Azure SQL Settings, Microsoft SQL Server Settings, and PostgreSQL Settings.
Mashup Data Caching
Added support for caching service data in mashups. This enhancement enables you to optimize mashup performance by reducing data load times and server requests. You can configure caching for services using the Data Properties panel.
For more information, see Caching Service Data in a Mashup.
Mashup Security
Added support for configuring Content Security Policy (CSP) rules when loading mashup content. For more information, see Content Security Policy.
Auto Refresh Function
Disabled websocket connections for mashups that are running in background tabs or windows to improve performance. For more information, see Auto Refresh.
Expression and Validator Functions
Added support for using the following functions inside JavaScript expressions.
TW.setTimeout JavaScript function inside function expressions. You can use the function to run expressions with a delay of up to 10 seconds.
TW.Runtime.updateDocumentTitle('')—Updates the document title.
TW.sessionStorage—An object that contains four functions used to manages session storage at runtime: getItem(), setItem(), removeItem(), clear()
For more information, see Supported Runtime Functions and Objects.
Style Themes
Added the Asap and Poppins fonts to the list of options available for the Font-Family property on the Style Properties panel. Fonts are only applied if available in the operating system of the user viewing the mashup. A fallback font is used when the selected font is not installed.
Added a box-shadow style property to widgets that support style themes. You can now configure shadow styling for widgets in a mashup using the Style Properties panel.
ThingWorx Web Component SDK
Upgraded all web components in the ThingWorx Web Component SDK to the Lit version 3 library.
Support for custom web components created using Polymer or Lit version 2 is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. PTC recommends using Lit version 3 to create custom web components or widgets.
For more information, see ThingWorx Web Component SDK.
Progress Tracker Widget (Themable)
Added a Progress Tracker widget that enables you to simplify complex workflows by dividing them into multiple mashups with linear navigation between each step. Each step displays a mashup.
For more information about the Progress Tracker, see Progress Tracker (Themable).
KPI Dial Widget (Themable)
Added a KPI Dial widget that enables you to display Key Performance Indicator (KPI) values using one of several layouts, such as a dial, a horizontal bar, or a vertical column.
For more information about the KPI Dial, see KPI Dial Widget (Themable).
Collection Widget (Themable)
Added a new Collection widget with support for theming. This widget replaces the legacy Collection widget. The Collection widget enables you to display data within a collection of repeated mashups.
For more information about the Collection, see Collection Widget (Themeable).
Tree Selector Widget (Themable)
Added a Tree Selector widget that enables you to display hierarchical data, allowing users to navigate and select items from a tree structure. It includes two views: a tree area and an item selection area.
For more information about the Tree Selector, see Tree Selector Widget (Themable).
Grid Widget (Themable)
Added a DoubleClicked event. You can use this event to trigger other services or functions in the mashup. For more information, see Grid Widget.
Numeric Entry Widget
Added an AllowUndefinedValues property that allows the widget to contain undefined values. By default, undefined values are automatically set to 0.
For more information, see Numeric Entry Widget.
Chart Widgets
Added support for configuring value labels by adding properties to the following charts:
Bar, Pareto, and Waterfall—Added a YAxisValuesFormat property to each chart.
Line Chart—Added two properties named YAxisValuesFormat and SecondYAxisValuesFormat to enable you to configure formatting for each axis.
Combo Chart—Added a property named YAxisNValuesFormat that enables you to configure formatting for each axis on the chart.
Integration Runtime
New Parameters
Added new parameters: MaxConnections, ConnectionsPerRoute, FollowRedirects, ConnectionTimeToLive, and enableUTF-8 to integrationRuntime-settings.json. For more information. see Initial Setup of Integration Runtime Service for Integration Connectors.
Added a new configuration setting, IncludeHeaderInResponse, to append the third-party response headers in Integration runtime response. By default, this checkbox is cleared. For more information, see Creating Integration Connectors.
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