Administrator Services
Certain capabilities are only available to an administrator user in ThingWorx. For example, the Monitoring and Import/Export menus (and associated services) are only visible for administrators. The following services can only be executed by an administrator user who belongs to the Administrators user group.
Dashboard Services
GetDashboard — Locates a dashboard by ID.
ShareDashboard — Dashboard can only be shared by the owner/creator of the dashboard or administrator user
RemoveSharedOrganizationUnit — This service can only be run by the administrative user or creator/owner of the dashboard.
Root Entity Services
GetOwner— Returns an entity's owner. Refer to Ownership for more information.
SetOwner— Assigns an owner to an entity.
CreateThingWithOwner — Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation, rather than using the default.
CreateThingShapeWithOwner — Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation to the specified user, rather than using the user creating the entity.
CreateThingTemplateWithOwner — Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation to the specified user, rather than using the user creating the entity.
CloneThingWithOwner — Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation to the specified user, rather than using the user creating the entity.
CloneThingShapeWithOwner— Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation to the specified user, rather than using the user creating the entity.
CloneThingTemplateWithOwner — Assigns the owner of an entity upon creation to the specified user, rather than using the user creating the entity.
RequestEdit — For the defined entity, the user that calls the service is made the editor. The editing mode for the previous user is cancelled, and a warning message displays before changes are made. The last change made is honored.
Resources/Session Info
TerminateUserSessions— Terminates all active sessions for a user.
PTC recommends using this service to terminate a user's session immediately prior to taking other administrative action, such as deleting the user's account, etc.
Platform Subsystem
SetAllowMethodSwitch— Allows method switching with request parameters (true is insecure). See Updating the Request Method and Content Type Filtering.
SetFilterContentType— Filters content type on requests (false is insecure). See Updating the Request Method and Content Type Filtering
GetDataConnectSettings — Retrieves the DataConnect configurations in the platform subsystem.
SetDataConnectSettings — Sets the DataConnect configurations in the platform subsystem.
User Management Subsystem
GetPlatformSessionTimeout — Returns the login session timeout in minutes.
Import Export (menu options in Composer)
Import/Export Source Control Entities
Import from File/Export to File
Administrators can authorize nonadmin imports.
Prior to ThingWorx 9.6.0, there were services under Log entities i.e. ApplicationLog, ConfigurationLog, CommunicationLog, ScriptLog, SecurityLog) which helps developers to get, set logs and sub-log levels. Those services were only accessible through custom service or subscription.
From ThingWorx 9.6.0, the following generic services are introduced in LoggingSubsystem. We recommend these services to be executed by Admin users only.
PTC recommends using these services instead of Logback.xml.
dataShape: "EntityList"
Generic service to return available log levels.
logType (STRING)
dataShape: "FieldValuePair"
Get a list of sub loggers and their levels for specified logType
logType (STRING)
dataShape: "EntityList"
Service takes input as logger and gets current log level.
logType (STRING)
level (STRING)
Service to set log level for respective log type
subloggerName (STRING)
logType (STRING)
dataShape: "FieldValuePair"
Service takes input as sublogger and log type, gets current log level of specified sublogger.
logType (STRING)
subloggerName (STRING)
level (STRING)
Service to set log level of specified Sublogger
This service overrides the default Log level set by ThingWorx Platform. Default Sublog levels can be seen by executing “GetSubLoggerLevels” service.
logType (STRING)
subloggerName (STRING)
Remove sublog level for given logger and sublogger.
Once executed, this service resets the sublog level for respective Class/Package to Default sublog level. Default Sublog levels can be seen by executing “GetSubLoggerLevels” service.
logType (STRING)
Remove all sublogger levels for given log type.
Once executed, this service resets the sublog level for All Class/Package to Default sublog level. Default Sublog levels can be seen by executing “GetSubLoggerLevels” service.
In case of setting log level to DEBUG or TRACE, there will be exponential increase in log volume for respective logs. Configurations are introduced in LoggingSubsystem to reset log level after mentioned interval. Please refer to LoggingSubsystem Configuration Details.
FileSystem Functions
DumpFileTransferHistory— Utility service that dumps in-memory transfer history.
AbortFileTransfer— Forces a FileTransfer job to VALIDATED.
Persistence Providers
GetStreamDataProcessingSettings— Returns the configuration table for stream processor settings.
GetValueStreamDataProcessingSettings — Returns the configuration table for value stream processor settings.
UpdateStreamDataProcessingSettings— Updates the settings for stream data persistence.
UpdateValueStreamDataProcessingSettings — Updates the settings for value stream data persistence.
GetPersistentPropertyDataProcessingPerformanceMetrics — This service exposes metrics for Persistence Provider Stream Processor. This service also exposes metrics for each individual queue as well as over all queues. Internally stream processor divides the persistence provider queue into many smaller queues for better performance. The size of each individual queue = maximumQueueSize / numberOfProcessingThreads.
Alert Processing Subsystem
GetAlertProcessorSettings — Returns the configuration table for alert processor settings.
UpdateAlertProcessorSettings — Updates the settings for alert processing.
Event Processing Subsystem
GetEventQueueProcessorSettings — Returns the configuration table for the event queue processor settings.
Logging Subsystem
GetLoggingSettings — Returns the configuration table for logging settings.
UpdateLoggingSettings — Updates the settings for logging.
Platform Subsystem
DeleteExtensionPackage — Deletes the specified ExtensionPackage and all associated extensions if not in use.
GetEntityUsageReport — Returns the entity usage report. See Entity Usage Report.
WriteEntityUsageReport — Generates and writes an entity usage report to the ThingworxStorage folder. See Entity Usage Report.
User Management Subsystem
SetPlatformSessionTimeout — Sets the minutes for a session timeout when there is no activity.
Security Administrator
See User Groups for more information on these services.
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