Service Board > Service Board for Dispatchers and Crew Managers > Monitoring Job and Resource Status
Monitoring Job and Resource Status
After you match Resources to Jobs and schedule Appointments, you can monitor Resource, Job, and routing status in various ways. On the Scheduler and Map tabs, you can use real-time map tracking to monitor technicians and Job and Appointment status while work is in progress through to completion. You can also work with push notifications in the Jobs and Resources subtabs and in Message Center. Your key goals in using these tools are to ensure that technicians are safe and work is completed in a timely manner, and to stay aware when issues arise that require you to take quick action.
To use these tools as effectively as possible, it can be helpful to understand the lifecycle of Jobs and Appointments from initial scheduling through to completion. Job status changes when the status of associated Appointments is modified. This lifecycle is based on workflow configurations that establish dependencies between Appointment and Job status which are predefined in Service Board, and can be customized per your organization's business needs during initial Service Board implementation. The default workflow allows you to monitor Job status as follows:
1. When Jobs are first loaded into Service Board, their status is New.
2. At dispatch, Appointments are created and placed on Resource calendars in Pending status.
3. Assigned technicians can then modify Appointment status. When technicians update the Status of Appointments to Accepted, the status on the Calendar changes to En Route, and when technicians arrive at Job locations, to Onsite. For these two Appointment workflow states, Job status changes to In Progress.
4. In cases where technicians are unable to complete Jobs within the scheduled Appointment time, or when other blocking issues such as parts availability occur, they can set status to Incomplete, which causes Job status to change to On Hold.
5. After technicians complete their work on a Job, they change the status to Finished, which causes Job status to change to Closed.
For technicians, the end goal is to ensure that their individual Appointments reach Finished status, and for dispatchers, the end goal is to ensure that Jobs progress to Closed status. Along the way, you can watch Appointment progress and ensure that technicians arrive at Job sites safely and on time. Until all Appointments are in Finished status, Jobs are not in Closed status, which provides an accurate view of the status of your work. These dependency flows are built and modified by your Service Board implementation team based on your scheduling needs and business processes.
You perform many monitoring tasks on the Map tab, where you can see all of your assigned Jobs, Resources, and Job locations in a single view. On the Jobs subtab, you can review lists of Jobs to stay apprised of current status, and on the Resources subtab, you can select specific Resource List views to see Job and technician locations. In the Map pane, you can click Group Markers to separate out clusters of Jobs and Resources near a specific location, and then click individual Job Pins to view Job details on a slide panel. To monitor specific Jobs, you can zoom into the Map pane and use the Satellite option to ensure conditions are safe for technicians to enter work sites. On the Resources subtab, you can then select a specific technician on the Map Resource List to check their current location and click their pin in the Map pane to open a slide panel that shows you up-to-date information. To view the technician's route to the work site, you can use the Show Route for Resource/Crew option in the Map pane, and if location tracking is enabled for the technician's mobile app and device, view GPS data on their slide panel. You can also use the Show Route option on Resource context menus or the Expand Map Panel button in the Scheduler tab to open a map panel that shows single or multiple work routes and related information. By monitoring in this manner, you can stay informed about Job progress and make any changes needed to ensure on-time Job completion.
Push notifications and browser alerts are useful to help you keep apprised of new information in real time. When you see the Refresh icon on the Job List, Scheduler Resource List, Crew Resource List, or Map Resource List turn orange, you can click the icon to see updated information\. Although alerts appear briefly in your browser, in a busy environment these notifications can be easy to miss, so you can use Message Center to view the latest messages, click to open associated Appointments, Jobs, and Resources, and take action to address various scenarios.
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