Checking Tenant Configuration
After you complete the essential steps to implement Service Board, you can use the Check Tenant Configuration feature to check and verify that all settings are properly configured.
To check tenant configuration:
1. Log into Max and do one of the following:
In Max Admin, on the Development Actions () launchpad menu, click Check Tenant Configuration.
Navigate to https://<hostname>/tenant_self_check.
2. Monitor the status and error messages and fix any errors that appear.
Sample Messages
Troubleshooting Steps
Field Option
The Workflow field must exist. The value of the Workflow field option cannot be empty and must be a valid workflow.
Check whether Workflow for Job Object exists or not.
Failed: Not found.
Open the object that triggered the error and create a Workflow field if needed, open the field and click Edit Workflow, and then select the relevant workflow.
Job/Appointment objects only.
Current Workflow Definition fields must be configured.
Check whether Workflow "Job Workflow" has configured Current Workflow Definition or not; the record UUID is 9677383e-c927-4042-8eb9-9a867feb1ea0.
Failed: Not configured.
Configure Current Workflow Definition records.
Job/Appointment records only.
Workflow Definition
Workflow Definition records must be associated with one or more Workflow State Conversion records.
Check whether Workflow Definition "Job Workflow"has Workflow State Conversion; the record UUID is 4ffbef98-d02d-4d8f-8180-e1cffa1515ce.
Failed: Not found.
Open relevant Workflow State Conversion records and set Source Workflow Definition or Target Workflow Definitionfield values to match reported records.
Job/Appointment objects only.
Workflow Transition
Workflow Transition records must have From State and To State fields that link to non-deleted records.
Check whether configured From State and To State on Workflow Transition "New" are valid; the record UUID is ac28daf9-4b46-4452-a839-c262d35f12ac.
Failed: Not configured.
Open the relevant records and update the From State and To State fields to link to non-deleted records.
Job/Appointment objects only.
Workflow State Conversion
Non-template Workflow State Conversion records cannot have empty Source Workflow Definition and Target Workflow Definition fields.
Check whether Source Workflow Definition and Target Workflow Definition on Workflow State Conversion "Test Workflow State Conversion" are valid; the record UUID is f427a1fa-f02d-48d9-93f0-f852659502f1.
Failed: Configured value is inactive or deleted for: "Source Workflow Definition", "Target Workflow Definition"
Open relevant Workflow State Conversion records and update Source Workflow Definition or Target Workflow Definition field values to match reported records.
Workflow State Conversion
Workflow State Conversion records must have associated Workflow State Mapping records.
Check whether Workflow State Conversion "Test Workflow State Conversion" has Workflow State Mapping; the record UUID is f427a1fa-f02d-48d9-93f0-f852659502f1.
Warning: Not found.
Link or create Workflow State Mapping records for reported Workflow State Conversion records.
Workflow State Mapping
Workflow State Mapping records must have Source Record Original State, Source Record New State, and Target Record Next State fields that link to non-deleted records.
Check whether configured Workflow States on Workflow State Mapping "d7b4cdce-2d43-4bae-ac14-84517913c748" is correct.
Failed: Not configured.
Open the relevant records and update the Source Record Original State, Source Record New State, and Target Record Next State fields to link to non-deleted State records.
In the Default Mapping Between Appointment Status and Work Order Status record, the Default Value field cannot be empty and must contain valid JSON code.
Check whether Default Value of Setting "Default Mapping Between Appointment Status and Work Order Status" is configured and valid; the record UUID is 7a7f6feb-22ad-45a5-bebf-23c4fe5d1f6d.
Failed: Value is not valid JSON document. Failed: Not configured.
Open the relevant Setting record and correct the Default Value field.
The default value of the GBL025 setting in Service Board must be consistent with the corresponding value in Salesforce.
Check whether the default value of the GBL025 setting in Service Board is consistent with the GBL025 setting in Salesforce.
Failed: The default value of the GBL025 setting is "Salesforce Event" in Service Board, but in Salesforce this value is "ServiceMax Event".
Rerun the Initial Sync GBL025 Setting initial sync action.
The default value of the Default Appointment Duration setting in Service Board must be consistent with the SET059 setting in Salesforce.
Check whether the default value of the Default Appointment Duration setting in Service Board is consistent with the Optimax SET059 setting in Salesforce.
Failed: The default value of the Default Appointment Duration setting is "PT1H" in Service Board, but in Salesforce this value is "120".
Update the SET059 setting in Salesforce.
Salesforce integration user credentials must be configured and the user can connect to Salesforce.
Check whether Salesforce integration user is configured and valid.
Failed: The Salesforce credentials are incomplete.
Failed: The configured Salesforce integration user cannot connect to Salesforce.
Complete or correct the SFDC credentials for the relevant tenant.
System Setting
In the active System Setting record, the Default Map Provider field must be configured. In the relevant Map Service Provider record, the Tile API Key or MapBox Access Token field must be configured.
Check whether the Default Map Provider on the active System Setting is configured and valid.
Failed: Not configured.
Failed: Configured value is incorrect.
Open the relevant records and correct the values as needed.
System Setting
In the active System Setting record, the Disable All Notifications check box must be cleared.
Check whether "Disable All Notifications" is disabled on the active System Setting record.
Failed: Enabled.
Open the active System Setting record and clear the Disable All Notifications check box.
System Setting
In the active System Setting record, the Shift and Shift Plan fields cannot be empty and must contain valid values.
Check whether Shift Plan and Shift are configured on the active System Setting record.
Failed: Shift/Shift Plan are not configured or inactive or deleted.
Open the active System Setting record and correct the values as needed.
System Setting
In the active System Setting record, the Use External OAuth Provider check box should be selected.
Check whether "Use External OAuth Provider" is enabled on the active System Setting record.
Warning: Disabled.
Open the active System Setting record and select the Use External OAuth Provider check box.
System Setting
In the active System Setting record, the Enable Streamlined External OAuth Authentication check box should be selected.
Check whether "Enable Streamlined External OAuth Authentication" is enabled on the active System Setting record.
Warning: Disabled.
Open the active System Setting record and select the Enable Streamlined External OAuth Authentication check box.
This check runs only when checks 13 and 22 pass.
Transform Template
In Transform Template records, the Field Mappings and Custom Field Mappings fields cannot be empty and must contain valid JSON code.
Check whether the value of Field Mappings on Transform Template "Test Template" is valid or not.
Failed: Value is not valid JSON document.
Open the relevant Transform Template record and correct the JSON code as needed.
Transform Template
In Transform Template records, the full Service Board field identifiers referenced in JSON code in the Field Mappings and Custom Field Mappings fields must start with the specified prefix.
Check whether field(s) referenced in Field Mappings of Transform Template "Test Template" start with prefix "payload.fields".
Failed: Field(s) with wrong format: "test_field_one", "test_field_two", "test_field_three".
Open the relevant Transform Template record and correct the JSON code as needed.
Service Board-to-SFDC only. The Remote and New values are reserved and bypassed.
Transform Template
In Transform Template records, the full identifier for the Service Board relationshp referenced in the JSON code in the Field Mappings and Custom Field Mappings fields must be configured in the Mapping Object field and be enclosed in single quotes.
Check whether configured relationship on Field Mappings of Transform Template "Test Template" exists or not.
Failed: Relationship test_relationship does not exist. Failed: Wrong format: "test_relationship"
Open the relevant Transform Template record and correct the JSON code as needed.
SFDC-to-Service Board only.
Transform Template
In Transform Template records, the full Service Board field identifiers referenced in JSON code in the Field Mappings and Custom Field Mappings fields must be configured in the Mapping Object field.
Check whether field(s) referenced in Field Mappings of Transform Template "Test Template" exist or not.
Failed: Cannot find field(s) with the following full identifier: "test_field_one", "test_field_two", "test_field_three".
Open the relevant Transform Template record and correct the JSON code as needed.
Fields configured in the following keys are bypassed:
uuids (reserved)
skip_invalid_record (reserved)
Keys that start with underscores (_), for example, _paras (reserved)
io_relationship (reserved)
contact_email (internal variable)
svmx_resource_id (internal variable)
svmx_product_id (internal variable)
appointment_status (internal variable)
job_status (internal variable)
svmx_status (internal variable)
In Field records with the Option List datatype that are configured as related in field mappings, the External Identifier field for each item listed in the Options tab cannot be empty.
Check whether the Option List field "Test Field" has Option(s) without External Identifier.
Failed: Found 3 option(s) without External Identifier.
Open the relevant Field record and configure the External Identifier value for the items in the Options tab as needed.
Fields configured in the following keys are bypassed:
In Transform Template records, the full Service Board field identifiers referenced in JSON code in the Field Mappings and Custom Field Mappings fields must be associated with HTTP Notification Request records.
Check whether field(s) referenced in Field Mappings of Transform Template "Test Template" link to HTTP Notification Request records.
Failed: Unassociated field(s): "test_field_one", "test_field_two", "test_field_three".
Service Board-to-SFDC Update transform templates only. Fields configured in the following keys are bypassed:
System Job
The Send HTTP Notifications system job must be activated.
Check whether System Job "Send HTTP Notifications" is activated.
Failed: Not activated.
Open the relevant System Job record and select the Active check box, or contact your system administrator.
External OAuth Provider
In active System Setting records in which the Use External OAuth Provider check box is selected, an activated External OAuth Provider record must exist.
Check whether there is at least one active External OAuth Provider.
Failed: Not found.
Create a new External OAuth Provider record.
The Service Board Integration and Service Board Initial Sync users must exist, and in the relevant user record, the Integration check box must be selected.
Check whether Service Board Integration User exists or not.
Failed: Service Board Integration User must exist and has the Integration flag checked.
Check whether Service Board Initial Sync User exists or not.
Failed: Service Board Initial Sync User must exist and has the Integration flag checked.
Contact your system administrator.
The Service Board Integration and Service Board Initial Sync users must have the System Administrator role.
Check whether Service Board Integration User "Integration User" has System Administrator role.
Failed: Not found.
Check whether Service Board Initial Sync User "Initial Sync User" has System Administrator role.
Failed: Not found.
Open the relevant user record and assign the System Administrator role.
Resource List
One or more active records appears in the Resource List table.
Check whether there is at least one active record in the Resource List table.
Failed: Not found.
Create a new Resource List record.
Transform Template
As a precondition, the Field Mapping and Custom Field Mappings fields cannot both be empty.
In Transform Template records, the Mapping Object field must not be empty. No Transform Operation is specified and the Action is Create, Update, Delete, or Patch.
Check whether Transform Template "Test Transform Template" has configured Mapping Object or not.
Warning: Not configured.
Open the relevant Transform Template record and select a value in the Mapping Object field.
If the Mapping Object field is empty, all other checks for the relevant Transform Template record are skipped.
New records can be created based on objects that have a Workflow field whose value is consistent with the expected initial value.
Check whether Max platform's Workflow engine is working correctly.
Failed: Unable to create test record with workflow field.
Failed: Unable to create test record with expected initial status value in Workflow field.
Contact your system administrator.
There must be exactly one active Sharing record that provides Resource access to the Group record related to the Service Team record to which a Resource belongs.
When Resource "Aaron" belongs to Service Team "Service Team - UK London," check whether Sharing of Resource "Aaron" to Group "Service Team - UK London" (which relates to Service Team "Service Team - UK London") exists.
Failed: Not found.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated Sharings.
Contact your system administrator.
There must be exactly one active Sharing record that provides Crew access to the Group record related to the Service Team record to which a Crew belongs.
When Crew "Motley Crew" belongs to Service Team "Service Team - UK London," check whether Sharing of Crew "Motley Crew" to Group "Service Team - UK London" (which relates to Service Team "Service Team - UK London") exists.
Failed: Not found.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated Sharings.
Contact your system administrator.
Service Team
There must be exactly one auto-generated active Group record for each Service Team that has an assigned dispatcher. For each Service Team that does not have an assigned dispatcher, there can be one or none auto-generated active Group records. There must be exactly one active Sharing record per each Service Team record and its related Group record.
Check whether Sharing for Service Team "Team - UK London" and Group "Service Team - UK London" exists.
Failed: Not found.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated Sharings.
Check whether the related group for Service Team "Team - London" exists and is valid.
Failed: Not found. There should be exactly one auto-generated group.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated groups. There should be exactly one auto-generated group.
For Group errors, activate or undelete the Group record if it exists, delete the duplicated Group record, or contact your system administrator.
There must not be more than 11 out-of-the-boxOperations with Execution Logs enabled.
Check whether the number of operations with Execution Logs enabled is less than the OOTB allowed (11).
Failed: There are 12 operations with Execution Logs enabled.
Disable Execution Logs for some of the operations.
Application Log Type
In cases where operation parameters for Reset Application Log Type specify the Logging Level and Policy for Application Log Type records, record settings should be consistent with parameter settings. Otherwise, Logging Level should be set to Error, and Policy should be set to Keep On Failure.
Check whether Application Log Type "Bulk Address Resolution" is configured Logging Level to "INFO" and Policy to "Keep At All Times".
Warning: Record not configured as recommended.
Update configuration settings as suggested, or modify the operation parameters for Reset Application Log Type.
Data Access Rule
If related Service Teams or Territories have assigned dispatchers, there must be exactly one auto-generated active Data Access Rule record for the Resource object. If related Service Teams or Territories do not have assigned dispatchers, there can be no or only one auto-generated Data Access Rule record for the Resource object.
Check whether the related data access rule for Object "Resource" and Group "Service Team - Test Team" exists and is valid.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated data access rules. There should be exactly one auto-generated data access rule.
Failed: Not found. There should be exactly one auto-generated data access rule.
Failed: Found 2 data access rule(s). There should be no auto-generated data access rule.
Deactivate redundant records, or contact your system administrator.
For Service Team and Territory records only.
Data Access Rule
If related Service Teams have assigned dispatchers, there must be exactly one auto-generated active Data Access Rule record for the Crew object. If related Service Teams do not have assigned dispatchers, there should be only one auto-generated Data Access Rule record or no records at all for the Crew object.
Check whether the related data access rule for Object "Crew" and Group "Service Team - Test Team" exists and is valid.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated data access rules. There should be exactly one auto-generated data access rule.
Failed: Not found. There should be exactly one auto-generated data access rule.
Failed: Found 2 data access rule(s). There should be no auto-generated data access rule.
Deactivate redundant records, or contact your system administrator.
For Service Team records only.
For each Territory record that has assigned dispatchers, there must be exactly one auto-generated active Group record. For Territory records that do not have assigned dispatchers, there can be one or zero auto-generated active Group records.
Check whether the related group for Territory "Africa" exists and is valid.
Failed: Not found. There should be exactly one auto-generated group.
Failed: Found 2 duplicated groups. There should be exactly one auto-generated group.
Deactivate redundant records, or contact your system administrator.
Transform Template
Field records with the Option List data type that are configured in the Custom Field Mappings field of Transform Templates for initial sync must be defined in the Initial Sync Options initial sync action.
Check whether Option List field referenced in Transform Template "Job Initial Sync Template" has been defined in Initial sync action 'Initial Sync Options' or not.
Warning: The Option List field "Lock Appointment Schedule" is not defined in Initial sync action 'Initial Sync Options'.
Add mappings for the relevant Option List field to the Custom Initial Data field of the Initial Sync Options initial sync action.
The tooltip definitions configured in the Tooltip Settings setting and the related Setting Value records must exist and be active and undeleted.
Check whether inactive, deleted, or nonexistent tooltip definitions are configured in the Tooltip Settings setting or the related Setting Value records.
Warning: 2 inactive or deleted and 2 nonexistent tooltip definitions are used in the Tooltip Settings setting or its related Setting Value records.
Update the configured tooltip definition in the Tooltip Settings setting and the related Setting Value records with an active tooltip defininition that exists and is undeleted.
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