Troubleshooting and FAQs for Service Analytics
This section lists the frequently asked questions on Service Analytics.
1. How can we access the Service Analytics dashboards? Refer to the
Enable CRM Analytics section to understand how to enable the Service Analytics features in your org. Also, as explained in the
Assign CRM Analytics Permission Sets section, you must assign the correct permission sets.
2. How can we schedule the Service Analytics dashboards? Refer to the
Schedule Service Analytics Run section to understand how to enable the auto-run feature of the dashboard components.
4. What is a Cleanup recipe? The Cleanup recipe helps to override previous configurations with the latest. Refer to the
Cleanup Recipe section to understand the features of a Cleanup recipe and how to create it.
5. What is the difference between Asset Insights dashboards and Executive Asset Insights dashboards? These two dashboards display different data to the users as per the business requirements. Refer to the
Asset Insights Dashboards section for more details.
6. When the Asset Insights app is created, how much data do the recipes fetch to display in the dashboards? The recipes run from January 1, 2013, to January 1, 2033, and display the corresponding data in dashboards.