Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor > Step Check™ > Enable and Train Step Check > Collect Training Images in Vuforia Vantage
Collect Training Images in Vuforia Vantage
The more training data that is collected, the better Step Check performance will be.
Once the procedure has been published, it must be executed in Vuforia Vantage to collect training images to train the AI.
After the procedure has been executed and submitted at least once in Vuforia Vantage, authors, managers, and administrators can begin reviewing the collected sample images to train the AI.
Guided Training with Setup Mode (Default)
If Setup mode has been selected, see Quickstart: Collect Training Images with Guided Training in Vuforia Vantage. For more information about selecting a training mode, see Step Check Tab.
Background Training with Active Mode
If Active mode has been enabled and Silent results have been selected, the Vuforia Vantage user executes the procedure as they normally would; no extra interaction is needed. While the user is executing the procedure and inspecting the object while focusing on the area surrounding the point marker, images will be collected in the background, and the AI is trained based on the user’s selection of PASS or FAIL. For more information about selecting a training mode, see Step Check Tab.