Quickstart: Collect Training Images with Guided Training in Vuforia Vantage
Guided training mode helps guide Vuforia Vantage users to the most optimal viewing positions to capture the training images from different angles and distances.
You’ll want to complete the procedure with guided training mode on at least twice:
• Once while the object in a step is in Fail state
• Once while the object in a step is in Pass state
Best Practices
The following best practices will ensure the most accurate training for Step Check:
• Ideally, you want to execute 10 quality procedure sessions with the step in fail state, and at least 5 quality pass state sessions over several days for best accuracy. However, a minimum of 1 session for both pass and fail state is required to use Step Check.
• Move slowly and smoothly when clearing the translucent hexagons in the dome. Also, once the hexagons turn green, stop in that position for 1-2 seconds to ensure fewer blurry images are collected.
• Do not manipulate the physical object while executing the procedure. If objects are moved or manipulated while collecting images, the AI may learn incorrect pass and fail states.
• Collect training images for variations. For example, if a screw is missing or only partially fastened.
• Collect training images for vastly different lighting. For example, in a day shift and a night shift.
Collect the Training Data and Images for Step Checks with Part Markers
Step Checks using part markers are view point-aware and can be trained from anywhere so long as none of the part is occluded. Step Check tracks which angles that training images have been collected for, and will only give return results from those angles. Therefore, you will need to train both Pass and Fail states from all applicable view points for part markers.
When using Step Check on a step that contains a part marker, it is important that you train both the Pass and Fail states from the same view point in order for Step Check to work from a particular angle.
1. From Vuforia Vantage, open a procedure that has Step Check enabled for at least one step.
2. On the start page, tap STEP CHECK TRAINING.
| Once Step Check Training begins, only steps with Step Check enabled will be presented to you. |
3. Once training begins, the first step with Step Check enabled appears. Select the state you want to train first.
If your distance isn’t correct, an orange dashed outline appears. If it’s aligned correctly, the dashed outline turns green, and the hexagon disappears after a few seconds.
Move the camera around to angles and view points of the part to best distinguish the differences between pass and fail state.
4. Once you feel you have cleared an appropriate amount of hexagons from the appropriate angles, tap Done.
5. Select the remaining state that you want to train, and repeat the process training from the same angles as you did for the other state, and again tapping Done when you feel the appropriate amount of hexagons have been cleared..
6. Once you’ve reached the last Step Check step in the procedure, training is complete.
Collect the Training Data and Images for Step Checks with Point Markers
1. From Vuforia Vantage, open a procedure that has Step Check enabled for at least one step.
2. On the start page, tap STEP CHECK TRAINING.
| Once Step Check Training begins, only steps with Step Check enabled will be presented to you. |
3. Once training begins, the first step with Step Check enabled appears. Select the state you want to train first.
You will need to view the point of interest through the transparent hexagons from different angles. If your distance isn’t correct, an orange dashed outline appears. If it’s aligned correctly, the dashed outline turns green, and the hexagon disappears after a few seconds.
Move the camera around to angles and view points that closely mimic those of daily work to best distinguish the differences between pass and fail state.
4. Once you feel you have cleared an appropriate amount of hexagons in the transparent dome, tap Done.
5. Select the remaining state that you want to train, and repeat the process again tapping Done.
6. Once you’ve reached the last Step Check step in the procedure, training is complete.