Zinc > Zinc for Administrators > Working With Zinc Analytics
Working With Zinc Analytics
On the Analytics tab, you can access analytical reports to gain insights into how your Organization uses Zinc. Available reports include metrics on engagement, Group and network usage, and Hotline activity. In some reports, you can select preset date ranges for which to view data or define a custom range. If needed, you can export data for each report into a .csv file for further analysis. If User Properties are enabled for your Organization, you can view analytics segmented by those properties in the Activity and Membership reports.
Analytics reports provide data on engagement, Group and overall network usage, and Hotline activity.
To view the Analytics tab, you must have either the Organization Admin or the Analyst role.
Messages Sent
Total Messages sent by all users during the selected date range.
Calls Made
Total calls made by all users during the selected date range.
Messages per User
Average Messages sent per user during the selected date range.
Calls per User
Average calls made per user during the selected date range.
Top Users by Activity
Table of the most active users, with total Messages sent and calls made during the selected date range.
Top 25 Groups by Message Volume
The 25 most active Official Groups and named Ad-Hoc Groups based on Message volume during the selected date range.
Recently Active Official and Ad Hoc Groups
The Groups that were most frequently used during the selected date range, including the average number of members and Messages per Group.
Groups Created
Total number of Official Groups and Ad Hoc Groups created during the selected date range.
Groups List
Searchable list of all Official Groups and Ad Hoc Groups available during the selected date range, sortable by name, type, member and Message totals, days inactive, or creation date.
Registered Users and Pending Invitations
Total users who signed up for Zinc and whose invitations were still pending during the selected date range.
Users Over Time
Conversion trends for pending invitations during the selected date range.
Searchable list of all active and pending users, sortable by status, name, email address, and other properties such as team, manager, admin tier, and registration or invitation date.
Number of Messages, Conversations, and Users
Total weekly or monthly Messages, Conversations, and Users.
Messaging Network
Usage map of weekly or monthly per-user message counts and sending patterns.
Real-Time Hotline Dashboard
Request Status Metrics
Total status counts of all current Requests for the selected Hotline:
Percent Closed
Request Time and Request Age Metrics
Time metrics for the selected Hotline:
Average Claim Time, Minutes
Max Open Request Age, Minutes
Average Open Request Age, Minutes
Requester and Owner Metrics
Current Max Waiting Time by Requester, Active Request Count by Owner, and Max Request Age by Owner totals for the selected Hotline.
Staffer Metrics
Average Claim Time by Staffer and Average Resolution Time by Staffer totals for the selected Hotline.
Open Request Metrics
Today's Open Requests totals for the current day, and Aged Open Requests totals for the number of Requests received over 2 hours but less than 7 days before the current date and time for the selected Hotline.
Hotline Overview
Distinct Requests Metrics
Total distinct Requests over the following time periods for the selected Hotline:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Last 365 Days
Request Volume Metrics
Trend graphs for the selected Hotline, with options to view previous and next intervals:
Daily Request Volume (Last 30 Days)
Weekly Request Volume (Last 8 Weeks)
Monthly Request Volume (Last 12 Months)
Daily Running Request Volume Week Over Week
Daily Running Request Volume Month Over Month
Time of Day Request Count
Table of total Requests per hour over the past 7 days.
Average Time Metrics
Metrics for the last 30 days for the selected Hotline with month-over-month change percentages:
Average Claim Time
Average Response Time
Average Handle Time
Average Resolution
Trend graphs for the selected Hotline, with options to view previous and next intervals:
Daily Average Time Metrics, Minutes (Last 30 Days)
Weekly Average Time Metrics, Minutes (Last 8 Weeks)
Monthly Average Time Metrics, Minutes (Last 12 Months)
Additional Request Metrics
Trend graphs for the selected Hotline, with options to view previous and next intervals:
Request Count by Owner (Last 30 Days)
Top Requesters by Volume (Last 30 Days)
All Requesters by Volume (Last 30 Days)
Request Parts Details
Table of Parts Requests over the last 7 days for the selected Hotline, with filtering options.
Request Parts
Request Parts Status Metrics
Total counts for the following metrics for the currently selected Hotline and date range:
Total Request Parts
Currently Open
Transferred Count (Transferred From Other Hotlines)
Average Time Metrics
For the selected Hotline and date range:
Claim Time, Avg. Minutes
Response Time, Avg. Minutes
Resolution Time, Avg. Minutes
Handle Time, Avg. Minutes
Request Parts Details
Table of Parts Requests for the selected Hotline and date range, with filtering options.
Broadcasts Overview
Broadcast Reach Metrics
Distinct Broadcasts Sent, Total Broadcast Views, and Average Click Through Rate metrics for the selected date range.
Broadcast Trends Metrics
Trend graphs for the selected date range:
Broadcast Volume Over Time
View and Click-Through Rate
Click-Through Rate by Sender
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