Working With Schedule and Appointment Metrics
To provide support for Schedule Proposal and Appointment Proposal usage tracking in Service Board, the Dispatch Source field in the Appointment object indicates how appointments are dispatched on Service Board. To configure these metrics, you add the same field on the Salesforce side and sync the Dispatch Source field value from Service Board. You can then generate usage reports by using Salesforce or another platform.
To ensure accurate tracking, be sure to exclude Appointments in Canceled status from usage reports.
The Dispatch Source field has the Option List data type and the following options.
Manual Drag and Drop
Manual Appointment generation on Service Board by dispatchers.
Created Externally
Appointment generated on Service Board by external sources, such as Salesforce.
Run Schedule Proposal; Save
Appointment generation on Service Board triggered by dispatcher acceptance of Schedule Proposals without changes to proposed start times, end times, and durations.
Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save
Appointment generation on Service Board after dispatchers adjust proposed start times, end times, or durations in Schedule Proposals before they save Appointments.
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Appointment generation on Service Board triggered by dispatcher acceptance of Schedule Proposals without changes to proposed start times, end times, and durations. Proposed start times, end times, and durations are manually adjusted after Appointments are saved.
Run Appointment Proposal; Select
Appointment generation on Service Board triggered by dispatcher acceptance of Appointment Proposals without changes to proposed start times, end times, and durations.
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Appointment generation on Service Board triggered by dispatcher acceptance of Appointment Proposals without changes to proposed start times, end times, and durations. Proposed start times, end times, and durations are manually adjusted after Appointments are saved.
Dispatch Source field values for newly created Appointments are automatically populated based on the following rules.
Appointments created manually by dragging and dropping on Service Board are set to Manual Drag and Drop.
Appointments created on Salesforce and synched to Service Board are set to Created Externally.
Appointments created by running Schedule Proposals with acceptance of proposed results without changes are set to Run Schedule Proposal; Save.
Appointments created by running Schedule Proposals with end-user adjustments to proposed results before Appointments are saved are set to Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save.
Appointments created by running Appointment Proposals with acceptance of proposed results without changes are set to Run Appointment Proposal; Select.
Appointments created by reassignment (which means that original Appointments are canceled and new Appointments are created) are handled as follows:
For original Dispatch Source field values of NULL, new Appointments are set to Manual Drag and Drop.
For original Dispatch Source field values of Created Externally or Manual Drag and Drop, new Appointments are set to Manual Drag and Drop.
For original Dispatch Source field values of Run Schedule Proposal; Save, Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save, or Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change, new Appointments are set to Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change.
For original Dispatch Source field values of Run Appointment Proposal; Select or Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change, new Appointments are set to Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change.
In all other cases, reassigned Appointments are set to Manual Drag and Drop.
Dispatch Source field values for Appointments created with release versions earlier than Service Board 20.2c Patch 1 are NULL.
Dispatch Source field values for updated Appointments are automatically populated based on the following rules.
Dispatch Source field values are updated only when start times, end times, durations, and assigned Resources are changed.
Appointments set to Run Schedule Proposal; Save or Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save are updated to Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change.
Appointments set to Run Appointment Proposal; Select are updated to Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change.
Canceled Appointments retain their existing Dispatch Source field values.
Appointments with the following field values are not updated:
Manual Drag and Drop
Created Externally
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
The following table provides additional details about these rules.
The Update action in the table refers to changed start times, end times, durations, and reassigned Resources in Appointment records.
Original Dispatch Source
Target Appointment
Target Dispatch Source
Original Appointment
Original Appointment
New Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Original Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Original Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Original Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
New Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Original Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Created Externally
Original Appointment
Created Externally
Original Appointment
Created Externally
New Appointment
Manual Drag and Drop
Original Appointment
Created Externally
Run Schedule Proposal; Save
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save
New Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save
Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save
New Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Preview Mode Change; Save
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
New Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Schedule Proposal; Save; Manual Change
Run Appointment Proposal; Select
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select
New Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
New Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
Original Appointment
Run Appointment Proposal; Select; Manual Change
When Crew Appointments are reassigned, Dispatch Source field values for new Crew Appointments are set based on these rules, and related Crew Resource Appointments are set to Dispatch Source values identical to those of their associated Crew Appointments.
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