Working With Qualifications
In addition to credentials, Resource recommendations are also based on qualifications, and are associated with a Resource. For example, a technician dispatched to work on a malfunctioning transformer might be required to have journeyman electrician credentials and qualifications that include diagnostic and repair expertise with the relevant transformer model.
Technician qualifications appear in a list view on the Qualifications tab in Resource records. To support Resource searches by qualifications, the Resource object includes summary fields for various qualification types, such as Skills, Preferred, and so on. The Update Resource Qualification Summary system job is used to summarize these qualifications and load summaries into the related summary fields in Resource records. These summary fields are indexed so that users can search for Resources by qualifications in the Scheduler.
The following summary fields are included in the Resource object by default. Qualifications are summarized in related fields. For example, skills-related qualifications are summarized in the Skills field.
Product Exp
Travel Auth
The Update Resource Qualification Summary system job is execured daily. By default, only qualifications that changed in the previous 24 hours are summarized. This functionality is enabled by default, and if needed, you can customize the following settings related to this system job per your organizational needs.
Enable Full Resource Qualification Summary
Defines whether the system job runs a full summary or only summarizes qualifications that changed in the previous 24 hours. Disabled by default.
Maximum Resource Qualification Summary Count
Defines the maximum number of qualifications that can be summarized for the Resource object. The default value is 20, and the maximum acceptable value is 100. Resources that have more than 100 qualifications may not be searchable by some qualifications.
Resource Skills Summary Field
Defines which Credential field value to use in summaries for the Resource object. The default value is Credential Name, and the setting can be configured to be any String or Text field in the Credential object.
Thread Pool Size for Resource Summary
Defines the thread pool size the system job uses to improve performance during summary generation. The default value is 3.
After you define technician qualifications, the next step is to specify Job requirements.
The Max Qualifications object maps to the Salesforce Expertise object.
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