Service Board > Max for Administrators > Scheduler and Crew Manager Configuration > About Credentials, Qualifications, and Job Requirements
About Credentials, Qualifications, and Job Requirements
Specific Resources, credentials, and qualifications can be preferred or required for Jobs and customer accounts. To address these needs, you can configure automated Resource recommendation functionality to optimize dispatch of appropriate Resources. Resource recommendations are based on the following data:
Resource credentials, which can be a skill (for example, network assessment), product-specific expertise, or documentation (for example, travel authorization).
Resource qualifications, which connect the credential to specific Job requirements (for example, network administration or a visa for a specific country).
Required and preferred people and knowledge for specific Jobs.
Minimum thresholds for Resource recommendations, both at the work-order and global levels.
You can define Job requirements for individual work orders and also specify a global threshold for Resource recommendations. Matching percentages are calculated based on the relative importance of specific credential categories, qualification levels, and Job requirement weighting. For more information, see Resource Recommendation Percentage Scoring.
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