Testing Initial Sync Configuration
After you configure initial sync, you must test the configuration before you can begin data migration. The test operation validates that all columns included in SOQL queries exist on the target Salesforce org, and also returns the count of records for each query.
By default, Service Board instances are provisioned with 5 GB of RAM and 4 GB heap size. When large volumes of data are migrated from Salesforce to Max, Service Board instances can generate out-of-memory errors with default memory and heap size configurations in place. If test output indicates that more than 40,000 records are configured for Salesforce-to-Service Board sync, contact TechOps to increase the memory and heap size of the Service Board instances, and follow the steps in the procedure to update the local tenant configuration afterward.
To test initial sync configuration:
1. Navigate to https://<sb_instance_url>/sfdc_init_sync_test.
2. Check the output for exceptions and fix any issues before you run initial sync.
3. To configure instances with over 40,000 records to sync after TechOps increases the memory and heap size, in the tenant record, update the Max Memory Setting field from 5120 MB to 12288 MB, and then in the Application Environment box, update the code with the following JSON:
"AUTO_MEMORY_CALC": "false",
"JAVA_OPTS": "-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=300m -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -Xms9830M -XX:MetaspaceSize=300M -Xmx9830M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=300M -Xss512K -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -DSHARED_ENTITY_CACHE_MAX_SIZE=500 -Dio.deferredoperation.threads=6 -Dio.event.system.threads=6 -Dio.sharedcache.threads=2 -Des.processors.override=2 -DDETAILED_QUERY_STATS=true",
4. To automatically restart the Service Board instance with new memory and heap size settings, save the tenant record.
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