Searching Jobs Globally
You can use the Job Search option to search all the Jobs in Service Board. While you type into the search box, typeahead search functionality generates up to 10 suggested results based on the text you enter.
Search functionality is not case-sensitive.
Job Search results include records found by the search engine that match the search string. Records with Primary Name field values that match the search string are also included, and if not found by the search engine, appear at the top of the search results without the search string highlighted. Records found both by the search engine and by their Primary Name field values appear below them with the rest of the records found by the search engine with the search string highlighted.
Job search scope includes only fields for which the Include in Global Search option is enabled by your system administrator.
For performance reasons, Service Board is configured with maximum limits on search processing time and the number of search results returned.
To search Jobs globally:
1. In the Job List, in the left pane, in the picklist, click Job Search, and then in the search box, type a search term.
2. Select a suggested search result, or press ENTER.
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