What's Enhanced
Open URL Custom Button
The Go app features a custom button type, Open URL, allowing technicians to conveniently access URLs in the device browser for additional task-related information.
Administrators can configure this custom button type, Open URLin the SFM with the Show in Mobile option enabled. This configuration displays a hamburger icon on the Edit screens in the Go app.
Technicians can simply tap the hamburger icon on the Edit screens to view the list of configured custom buttons and easily access the related URL in the device browser. Technicians can tap the Go link in the browser to navigate back to the Go app from the browser.
For more information, refer to
Open URLs Using Custom Button.
App Feedback Enhancements
The latest enhancement to the Go app's feedback mechanism empowers administrators to finely tune feedback reception from specific technician groups, ensuring a more targeted approach to app improvement.
Administrators can now effortlessly toggle the Feedback option in the Go Console for designated user groups, customizing the feedback experience for technicians.
A new dashboard is also introduced for the administrators to view the feedback based on their technician group and take necessary corrective actions.
This tailored approach enables technicians to provide more detailed app feedback, especially regarding sync errors, thereby enhancing the overall performance and usability of the app.
For more information on the configuration, refer to
Configure the Feedback Option.
For more information on sending feedback from the Go app, refer to
Send Feedback.
Get Price Enhancements
The enhancement of the price book functionality within the Go app represents a pivotal enhancement in pricing transparency and accuracy across Work Order records. This improvement addresses the challenge of calculating and displaying prices when a Service Contract or Warranty does not cover Work Orders.
Key to this enhancement is the application's refined ability to calculate and display prices accurately under various conditions:
• In cases where no Service Contract or Warranty is linked to a Work Order, yet a custom price book is configured, the pricing is derived from this custom configuration, ensuring the pricing is accurately reflected.
• Technicians can also override the configured discount on the price book and manually enter the discount to get the required pricing.
This enhancement, operational both online and offline, signifies a significant leap forward in operational flexibility, ensuring that accurate pricing is available and transparent under all circumstances.
For more information on price calculation, refer to
Get Price Calculation.
For more information on manual discounts, refer to
Manual Discount Calculation.