Fixed Issue List
Impacted Product and Feature: ServiceMax Suite
Release Applicability: 23.1 GA Version
Release Date: July 13, 2023
The following tables list the defects fixed in ServiceMax 23.1.
Dispatch Console
Case Number
The user was unable to hide/unhide the tabs in the Advanced Technician Search configuration page.
Incremental events were not displayed on the Scheduler when the user refreshed the Work Order Grid.
When the user created events in advanced mode for the work orders with the Dispatch Status field value as Queued, the Dispatch Status did not change to Assigned.
Work orders in the Work Order grid were not filtered as expected when special characters such as & were present in any of the fields.
Technician working hours overlapped over holidays when the logged-in user and the technician working hours had the same time zone.
The Dispatch Console UI elements were not translated into German.
The business hours of inactive technicians were also considered.
Field Service Application
Case Number
Fix Version
00136877, 00139976
The Start DateTime and End DateTime fields did not render values on the UI when the Work Order was debriefed. This issue was specific to iOS version 16.4.
The orientation became unresponsive in the landscape mode when the user added the signature on the Output Document and clicked Done. This issue was specific to iOS version 16.4.
The lookup filter with advanced search did not work as expected.
Schedule Optimization
Case Number
The technician details were blank when the user updated the work order.
Schedule overlaps occurred on the non-availability of technicians with special characters in the name.
This is a server-side fix.
Appointment slots were not displayed on the Ranked Appointment Booking page for the specified date range.
Schedule Optimization assigned work orders over the unavailability events in a few scheduling job runs. This caused event overlaps.
The user could not select and add the technician in the Immediate dispatch process when there was a high volume of technician data.
Issue: Schedule Optimization did not reassign the Ranked Appointment Booked work order to a different technician when the working hours of the currently scheduled technician were updated. The selected arrival window was outside the updated working hours of the currently scheduled technician. This resulted in clearing the Promised Arrival Window, and the Appointment Booked work order was unassigned.
Resolution: Schedule Optimization reschedules the Ranked Appointment Booked work order to another technician if the working hours of the currently scheduled technician are updated and the arrival window is exceeded. Schedule Optimization either reschedules the work order to another technician if available or keeps it unassigned.
This is a server-side fix.
For more information, see Ranked Appointment Booking.
00131092, 00133631
Issue: The event trigger validated the Service Duration value of the events and displayed a validation error when the value was negative.
Resolution: You can now control the validation of the negative Service Duration value through a custom setting. Set the custom configuration setting SET00100 to False to bypass the validation for the negative Service Duration value. For more information, see Configuring the Service Duration Validation.
Issue: Work order events were created for the work orders in a single update if the work orders update was performed for the following field values:
Dispatch process
Scheduled date time
Resolution: Event creation logic on work order update now executes for the dispatch processes of type Immediate Dispatch only.
For more information, see Event Creation Behavior.
Case Number
The Description field in the Time Entry records of the Timesheet was populated with wrong data for non-work order events.
The IB tree on the Installed Product record displayed a blank screen due to the CSRF token enablement.
The admin was unable to choose a recipient from the drop-down list on the SFA configuration page. The drop-down list did not display any values.
The SMS Notification was not sent when the recipient was configured to lookup the polymorphic field.
The Scheduled SFM job to renew the contract failed with an error.
The latest PM Schedule records were not retrieved, so a new Work Order was created even though the existing Work Order was still open.
The lookup form-fill fields were not queried when the advanced filter was configured for a lookup field.
The Service Board application did not launch when invoked through the Background SFM. The external URLs were rendered incorrectly when navigating from Background SFM to Custom Action.
The Work Order Date was not updated when the PM Plan was created and the Processed checkbox was set to true. A field was missing in the query, resulting in an exception.
The admin was unable to edit the custom action. The org was Einstein enabled, due to which some of the lookup fields in the custom action did not have edit access.
The Related Object field value was displayed incorrectly when the admin edited the Advanced Download Criteria expression on the Mobile Configuration page.
The admin was unable to update the Mobile Configurations due to an "Attempt to dereference a null object" error.
The SFM child line displayed errors for CreatedDate and LastModifiedDate fields due to GMT time zone conversion when cloned and saved.
This was due to the setting "Enable Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation and Update Records with Inactive Owners User Permissions" enabled in the Salesforce Setup.
The high volume of PM Schedules for the respective PM Plans caused the PM batch error.
00128459, 00130568, 00129642
Issue: An error occurred when the Mobile Configuration page was accessed on the ServiceMax Setup. When the Mobile Configuration page was launched, all the object labels available in an org were retrieved and displayed. The large number of objects in the org led to Salesforce governor limit issues.
Resolution: You can now exclude objects belonging to a managed package or namespace from loading on the Mobile Configuration page by creating a custom setting. You can define the custom setting with the comma-separated list of namespaces from which you want to exclude the objects. Additionally, some areas of the Mobile Configuration page have been optimized.
Issue: The stock transfer between the source and destination location always updates the product stock record's DECREASED status in the source location with Qty as Zero. The DECREASED status was not required in this scenario.
Resolution: The admin must create a custom setting SET00999 and set it to False to update the DECREASED status for stock transfer between the source and destination location, where the destination location is non-stocking.
Issue: The PM Process engine did not send an email notification to the user even when the PM Process qualified zero PM Plans.
Resolution: The PM Process engine sends an email notification to the user indicating zero PM Plans were qualified.
For more information, see Schedule and Notifications Tab.
SFM Delivery
Case Number
The SFM number field, when edited using the tab key, did not highlight the number field on focus.
The SFM reloaded when the Owner field was selected in the SFM grid line. The browser cache limit was exceeded due to additional properties from Salesforce in the API call.
The SFM did not display the error message when a data validation rule was configured to avoid blank space for a field. The user was able to add empty space and save the SFM.
The value None selected from the picklist for a Technical Attribute was not displayed in the related list object record.
The Service Report was generated with one extra signature.png extension file, due to which there were two files in the Notes and Attachment section for a Work Order instead of just one.
The SFM Search displayed a different scheduled DateTime value than the one on the Work Order record.
An error was displayed when a button configured with a webservice in an SFM was invoked.
SFM Designer
Case Number
Issue: The ".value" attribute for picklist and multi-picklist fields was not supported on Output Document Designer.
Resolution: The ".value" attribute in the picklist and multi-picklist fields is now supported using the new "Insert API Name" option on the Output Document - Template Designer. The "Insert API Name" option inserts the API name of the picklist or multi-picklist value at runtime on the SFM Delivery.
For more information, see Template Designer.
SFMD React
Case Number
A blank screen was displayed after adding the Start DateTime and End DateTime. This was specific to the Chinese locale.
00134303, 00133986
An out-of-range validation error was displayed for the number field.
The number field on the Work Order displayed a decimal number even though the number field was not configured to include any decimal numbers.
The standard Get Price code snippet included seconds value from the Start DateTime and End DateTime, which led to incorrect line price calculation.
The 'is required' field in an SFM was not translated.
The required field triggered a real-time data validation error in the SFM grid even though it was disabled in the SFM page layout.
User preferences of the SFM grid tabs were not retained on Quick Save.
The webservice was executed for each child line added in the SFM grid instead of executing just once for all the child lines added using Multi-Add.
Issue: The user made multiple clicks to select the picklist values, and this resulted in a loss of time for the user.
Resolution: The inline search capability is enabled for picklist values. The user can type to filter the picklist values and use either the tab key or focus out of the field to select the immediate matching result.
For more information, see Child Section.
Case Number
The migration tool incorrectly fetched the "Id" instead of "id" in the JSON format when the ServiceMax profiles were migrated.
The Checklist process with questions was not migrated as the request URI was too long.
The Migration Tool validated inappropriate metadata fields for the Checklist Output Document process.
The profile name field was mapped to null when SFM Mobile permissions were migrated using the Migration Tool.
Post-migration of various SFM Wizards using the SFDX Plugin Tool, the SFMs failed to load on runtime.
The updated SFM Transaction, when migrated to the target org, did not modify the source and target child object configurations in the target org.
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