Creating SFM Wizards
You can use the SFM Wizard Designer to configure and manage SFM wizards, design their layouts, and make them available to the required group of ServiceMax users. The following are the key points for configuring and managing SFM wizards.
You can create a new custom SFM wizard for any object in one of the following ways:
1. Select the object in the Select Object picklist on the SFM Wizard Designer home page, and click the New button. This is for objects which already have at least one standard or custom SFM wizard configured.
2. Select None in the Select Object picklist on the SFM Wizard Designer home page, click the New button, and then select the required object in the Object picklist. This is for objects which do not have any standard or custom SFM wizard configured already. The object list shows only those objects for which SFM transactions, SFM custom Actions, Inventory processes, or RL processes (Reverse Logistics) are available.
3. Select the object in the Select Object picklist on the SFM Wizard Designer home page, check the Select checkbox for any required standard or custom SFM wizard, and click the Clone button in the relevant section. When you use this method, ensure that you update the Wizard Title to distinguish it from the title of the wizard from which the current wizard was cloned; also update the Wizard ID to give it a unique meaningful value, instead of the auto-generated date timestamp suffix.
4. Click Quick Save any time during the wizard creation process to save the wizard and then continue to create or edit the wizard.
5. Click Save & Close to save the SFM wizard and return to the SFM Wizard Designer home page.
6. Click Cancel to cancel any changes made to a wizard and return to the SFM Wizard Designer home page.
A wizard is considered Incomplete, if it does not include even one wizard step.
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