Max Score
Max score is computed as following:
When Required skills and optional Skills are there in the Skills tab:
Max score = Value of Configuration Setting SET077 (Required Skills) + Value of Configuration Setting SET077 (Optional Skills) + Value of Configuration Setting SET079 (Eligibility) + Value of Configuration Setting SET080 (Technician Constraints)
When only Required skills are there in the Skills tab:
Max score = Value of Configuration Setting SET077 (Required Skills) + Value of Configuration Setting SET079 (Eligibility) + Value of Configuration Setting SET080 (Technician Constraints)
When only Optional skills are there in the Skills tab:
Max score = Value of Configuration Setting SET077 (Optional Skills) + Value of Configuration Setting SET079 (Eligibility) + Value of Configuration Setting SET080 (Technician Constraints) + Value of Configuration Setting SET078 (Product Expertise)
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