Error Messages
Following are the different types of error message shown on clicking Calculate/Schedule, when there is any mismatch during calculation or unable to find slots to create event. You can use this message to adjust the constraints set in the event window and retry, to create the events.
1. The following error message is displayed where there is no Preferred Business Hours set in the work order and the Respect machine access hours checkbox is selected in the Options tab:
Please disable respect machine access hours in Options tab or update the work order with Preferred Business Hours
2. You can define the maximum allowed gap in calendar days for Long Job Scheduling, between consecutive events and from the event window start date time to the first event start date time for that invocation in SET009. The default value of gap is 14 days. If events cannot be created without exceeding this gap, save is canceled and error message is displayed to revisit (and adjust) the criteria set in the event edit window and, try again.
Events not created, as some constraints cannot be met. Retry after changing the constraints in Options tab
Consider the following scenario: Dispatcher has to assign 50 hours (Service Duration) of work to Technician A with minimum event duration of 3 hours and has to meet the following criteria - the events must not be outside the technician working hours, events must be within work order's preferred business hours and it should not be overlapping any existing events on technician's calendar. Let Technician A's calendar be busy for all 15 days except on 10th day, where he has a slot of 5 hours duration. In the above scenario, when a dispatcher drags and drops the work order on the Gantt for the required Technician A. Search is done for the first 14 days to find slots to create the event, meeting all the above defined criteria. The first match will be found on the 10th day, post that it will restart a 14 day calendar from the 10th day to find the next match. It will not be able to find another match within this window and the save will be canceled, and error message will be shown to the user to revisit (and adjust) the criteria set in the event edit window, and try again.
3. During creation of multiple events, if the remaining Unscheduled Duration becomes lesser than Minimum Event Duration after finding space for all the rest of the events, a error message is shown with total number of events and remaining service duration unscheduled in hours .
Example: Consider the following scenario:
Total duration of the events: 50 hours
Minimum Schedule Duration: 5 hours 30 minutes
The error message will be shown indicating that the 45 hours are covered using 5 events, whereas the remaining 5 hours cannot be covered because it is less than the Minimum Event Duration of 5 hours 30 minutes.
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