When you schedule LJS Work Order, events are created based on the following constraints:
The minimum Service Time to be considered for splitting a long duration (LJS) work order is derived from Minimum Schedule Duration. When multiple events are created automatically for LJS, any opening, shorter than Minimum Schedule Duration + Drive Time + Overhead Time + Break Time of the potential event, is skipped.
The maximum allowed gap in calendar days for Long Job Scheduling, between consecutive events and from the event window start date time to the first event start date time for that invocation, which is based on setting SET009.
Whether to respect technician work hours or not, is based on the selection of the checkbox Respect technician work hours. When this checkbox is selected, the events created by LJS are scheduled within technician working hours.
Whether to respect machine access hours or not, is based on the selection of the checkbox Respect machine access hours. When this checkbox is selected, events created by LJS will not extend outside of the machine access hours.
Whether to create new events overlapping with the existing events or not, is based on the selection of the checkbox Do not overlap existing events. When this checkbox is selected, events created by LJS will not overlap with the existing events
When you click Schedule button in the event window, following validations are applied, and save goes through only if these conditions are satisfied:
Event subject must not be blank and must not be longer than 80 characters.
Estimated Duration field in the corresponding work order must not be blank.
Service Duration cannot be blank.
Preferred Business Hours field in work order cannot be blank when Respect machine access hours in Options tab is selected.
All the matches found to create contagious LJS events must satisfy the scheduling options. If it does not match, it shows error messages to adjust the constraints set in the event window and retry, to create the events.
If the event duration equals the sum of all Duration components (Service Duration , Drive Time(s), Overhead Time(s), and Break Time) This happens if the value of global configuration setting SET023 is True.
If the new event does not overlap any existing Work Order event This happens if the value of global configuration setting SET025 is Disallow.
If the new event does not overlap any existing non-Work Order event This happens if the value of global configuration setting SET025 is Disallow and SET028 is False.
On successful schedule, the following Work Order fields are updated:
Value if it is a new assignment / Update primary technician is checked
Value if Update primary technician is unchecked
Scheduled Date Time
Event Arrive Time+ Drive Time (before)
Event Arrive Time + Drive Time (before)
Dispatch Status
Salesforce User associated with the selected technician, if global configuration setting SET009 is True
Locked By DC
Driving Time (in Minutes)
Drive Time (before)
Drive Time (before)
Service Duration (in Seconds)
Service Time
Service Time
Selected Technician
Service Team
Selected Technician's Service Team
Scheduled Duration
Sum of service duration from all the events related to the Work Order
Sum of service duration from all the events related to the Work Order
Unscheduled Duration
Revised Duration - Estimated Duration
Revised Duration - Estimated Duration
Revised Duration
Estimated Duration + Scope Change + Variance
Estimated Duration + Scope Change + Variance
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