Configuring Transactions
The application allows you to create transactions for objects used in workflow processes.
To create a transaction, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to Asset 360 with your credentials.
2. From the left navigation pane, click Service Process Manager > Transactions. It displays the transactions list.
3. Click New Transaction. The following screen is displayed.
4. Provide the details for the fields as described in the following table.
Field Name
Field Description
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
General Information
Transaction Name*
Enter a title for the transaction.
Display Toggle Button
Click the toggle button to display the transaction in the Runtime. This toggle button is ON by default.
Developer Name*
The developer name is auto-populated from the Transaction Name field, similar to that of the Transaction Name. Edit it as required to make it unique.
Use the Copy to Clipboard option to copy the Developer Name for using it in flows or APIs.
Select a type for the transaction from the drop-down list. The following types of transactions are available:
Create Header and Child Records
Edit Header and Child Records
The layout resets when you try to change the type while creating the transaction.
Select the object for which the transaction is created.
Type of record that will be created*
Select the type of record created from this transaction from the drop-down list.
This field is displayed and populated when you select Create Header and Child Records in the Type field.
Enter a brief description of the transaction.
Enter the appropriate tag for the transaction.
Default and Mapped Values
Always Apply: This mapping is applied to the Transaction record to populate field values.
Default Values/ Data Mapping Rule
Select the default values from the available mappings. It also allows you to create a mapping for seeding the default values for the transaction.
Conditional Mapping: This mapping is applied to the Transaction record when a specific expression is met.
When Expression is True
Select the expression from the list.
When this expression is met, a specific mapping is applied to the Transaction record to populate the values.
Click New Configuration to create the desired expression. You are redirected to a new browser tab to create an expression. Refer to the Create Expression section for more details.
Apply this Mapping
Select the object mapping from the available list.
The object mapping is applied to the Transaction record to populate the values.
Click New Configuration to create the desired object mapping. You are redirected to a new browser tab to create an object mapping. Refer to the Create Object Mapping section for more details.
Advanced Options
Click the Advanced Options link to select the Salesforce Fieldsets for the transaction.
Select the Fieldset from the list and click Confirm. The query is triggered only for the fields available in the Fieldset and not on the fields available in the Page Layout.
The Advanced Options feature is available only when you select an object.
This option applies to the source object in Create type and the target object in Edit Type Transactions.
Selecting Fieldsets is a multi-picklist field. You can select multiple values from the available list.
If fields are missing in the Fieldset from the Page Layout, an error message is displayed in the Runtime on the missing fields.
To remove the Fieldsets, click the close icon for each Fieldset, or click Remove Association to remove all the Fieldsets.
If the Fieldset is deleted or renamed from the object, an error is displayed while saving the Transaction with the Fieldset configured.
Form Layout
Add a Button
Click Add a Button in the Form Layout section to define buttons linked to Apex classes.
Currently, a maximum of three buttons can be defined.
5. Provide the details for the fields as described in the following table:
Field Name
Field Description
Add fields to the object to start creating a form.
Adding fields to this section is mandatory. Else, an error message is displayed.
Add a section
Add a section to the form and add fields to it.
Add a related list to the form.
6. Click Save. A confirmation message is displayed.
The user is navigated back to the Transactions List page for the Edit type transaction, and the page is reloaded.
Your user is navigated to the new transaction for the Create type transaction on the current page.
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