Using the Event Log
The event log lists the loss events for the work center, either for the current production block or the past 24 hours, depending on whether you are viewing the
collapsed event log view or the
expanded event log view.
In either event log view, events with alerts are indicated with an alert icon (

). An alert on an event means that the reason selected for the event is not at the lowest level of the reason tree. Until the alert is addressed, your data will not be complete for the Pareto and trend charts in
Performance Analysis. To clear an alert,
edit the loss event and select a loss reason that is at the lowest level of the reason tree.
edit a loss event, click the event in the event log.
Automated events in the event log are indicated with an asterisk ( * ) after their duration when they have completed. These are events that are entered using data automation rather than being manually entered through the
Production Dashboard. They have a start time and continue until a new event starts. Events shown in the event log with no duration are automated events that have not yet completed. The duration displays once the automated event is complete. Automated events that are not complete cannot be edited.
Collapsed Event Log View
The collapsed view of the event log displays in the
Event Log pane on the
Production Dashboard. This view shows the most recent events for the current production block by default. For each event, a visual indicator for the selected loss category, the selected loss reason, any comment, and the impact (duration or quantity) is displayed. If a reason category is selected, or no loss reason is selected for the event, the loss reason is blank. If you have selected a parent or child loss reason, the loss reason is displayed. If the reason selected for the event is not at the lowest level of the reason tree, an alert icon (

) is displayed in the
Comments column.
There are multiple filters available for the Event Log pane:
• Most Recent—Displays the most recent events at the top of the list. This is the default view.
• Alerts First—Displays events with alerts at the top of the list.
• Alerts Only—Displays only events with alerts.
To view events for the work center outside of the current production block, click Expand Log.
Expanded Event Log View
The expanded view of the event log displays all loss events for the work center for the past 24 hours, or all scrap loss events from the past week, depending on your filter settings. Loss events older than the past 24 hours and scrap loss events older than a week can no longer be viewed in the expanded event log.
For each event, the following information is displayed:
Column | Description |
Job Order | The job order associated with the event. If the loss event is entered for a time gap production block, this field is blank. This field may be blank for automated loss events. |
Material | The material associated with the event. If the event is entered for a time gap production block, this field is blank. This field may be blank for automated loss events. |
Production Block | The date and start time of the production block during which the event occurred. This field may be blank for automated loss events. |
Event Category | The loss category for the event. |
Loss Reason | The loss reason for the event. If a reason category is selected, or no loss reason is selected for the event, the loss reason is blank. If the reason selected for the event is not at the lowest level of the reason tree, an alert icon (  ) is displayed in the Comments column. You can update the level of the reason tree by clicking the alert icon to open the Edit Loss Event window. |
Comments | If there is a comment on the event, a comment icon (  ) displays. You can view the comment by clicking the event to open the Edit Loss Event window. |
Impact | The quantity for scrap loss events or duration for all other loss events. | An event shown in the event log with no duration is an automated event that has not yet completed. The duration displays once the automated event is complete. |
Time of Entry | For automated loss events, the time when the entry was recorded. This field is blank for manually entered loss events. |
Shift | The name of the shift during which the event occurred. If the loss event occurred outside of a scheduled shift, then Overtime displays. This field may be blank for automated loss events. |
There are multiple filters for the expanded event log:
• All Events (24 hr)—Displays all events for the past 24 hours. This the default view.
• Alerts Only (24 hr)—Displays only those events with alerts from the past 24 hours.
• Scrap Only (Week)—Displays only loss events with the Scrap loss category from the past week.
You can narrow down the list of events by entering text in the Filter field. The list can also be sorted on the following columns: Job Order, Material, Production Block, Event Category, Loss Reason, and Shift.
From the expanded view of the
Event Log, you can
add historical scrap events.
To return to the collapsed event log view, click Collapse Log.