Welcome to the ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.x Help Center
Release Notes for ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.x
Release Notes for ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.4
Fixed Issues in ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.4
Release Notes for ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.0
What’s New in ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.0
Fixed Issues in ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.0
Known Issues in ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.0
End-of-Support Information with ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.0
Overview of Out-of-the-Box Tasks
Install and Configure ThingWorx Navigate
Get Ready to Install
Important Legal Information About Data Collection
Create KeyStore and TrustStore Files for ThingWorx Navigate
Known Issues for Installation Tools
Download ThingWorx Navigate
Install ThingWorx Navigate
Troubleshoot Installation
Configure ThingWorx Navigate
Set Up ThingWorx Navigate with Single Sign-On
Set Up ThingWorx Navigate with Windchill Authentication
Using SSL for Secure Communication
Set Up ThingWorx Navigate with Fixed Authentication
Validate the Connection
Modify ThingWorx Permissions
Modify ThingWorx Permissions: Administrators
Modify ThingWorx Permissions: Users and Groups
Modify ThingWorx Permissions: Training Menu
Uninstall ThingWorx Navigate
Additional Configurations
Configure ThingWorx Navigate with a Clustered Windchill Environment
Configure ThingWorx Navigate to Connect to Multiple Windchill Systems
Configure Content Security Policy Header Values for ThingWorx Navigate
Configure Windchill to Include URL for Task Details Page in Email Notification
Connect ThingWorx Navigate to SAP
Improve the Performance of ThingView WebGL
Extend Session Timeout
Extend Request Timeout
Change the Language Setting
Upgrade ThingWorx Navigate
Compare Versions of ThingWorx Navigate
In-Place Upgrade
In-Place Upgrade for ThingWorx Navigate
Restore Your Custom Tasks and Deny List into the Target System
Using SSL for a Secure Connection
Tailor ThingWorx Navigate Tasks
Tailor a Collection of Tasks
Tailor a Specific Task
Best Practices for Using Windchill Saved Searches and Saved Filters
Add Attributes to the Deny List
Synchronize ThingWorx Navigate Tailoring Data with Windchill
Architecture of Windchill Authentication
Design of Authentication Filter
Design of Authenticator Extension
Customize ThingWorx Navigate
Customize the User Interface
Change the Logo for ThingWorx Navigate
Add a Banner to ThingWorx Navigate
Modify an Out-of-the-Box Label Used in the UI
Create Custom Tasks
Create a Custom Task Using Components
Overview of ThingWorx Navigate Components
Video Tutorials
Add and Configure Components
Available Components
Attributes Generic
Item Identity
Task Identity
Part Identity
Document Identity
Item List
Affected Items
Design Files
Part Structure
Task Progress
Tiles Generic
Action Bar (BETA)
Configure Components
Configuration Tutorial
Building Blocks for Component Configuration
Sub-Properties and Container Keys
Select Attributes to Display
Use the Ordinal Configuration Property
Configure Item List to Show Tasks of a Specific Task Type
Customize Components
Component Architecture
Create Custom Components
Examples of Changes to Configuration Properties
Update Custom Components
Versioning and Migration
Common Communication Object Structure
Examples of Input/Output for Customization Services
Enable the selectedItems Input Binding Property for Item List
Create a Custom Task Using Info*Engine Services
Example: Create a Custom Task Using Info*Engine Services
Use Windchill REST Web Services to Access Data for Your Task
Configure the OData Connector
Execute Info*Engine Services with the OData Connector
Add a Custom Task to Your Homepage
Configuring Your ThingWorx Server to Work with the ThingView Widget
Configuring the ThingView Widget
ThingView Widget: Properties
ThingView Widget: Events
ThingView Widget: Services
Working with the ThingView Data Property
Working with the ThingView SelectedParts Property
ThingViewControls User Interface
Upgrade Custom Tasks
Upgrade a Custom Task Using OData Connector
Upgrade a Custom Task Using Windchill Swagger Connector
Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks Using OData Connector
Welcome to the ThingWorx Navigate 9.5.x Help Center
Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks Using OData Connector