Design Files is a predefined configuration of the Item List component that displays a list of design files for both Parts and CAD documents, including described by documents, referenced by documents, attachments, and representations. Design Files has similar search, sort, filter and restore defaults capabilities as Item List. For each file, Design Files displays attributes which you can choose via configuration. The default attributes are Name and Formats, which are custom attributes. Name contains a link to download the file and Formats contains a drop-down menu with all other available formats for download, and is only relevant for representations.
The following is a sample image showing the Design Files predefined configuration:
"array": [{
"property": {},
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"key": "actionBarConfiguration"
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"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.Textbox"
"mandatory": false,
"key": "fieldTitleOverride"
"key": "itemListAttributesDefinition"
}, {
"directDefinition": [],
"key": "implementationAttributesDefinition"
"updateServiceName": "",
"minimumSelectedAttributes": null,
"supportedTypes": {
"data": [{
"itemListsData": [{
"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation"
"adapter": {
"instanceName": "windchill",
"thingName": "PTC.WCAdapter"
"allowSubsetForTailoring": false
"addServiceName": "",
"maximumSelectedAttributes": null
"elementVersion": "1.0.0",
"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.AttributesSelector"
"mandatory": true,
"key": "attributes"
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"property": {},
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"constraints": {},
"properties": {
"options": [{
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"key": "1"
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"label": "2",
"key": "2"
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"label": "3",
"key": "3"
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"label": "4",
"key": "4"
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"label": "5",
"key": "5"
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"label": "6",
"key": "6"
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"label": "7",
"key": "7"
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"label": "8",
"key": "8"
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"label": "9",
"key": "9"
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"label": "-1",
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"addServiceName": null
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"description": "Sort column in ascending order",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ItemList.SortOrder.Asc]]",
"key": "asc"
}, {
"description": "Sort column in descending order",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ItemList.SortOrder.Dsc]]",
"key": "dsc"
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"addServiceName": null
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"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.RadioButton"
"mandatory": false,
"key": "defaultSortDirection"
"key": "itemListDefaultSortFieldDefinition"
"updateServiceName": "",
"minimumSelectedAttributes": null,
"supportedTypes": {
"data": [{
"itemListsData": [
"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation"
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"thingName": "PTC.WCAdapter"
"allowSubsetForTailoring": false
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"maximumSelectedAttributes": null
"elementVersion": "1.0.0",
"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.AttributesSelector"
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"key": "defaultSortFields"
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"property": {},
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"constraints": {},
"properties": {
"default": true,
"true": {
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"label": "[[PTC.Nav.Yes]]"
"false": {
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"label": "[[PTC.Nav.No]]"
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"key": "enableSearch"
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"dynamicallySetTypeServiceName": "GetFilterTypeDefinitionForFilterField",
"type": {
"enum": {
"options": [],
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"dynamicallySetOptionsServiceName": null,
"addServiceName": null,
"multiSelect": null
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"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.FieldFilter"
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"key": "defaultSelectedFilterValues"
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"constraints": {},
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"key": "itemListFilterFieldDefinition"
"updateServiceName": "",
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"supportedTypes": {
"data": [{
"itemListsData": [{
"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation"
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"constraints": {},
"properties": {
"default": "",
"overflow": null,
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"options": [{
"key": "describeBy",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.DescribeBy]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Described By documents.",
}, {
"key": "referencedDocuments",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.ReferencedDocuments]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Referenced By documents.",
}, {
"key": "attachments",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.Attachments]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Attachments.",
}, {
"key": "representation",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.Representation]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Representations.",
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"constraints": {},
"properties": {
"options": [{
"description": "Display design files to related default representation only.",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.DefaultFileOnly]]",
"key": "defaultFileOnly"
}, {
"description": "Display design files for to all related representations.",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewAppsCommon.Tailoring.AllFiles]]",
"key": "allFiles"
"updateServiceName": null,
"addServiceName": null
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"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.RadioButton"
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"key": "filesToDisplay"
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"options": [{
"description": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewAppsCommon.Tailoring.SpecifiedFormatsOnlyHelpText]]",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewAppsCommon.Tailoring.SpecifiedFormatsOnly]]",
"key": "specifiedFormatsOnly",
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"key": "maxNumberOfRowsInGrid"
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"key": "none"
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"description": "Allow single item selection",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ItemList.SelectionType.Single]]",
"key": "single"
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"key": "exportToCsv"
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