Design Files
Design Files is a predefined configuration of the Item List component that displays a list of design files for both Parts and CAD documents, including described by documents, referenced by documents, attachments, and representations. Design Files has similar search, sort, filter and restore defaults capabilities as Item List. For each file, Design Files displays attributes which you can choose via configuration. The default attributes are Name and Formats, which are custom attributes. Name contains a link to download the file and Formats contains a drop-down menu with all other available formats for download, and is only relevant for representations.
The following is a sample image showing the Design Files predefined configuration:
Binding Properties 
For information on binding Design Files, see the Item List component.
For Design Files, the input binding property supports the PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.CADDocument and PTC.ProdMgmt.Part object types.
The output of the selectedItems binding property contains items with the PTC.ContentItem and PTC.VisualizationRepresentation object types.
Configuration Properties 
For information on configuring Design Files, see the Item List component. In addition, the following JSON properties are specific to Design Files.
For more information on the structure of the configuration, see Component Configuration Structure.
For more information on sub-properties, see Sub-Properties and Container Keys.
Property Name
Property Type
Default Value
Required or Optional
Determines what representation file formats are retrieved and displayed in the drop-down menu in the Formats column. This sub-property is only relevant when the representation key is included in the relationships property.
specifiedFormatsOnly– only retrieves the specified file formats; use the specifiedFormatsDefinition property to specify file formats to include. The file formats are displayed in the drop-down menu in the same order that they are listed in the specifiedFormatsDefinition property.
allAvailableFormats– retrieves all available file formats. If there is a PDF format available for the design file, the Name column contains a link to download the PDF, and PDF is the first format listed in the drop-down menu.
If there is only one file format available for a representation, that format is shown under the Name column, and the Formats column is empty.
This sub-property is placed under the representationDefinition property in the component configuration.
When this property includes the downloadZip key, Design Files includes a download all button in the embedded Action Bar. This allows users to download all design files.
downloadZip is the only value supported by Design Files for this property.
The list of specified formats to retrieve for representations. Formats should be separated with a space. The order in which the formats are listed here dictates the order that they appear in the drop-down menu in the Formats column.
This is a sub-property to fileFormatsToDisplay and is only relevant when fileFormatsToDisplay is set to specifiedFormatsOnly.
The list of types of design files to display based on the relationship to the part or CAD document. Can include one or more of the following keys:
describeBy to display described by documents
referencedDocuments to display referenced by documents
attachments to display attachments
representation to display representations
The representation key contains additional information under the representationDefinition key.
See Item List for more information.
Accepts attributes of the PTC.ContentItem and PTC.VisualizationRepresentation object types.
Additionally, accepts the Name and Formats attributes, which have the PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation and PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation object types respectively.
See Item List for more information.
Accepts attributes of the PTC.ContentItem and PTC.VisualizationRepresentation object types.
Additionally, accepts the Name and Formats attributes, which have the PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation and PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation object types respectively.
Sample Configuration 
"value":"PDF DXF PLT CGM"
Customization Services 
In addition to configuration, each component supports extending its business logic to customize the component. The business logic of each component includes overridable services in a Thing Template that you can extend and override. The overridable services for this component are detailed in the following table.
For examples of returns and parameters for each service, see Examples of Input/Output for Customization Services.
Returns the available configurations for Design Files.
Parameters: None
Returns: JSON
Returns the settings data, which includes data for the download all button. This data is used internally by the Design Files implementation.
Parameters: None
Returns: JSON object
Returns the list of design files from the backend system, together with their attributes and values.
input (Required)– JSON in CCO format that includes the input ID for the data to be fetched from the backend system and the adapter information for the backend system.
configuration (Required)– JSON with the configuration.
Returns: JSON in CCO format
Returns the actions listed under the implementationActions key in the GetImplementationSettings service.
Parameters: None
Returns: JSON:Array
Returns the Design Files implementation definition with the available custom configurations. Includes the definition for the relationships, fileFormatsToDisplay, and specifiedFormats configuration properties.
Parameters: None
Returns: JSON:Array
Implementation Definition 
"array": [{
"property": {},
"value": {
"initializationData": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"constraints": {},
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"mandatory": false,
"key": "actionBarConfigurationJSON"
"elementVersion": "1.0.0",
"elementName": "PTC.Nav.DynamicForm.DefinitionGroup"
"mandatory": false,
"key": "actionBarConfiguration"
}, {
"property": {},
"value": {
"initializationData": {
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"key": "itemListAttributesDefinition"
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"directDefinition": [],
"key": "implementationAttributesDefinition"
"updateServiceName": "",
"minimumSelectedAttributes": null,
"supportedTypes": {
"data": [{
"itemListsData": [{
"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation"
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"label": "4",
"key": "4"
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"key": "defaultExpansionLevel"
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"description": "Sort column in ascending order",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ItemList.SortOrder.Asc]]",
"key": "asc"
}, {
"description": "Sort column in descending order",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ItemList.SortOrder.Dsc]]",
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"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
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"properties": {
"dynamicallySetTypeServiceName": "GetFilterTypeDefinitionForFilterField",
"type": {
"enum": {
"options": [],
"updateServiceName": null,
"dynamicallySetOptionsServiceName": null,
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"key": "filterLabelOverride"
"key": "itemListFilterFieldDefinition"
"updateServiceName": "",
"minimumSelectedAttributes": 0,
"supportedTypes": {
"data": [{
"itemListsData": [{
"objectType": "PTC.ContentItem"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation"
}, {
"objectType": "PTC.Nav.DesignFiles.Custom.Implementation"
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"objectType": "PTC.Visualization.Representation.Custom.Implementation"
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"constraints": {},
"properties": {
"default": "",
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"minimumSelectedItems": null,
"options": [{
"key": "describeBy",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.DescribeBy]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Described By documents.",
}, {
"key": "referencedDocuments",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.ReferencedDocuments]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Referenced By documents.",
}, {
"key": "attachments",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.Attachments]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Attachments.",
}, {
"key": "representation",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.Representation]]",
"data": {}
"description": "Option to show the Design files for related Representations.",
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"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewDesignFilesAppTailoringPageContent.DefaultFileOnly]]",
"key": "defaultFileOnly"
}, {
"description": "Display design files for to all related representations.",
"label": "[[PTC.Nav.ViewAppsCommon.Tailoring.AllFiles]]",
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"key": "specifiedFormatsDefinition"
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"key": "none"
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"key": "exportToCsv"
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"key": "waitForInput"
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