Configuring Resource Recommendations With Travel Time
Resource recommendation calculation can include travel times. When this feature is enabled, travel times between Job locations and the current locations of matching Resources are scored and added into the overall Resource recommendation score.
Travel time for Resource recommendations is defined in several Setting records and one Credential Category record. In cases where the predefined settings are not appropriate for your business needs, you can modify the values to adjust the configuration.
To configure Resource recommendations with travel time:
1. In Max Designer, on the Administration () launchpad menu, click Settings, and then in the list view, in each of the following records, make settings as follows and save and close the records.
Setting Record
Default Value
Get Resource Location via PubNub in Resource Recommendation
Default Value check box
Whether to get the current Resource location via PubNub when recommending Resources. If selected, the current geocode for the Resource is retrieved via PubNub and stored in the corresponding Resource record. If not selected, the existing current location data from the Resource record is used.
Resource Location Lifespan (in minutes)
Default Value field
The number of minutes that current Resource location data remains valid for Resource recommendation usage, based on the Current Location Reported On timestamp.
For example, if set to 30 minutes, current Resource locations reported 30 minutes or more before the preferred start time for relevant Jobs are not used in Resource recommendations because the values are handled as expired. For Jobs with preferred start time values that are null or in the past, Resource location data reported within the 30 minutes before the current time is used.
Thread Pool Size for Resource Travel Time
Default Value field
Size of the thread pool used during Resource recommendation calculation to find current locations and travel times.
Resource Location Request Timeout (in seconds)
Default Value field
Maximum number of seconds after which current Resource location data requests sent to ServiceMax Go time out. Values can be between 10 and 50.
Maximum Resource List for Resource Recommendation
Default Value field
Maximum number of Resources (excluding Crews) for which Resource recommendation functionality can be invoked. Values can be between 10 and 300.
Maximum Travel Time for Resource Recommendation (in minutes)
Default Value field
Maximum travel time for Resource recommendations. Resources with travel times that exceed this value are scored as 0.0. Values can be between 0 and 1440. Set a value of 0 to allow travel times of any duration with no maximum limit.
2. On the Developer Tools () launchpad menu, click Object Designer, and then in the left pane, search for and click Credential Category.
3. In the left pane, click Records, and then in the list view, click Resource Travel Time.
4. On the record page, on the Overview tab, in the Relative Importance field, do one of the following:
To enable travel time calculation for Resource recommendations, specify a weighting value greater than 0.
To disable travel time calculation for Resource recommendations, specify a weighting value of 0 or less.
5. In the Hard Constraint field, to include only Resources with travel time scores greater than 0 in Resource recommendation lists, click Yes - Must Include, and then click Save and Close ().
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