Configuring Initial Sync for the Dispatch Priority Field
You can configure Service Board to use the Dispatch Priority field of the Salesforce Work Order object during schedule optimization. The functionality is disabled by default, so to make it available to users, your first steps are to configure initial and real-time sync.
To configure initial sync for the Dispatch Priority field:
1. In Salesforce, create a new custom field set, and then add the Dispatch Priority field of the Work Order object to the field set.
2. In
Max Designer, on the
Developer Tools (
) launchpad menu, click
Initial Sync Actions, and then in the list view, click
Initial Sync Jobs.
3. On the record page, on the Overview tab, in the Query URL field, add SVMXC__Dispatch_Priority__c into the code, for example:
4. In the top left corner, click
Save and Close (
), and then on the
Developer Tools (
) launchpad menu, click
Transform Templates.
5. In the list view, click Job Initial Sync Template, and then on the record page, on the Overview tab, in the Custom Field Mappings field, add the following custom field mapping code and save and close the record.
"svmx_dispatch_priority" : "SVMXC__Dispatch_Priority__c"
For more information: