Source Object Update - Transactions Editor
The admin uses the Source Object Update tab to update the records when a transaction is created.
The Source Object Update is applicable for the following SFM types:
To create target records from source records and add child records: This SFM type allows the user to create records from an existing record, and add child lines. For example, the ability to create work orders and work detail lines from an installed product.
To convert existing child records to new child records and add child records: This SFM type allows the user to convert existing child records to new records and add new child lines. For example, the ability to create usage or consumption lines from existing estimate lines on a Work Order and add usage or consumption lines.
To configure the source object update
1. Go to Home > ServiceMax Setup > Service Flow Manager > Transaction Designer. The Transaction List view is displayed.
2. Open an SFM transaction and navigate to the Source Object Update tab. The Source Object Update tab is displayed.
3. Configure the fields as described in the following table.
Column Name
Source Field
The source fields display all the updatable source fields.
Operation type
The Operation type column is directly dependent on the data type of the source fields you select in the first column.
The values for different data types are as follows:
Reference Type: Copy Value From
Date Type: Function and Copy Value From
DateTime Type: Function and Copy Value From
Number Type: Decrement, Increment, Set Value, Copy Value From
Rest of the Data types:
Set Values and Copy Value From
The value of the source field depends on the Operation type. For example. if the Operation Type is Copy Value From, the Value displays the appropriate target object field.
NULL Literal
You can configure the NULL literal to clear the existing field value on saving the SFM. There are multiple scenarios where the admin needs to clear the value in a field when executing an SFM. The Source Object Update allows the admin to clear the existing field value with the new NULL literal.
For example, the error message field is cleared on the successful execution of an SFM.
For example, on case record, if the field has info to create work order, use this literal on SFM to clear this field value on case record. This is done on successful work order generation.
The NULL literal is supported for fields with the following data types:
Date time
The NULL literal is listed under Value when Operation Type is set as Function.
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