Get Price in 23.2
Get Price refers to the total billable price calculation for a Work Order, based on all the applicable work details of type Parts, Labor, Expenses, and Travel. The Get Price button on the SFM is associated with the standard code snippet "Code 01 - Standard Get Price". You can invoke this functionality by clicking the Get Price option at the top of an SFM transaction.
You must assign a minimum of read permission to the Custom coverage object for the initial sync to go through successfully, even if the Get Price setting is enabled or disabled.
Key Points to Remember
For the price calculation to work, the Work Order must have been synced at least once to the server.
For the discount to be applied during price calculation, the discount field must be part of the SFM page layout.
For Warranty or Service Contract information to be downloaded to the device, at least one Warranty Term and Service Contract view process must be assigned to your group profile.
Get Price works only for installed products locally available on the device.
For line-level warranty-based price calculation to work, the field Is Entitlement Check Performed should be set to True for Work Orders that do not have any Service Contract or Warranty Coverage but have Product Serviced Lines with Installed Products having valid Warranty Coverage.
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