Custom Action for a URL
If you select URL, the following SFM Custom Action screen is displayed.
Use the following steps to create a custom action for a URL.
1. Enter a user-friendly Title for the Action. This will be used as the default title when this action is placed in a wizard.
2. Enter a unique ID and description for the SFM custom action. The description entered here will be used as the default when this action is used in a wizard.
3. Indicate if the URL should be launched in the same window or in a new window.
4. Enter the URL to be launched.
This can be the URL of the website to be opened, the path of the VF page to be launched, or the path of the 3rd party app* to be launched.
For launching websites: Set the URL To Launch field to the URL of the website to be opened. It should be prefixed with http or https. For example,
For launching custom VF pages: Set the URL To Launch field to the path of the VF pages to be opened. The path would be of the format /apex/c__ . For example, /apex/c__my_custom_VF_page.
For launching third-party apps: Set the URL To Launch field to the path of the third-party app that is to be opened. The syntax is :\ \. For example, to launch the Notepad application, we can set URL To Launch field to C:\Windows\notepad.exe. *
Ability to launch 3rd party apps and the associated literals are supported only in Field Service App running on Windows and Android (and Installed Base App integration on it). There is no restriction on the type of applications that can be launched.
5. If the URL should be launched in a new window, select the checkbox Open As Full Window. Leaving this checkbox unchecked will open the URL as a pop-up window. You must then specify the height and width of the pop-up window.
If you configure the URL other than the recommended scheme http, https, or mailto:, the URL always opens in a new browser tab when launched from the lightning wizard.
6. If you select the checkbox Show Scrollbars, the new window will display horizontal and vertical scrollbars when launched.
7. In the Parameters section at the bottom, create one or more URL parameters. The parameter name cannot contain spaces. A parameter value can either be a constant, data from any field in the record, or a ServiceMax literal*.
To configure a static parameter value, select Value in the Parameter Value Type picklist and enter any static text in the Parameter Value field.
To configure a dynamic parameter value, select Field Source in the Parameter Value Type picklist, select a related object in the Parameter Source picklist which has a lookup to the already selected object, and then select a field name of that related object in the Parameter Value picklist. For example, you can configure Parameter Value Type = Field Source, Parameter Source = Work Order - Account, and Parameter Value = Account Name.
When Value is selected in the Parameter Value Type picklist, then the Parameter Source field is disabled.
To configure a ServiceMax literal as a parameter value, select Value in the Parameter Value Type picklist and enter the literal in the Parameter Value field. Supported literals are: SVMX.DataAccessAPI SVMX.UserName SVMX.ProductIQWorkOrderID
At any time during the SFM custom action creation process, you can click the Quick Save button to save the SFM custom action even if it is incomplete, and continue to edit/create the action.
8. To save the SFM custom action and return to the ServiceMax Setup Home page, click the Save & Close button at the top.
9. To cancel any changes made to the action and return to ServiceMax Setup Home, click the Cancel button at the top. Any changes saved while building the SFM custom action will not be rolled back.
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