A setting is a configurable parameter in a submodule that can influence behavior of the submodule (associated feature) in runtime. Implementing a submodule with as many configurable settings as practically possible is very useful since it eliminates effort in coding and requires much less maintenance. When user requirements change in the future, the admin simply has to change the setting values, and not the code itself. In addition, using configurable settings allows greater flexibility in rolling out varied flavors of ServiceMax processes for different sets of users.
There might be a certain service division that implements a business process such that product warranties are automatically created every time an installed product record is created or updated. However, another service division might not want this functionality and want to do it manually when required. Since such business processes can differ across service groups within an organization, providing a configuration setting for this makes it easier for the admin to implement the required business processes without any code customizations.
The submodule Create warranty for IB (Manual/Automatic) under module Installed Product has two settings called Create Warranty on New Installed Product and Create Warranty on Update Installed Product, which provide the above said functionality. Depending upon business requirement, these parameters can be switched on or off by the admin for the different service groups.
There are two types of settings:
A Global setting makes a ServiceMax feature behave in a certain way, for ALL ServiceMax users.
A Group setting makes a ServiceMax feature behave in a certain way, for specific groups of users, where the group of users is identified by a ServiceMax Configuration Profile.
Standard settings defined by ServiceMax cover all the configurable aspects of each out-of-the-box feature. Hence, you will typically use Settings configuration screen to see the type of each setting (Global/Group) under the selected module and submodule. If you want to change the value of any setting as per your business needs, you will use the Configuration Profiles configuration screen.
If you extend ServiceMax to configure ServiceMax Configuration Settings with associated custom code under custom submodules, you will manage the settings using the Settings configuration screen, to create, edit, or delete any custom setting. Standard settings cannot be edited or deleted.
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