Overscheduling of a work order occurs when an event is created or edited in such a way that the Scheduled Duration of a work order becomes greater than the Revised Duration/Estimate of the work order.
For example, consider the following scenario where an event has:
Scheduled Duration: 50 hours
Unscheduled Duration: 0 hours
Estimated Duration: 50 hours
Revised Duration : 50 hours
Consider there is a scope change in the project for 20 hours after the initial scheduling and the dispatcher is creating a new event for the same work order to fill the space for 20 hours as below:
Service Duration: 20 hours
When you increase the Service Duration of a fully scheduled work order (where unscheduled duration is zero) by 20 hours, it results in event overscheduling and following error message "Work order overscheduled. To fix this, increase the Scope Change / Variance or decrease the Service Duration by overscheduled duration. (20:00) hours" is shown.
Increase the value of Scope Change / Variance by 20 hours and click Schedule button. The events for additional hours will be created successfully, if it is able to find the slot based on the scheduling options defined in the Options tab and Minimum Scheduled Duration.
On successful schedule, the following Work Order fields are updated:
Scope Change: 20 hours
Revised Duration: Estimated Duration (Initial Estimate) + Scope Change + Variance = 50 + 20 + 0 = 70 hours
Scheduled Duration: Sum of service duration from all the events related to the Work Order = 70 hours
Unscheduled Duration: Revised Duration - Estimated Duration = 70 - 70 = 0 hours
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