Create Multiple Target Child Records from Single Source Header record
This can be achieved using the Standalone Edit type SFM transaction and value map that uses SVMX.CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal.
For example, consider the requirement for creating multiple Installed Products from a single Location. For this, define a Standalone Edit type SFM transaction with Location as the header and Installed Product as the child, use SVMX.CURRENTRECORDHEADER literal in the value map used to create new Installed Product records. For example, to map Location City to Installed Product city, the value map entry would be SVMX.CURRENTRECORDHEADER.SVMXC__City__c as shown in the following screenshot.
All the mapped fields should be in the page layout. Using this, you can add multiple Installed Product records in the same SFM screen, all mapped from the same Location record fields.
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