Information and Assignment Tab
In the Information and Assignment tab of the Timesheet Configuration Template, you can define timesheet assignment in any one of the following ways:
Associate an SVMX configuration profiles with corresponding Salesforce profiles assigned to the SVMX profile.
Define an SFM criteria expression for dynamic assignment based on user record fields.
If all the associated Salesforce profiles are removed from the Group Profile, then the Information and Assignment tab displays the Group Profile without any Salesforce profiles.
Prerequisites: You must set the Timesheet Configuration Template to Active using the following ways:
Using the Activate option on the Timesheet Configuration list view.
Updating the Status of the Timesheet Configuration Template by using the Status toggle button on the Template Details to Active on the Information and Assignment tab.
To configure the Information and Assignment tab on a new Timesheet Configuration Template:
1. Go to ServiceMax Setup > Service Organization > Timesheet screen. The Timesheet Configuration list view is displayed.
2. Click +New Template. The Template Details page is displayed with the default Information and Assignment tab.
3. Enter the details as described in the following table.
* Fields marked with asterisk are mandatory fields.
*Timesheet Name
Enter the name of the Timesheet Configuration to identify its purpose. The maximum length is 255 characters.
Enter detailed information about the purpose of the Timesheet Configuration.
Enable/Disable the Status toggle button to make it active/inactive. The default value for a Timesheet Configuration Template is Inactive.
4. Assign the timesheet configuration template to users by utilizing either Profile-Based or Criteria-Based timesheet configuration by clicking the Profile-Based or Criteria-Based modes. For more information, see Profile-Based Timesheet Configuration and Criteria-Based Timesheet Configuration.
5. Click Save.
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