FAQ for Asset
Frequently asked questions about Asset Timeline:
1. Can I add multiple objects configured while creating Asset Timeline?
Yes. You can add multiple objects, one at a time. However, it is recommended to choose the objects for the timeline rationally. For example, an Asset Manager wants to see the work orders raised for the asset, asset downtimes, or planned downtimes. So, choose those objects when you create the timeline configuration for the user profile associated with the Asset Manager role. For more information, see
Creating Timeline Configurations.
2. Can a new expression be added as Timeline show criteria?
3. What will happen after the End Date for the Asset Timeline?
The end user has the option to select the dates from the custom date picker. If there are no entries, the "No data found" message is displayed.
4. Can I add an object in both the Timespan Events and the Events sections?
Yes. When you add an object with only a Start Date, it is considered for the Events section. When you add the same object with both Start Date and End Date, it is displayed in the Timespan Events section. For more information, see
Selecting Objects for the Timeline Configuration.
Frequently asked questions about Asset Hierarchy:
1. Can I enable default record access and Enable the SPM process?
Yes. Create a new hierarchy configuration with the default flag set to true and select the Enable SPM process option in action for each object. If there is no configuration created for their profile for the logged-in user, the default option is applied.
2. Can I have a hierarchy defined for location, asset, and account assigned for separate profiles?
Yes. Create one hierarchy configuration per profile. Users will view the respective information based on the profile assignment.
3. Will the sibling records be displayed when the Select field to plot hierarchy field is selected?
No. Only the root node and its child nodes are displayed.
4. Can there be multiple expressions configured as asset notification criteria?
No, you can have only one expression as the notification criteria at any time. However, you can have combinations of conditions in a single expression. For more information, see
Creating Hierarchy Configurations.
5. Is it possible to change the asset notification criteria at any point?
6. What will happen to the existing asset notifications if the notification criteria are changed?
Already existing open notifications persist. However, new open notifications are added only if the notifications match the updated notification criteria.
7. Do I have the option to view and manage the child assets of Account and Location records in one place?